The Elephant in the Room

Art by Shoshke © 

Published August 4, 2023

We are no longer accepting signatures for this petition. Please see our new petition,
Genocide is Plausible: No More Arms to Israel.

The Elephant in the Room

We, academics, clergy, and other public figures from Israel/Palestine and abroad, call attention to the direct link between Israel’s recent attack on the judiciary and its illegal occupation of millions of Palestinians in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Palestinian people lack almost all basic rights, including the right to vote and protest. They face constant violence: this year alone, Israeli forces have killed over 190 Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza and demolished over 590 structures. Settler vigilantes burn, loot, and kill with impunity.

Without equal rights for all, whether in one state, two states, or in some other political framework, there is always a danger of dictatorship. There cannot be democracy for Jews in Israel as long as Palestinians live under a regime of apartheid, as Israeli legal experts have described it. Indeed, the ultimate purpose of the judicial overhaul is to tighten restrictions on Gaza, deprive Palestinians of equal rights both beyond the Green Line and within it, annex more land, and ethnically cleanse all territories under Israeli rule of their Palestinian population. The problems did not start with the current radical government: Jewish supremacism has been growing for years and was enshrined in law by the 2018 Nation State Law.

American Jews have long been at the forefront of social justice causes, from racial equality to abortion rights, but have paid insufficient attention to the elephant in the room: Israel’s long-standing occupation that, we repeat, has yielded a regime of apartheid. As Israel has grown more right-wing and come under the spell of the current government’s messianic, homophobic, and misogynistic agenda, young American Jews have grown more and more alienated from it. Meanwhile, American Jewish billionaire funders help support the Israeli far right. 

In this moment of urgency and also possibility for change, we call on leaders of North American Jewry - foundation leaders, scholars, rabbis, educators - to

  1. Support the Israeli protest movement, yet call on it to embrace equality for Jews and Palestinians within the Green Line and in the OPT. 

  2. Support human rights organizations which defend Palestinians and provide real-time information on the lived reality of occupation and apartheid.

  3. Commit to overhaul educational norms and curricula for Jewish children and youth in order to provide a more honest appraisal of Israel’s past and present.

  4. Demand from elected leaders in the United States that they help end the occupation, restrict American military aid from being used in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, and end Israeli impunity in the UN and other international organizations.

No more silence. The time to act is now.

List of signatories


  1. Mishkan Shalom, Philadelphia

Academics, clergy, public figures

  1. Shira Klein, Associate Professor of History, Chapman University

  2. Omer Bartov, Professor of Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Brown University

  3. Meir Amor, Associate Professor Concordia University (ret.) 

  4. Lior Sternfeld, Associate Professor of History and Jewish Studies, Penn State University

  5. David N. Myers, Professor of Jewish History, UCLA 

  6. Yair Mintzker, Professor of History, Princeton University

  7. Tamir Sorek, Professor, Penn State University

  8. Nitzan Lebovic, Professor of History, Apter Chair of Holocaust Studies, Lehigh University

  9. Samuel Moyn, Professor, Yale University

  10. Amos Goldberg, Research Institute of Contemporary Jewry, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem 

  11. Zach Adam, Professor Emeritus, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  12. Sarah Stroumsa, Professor Emerita, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem 

  13. Daniel Blatman, Professor Emeritus, Department of Jewish History, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem 

  14. Ella Segev, Associate Professor, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  15. Ben Kiernan, Professor of History, Yale University (ret.) 

  16. Efraim Davidi, lecturer, Tel Aviv University 

  17. Yael Hashiloni Dolev, Professor, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev 

  18. Anat Matar, Senior Lecturer in Philosophy, Tel Aviv University 

  19. Dr. Noga Wolff, Independent Scholar 

  20. Omri Boehm, Associate Professor of Philosophy, The New School for Social Research 

  21. Oren Yiftachel, Professor of Geography, Ben- Gurion University of the Negev

  22. Naama Meishar, Technion - Israeli Institute of Technology

  23. Yael Sela, Research Associate, Moses Mendelssohn Center, Potsdam University 

  24. Yiftah Elazar, Senior Lecturer in Political Science, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 

  25. Dudy Tzfati, Associate Professor of Genetics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 

  26. Ofer Ashkenazi, Associate Professor of History, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 

  27. Sara Helman, Associate Professor, Ben Gurion University of the Negev (ret.)

  28. Outi Bat-El Foux, Professor Emerita, Tel Aviv University 

  29. Benny Morris, Professor Emeritus, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev 

  30. Meron Mendel, Professor, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences 

  31. Yitzhak Hen, Professor, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  32. Ronen Segev, Professor, Ben Gurion University of the Negev 

  33. Uri Mor, Associate Professor, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

  34. Michael Steinberg, Professor of History, Brown University 

  35. Avraham Sela, Professor Emeritus, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 

  36. Atalia Omer, Professor of Religion, Conflict, and Peace Studies, University of Notre Dame 

  37. Jung Cyrulnik Daphna, Social Worker

  38. Alon Confino, Professor of History and Jewish Studies, UMass Amherst 

  39. Isaac Nevo, Associate Professor, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

  40. Raya Morag, Professor, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 

  41. Katharina Galor, Hirschfeld Senior Lecturer in Judaic Studies, Brown University

  42. Guy Stroumsa, Professor Emeritus, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem & University of Oxford 

  43. Dr. Tammy Razi 

  44. Yosi Avron, Professor Emeritus, Technion - Israeli Institute of Technology

  45. Rachel Burnett, Fellow at the Y&S Nazarian Center for Israel Studies

  46. Liora Halperin, Professor, University of Washington 

  47. Steven J. Zipperstein, Daniel E. Koshland Professor in Jewish Culture and History, Stanford University 

  48. Hanno Loewy, Jewish Museum Hohenems 

  49. Avrum Burg, Associate Professor, former speaker of the knesset, former chairman of the Jewish Agency 

  50. Abigail Jacobson, Associate Professor, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 

  51. Susan Neiman, Director, Einstein Forum 

  52. David Enoch, Professor of Law and Philosophy, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 

  53. Assaf Hasson, Associate Professor, Ben Gurion University of the Negev

  54. David De Vries, Professor Emeritus, Department of Labor Studies, Tel Aviv University 

  55. Galit Hasan-Rokem, Professor Emerita, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and Palestine-Israel Journal Editorial Board Member  

  56. Ron Naiweld, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique - CNRS

  57.  Edouard Jurkevitch, Professor, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  58. Sidra DeKoven Ezrahi, Professor Emerita, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  59. David Abraham, Professor of Law, University of Miami 

  60. David Guggenheim, Associate Professor, Johns Hopkins University

  61. Ian Balfour, Professor Emeritus, York University 

  62. David Feldman, Director, Birkbeck Institute for the Study of Antisemitism, University of London

  63. Michael Rothberg, Professor of English, Comparative Literature, and Holocaust Studies, UCLA

  64. Fareed Mahameed, Assistant Director, Center for Transboundary Water Management, The Arava Institute for Environmental Studies

  65. Paul Mendes-Flohr, Professor, The University of Chicago

  66. Iris Hefets, Psychoanalyst, Berlin

  67. Meir Aridor, Associate Professor of Cell Biology, University of Pittsburgh 

  68. Elazar Barkan, Professor, Columbia University 

  69. Atina Grossmann, Professor of History, Cooper Union, New York 

  70. Dmitry Shumsky, Associate Professor of History, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 

  71. Li Wai-yee, Professor of Chinese Literature, Harvard University 

  72. Nina Robins, Masters Student of Global Public Health, New York University 

  73. Hannan Hever, Professor of Jewish Studies and Comparative Literature, Yale University 

  74. Haim Bresheeth, Professorial Research Associate, SOAS 

  75. Dr. Adi Avivi

  76. Avner Ben-Amos, Professor Emeritus, Tel-Aviv University 

  77. Oded Heilbronner, Professor of History and Cultural Studies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  78. Ivy Sichel, Professor of Linguistics, UC Santa Cruz 

  79. Dr. Hilla Dayan, Lecturer, co-founder gate48 and Academia for Equality, Amsterdam University College

  80. Khalefah Alghanim, Graduate Student Researcher, UCLA 

  81. Nomi Erteschik-Shir, Professor Emerita, Ben Gurion University of the Negev

  82. Ayelet Ben-Yishai, Associate Professor of English, Universty of Haifa 

  83. Margaret Olin, Senior Lecturer Emeritus, Yale University 

  84. Jacob Katriel, Professor Emeritus of Chemistry, Technion - Israeli Institute of Technology

  85. Yuval Tal, Assistant Professor, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  86. Stefan Rokem, Professor Emeritus, The Hebrew University - Hadassah Medical School

  87. Heather Stone, Adv. 

  88. Uri Horesh, Senior Lecturer in Arabic Linguistics, Achva Academic College

  89. Ariel Chipman, Professor of Evolutionary Biology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  90. Lev Grinberg, Professor Emeritus, Ben Gurion University of the Negev

  91. Arie M. Dubnov, Max Ticktin Professor of Israel Studies and History, George Washington University

  92. Aaron Hahn Tapper, Mae and Benjamin Swig Professor of Jewish Studies, University of San Francisco

  93. Yael Poznanski, Senior Lecturer, Achva Academic College

  94. Oded Bein, Postdoctoral Researcher, Princeton University

  95. Tamar Katriel, Professor Emerita, University of Haifa

  96. Tal Bruttmann, Researcher, Paris Cergy Université 

  97. Marcello Flores, Professor, University of Siena (ret.)

  98. Nurit Peled Elhanan, Lecturer, David Yellin Academic College of Education

  99. Rela Mazali, Writer, Independent Scholar, Activist

  100. Daniel Lieberman, Professor, Harvard University 

  101. Froma Zeitlin, Professor Emeritus of Classics and Comparative Literature, Princeton University 

  102. Adi M. Ophir, Professor Emeritus, Tel Aviv University 

  103. Hasia Diner, Professor Emeritus of American Jewish History, New York University

  104. David Zonsheine, Former chairperson of B'Tselem and Courage to Refuse 

  105. Yuri Pines, Professor, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  106. Avigail Arnheim, Musical Director

  107. Dr. Theodor Bughici

  108. Robert A. Slayton, Professor Emeritus, Chapman University

  109. Diana Kormos Buchwald, Professor of History, Caltech

  110. Ronald Zweig, Taub Professor of Israel Studies (Emeritus), New York University

  111. Itzik Goldberger, Adjunct Professor, Saint Mary’s College

  112. David M. Mittelman, Assistant Professor of Portuguese, United States Air Force Academy (personal speech, not a statement on behalf of the U.S. Government or any agency) 

  113. Yael Niv, Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience, Princeton University

  114. Ze’ev Rosenkranz, Senior Editor, California Institute of Technology

  115. Eyal Landman, Architect and Masters Student, Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design 

  116. Hannah Safran, Haifa Feminist Research Center

  117. Bennett Simon, Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Emeritus, Harvard University

  118. Marion Kaplan, Professor Emerita of Modern Jewish History, New York University 

  119. Dr. Ira Avneri, Tel Aviv University and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  120. Renee Poznanski, Professor Emerita, Ben Gurion University of the Negev 

  121. Mark Roseman, Distinguished Professor, Indiana University Bloomington

  122. Lawrence Baron, Emeritus Professor, San Diego State University

  123. Joseph Zernik, Human Rights Alert NGO

  124. Ran Zwigenberg, Associate Professor of Asian Studies, History, and Jewish Studies, Penn State University

  125. Phyllis Albert, Local Affiliate, Center for European Studies. Harvard University

  126. Allon M Klein, Associate Professor, Harvard Medical School 

  127. Einor Cervone, Associate Curator, Denver Art Museum

  128. Anjuska Weil, former member of parliament, Canton of Zurich

  129. Ranen Omer-Sherman, Endowed Chair of Jewish Studies, University of Louisville 

  130. Yair Wallach, Reader in Israeli Studies, SOAS, University of London 

  131. Ron Barkai, Professor, Tel Aviv University

  132. Rogers Brubaker, Professor of Sociology, UCLA 

  133. Liron Mor, Associate Professor, UC Irvine 

  134. Mordechai Feingold, Van Nuys Page Professor of History of Science and the Humanities, Caltech

  135. Roberta Apfel, Associate Professor, Harvard Medical School 

  136. Judith Zeitlin, William R. Kenan, Jr Professor, University of Chicago

  137. Carolyn Dean, Professor, Yale University

  138. Kenneth B. Moss, Professor, University of Chicago 

  139. Helaine Blumenthal, Ph.D. 

  140. Ziva Galili, Emerita Distinguished Professor, Rutgers University 

  141. Nili Gesser, Postdoctoral Fellow, Drexel University 

  142. Ian Barnard, Professor of Rhetoric and Composition, Chapman University 

  143. Shaul Magid, Professor of Jewish Studies, Dartmouth College 

  144. Aneil Rallin, former Associate Professor of Rhetoric and Composition

  145. Hagit Borer, Professor, Queen Mary University of London 

  146. Tamar Barkay, Lecturer, Tel Hai College 

  147. Avner Cohen, Professor, Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey 

  148. Renate Bridenthal, Emerita Professor, The City University of New York 

  149. Nadav Amir, postdoctoral fellow, Princeton University 

  150. Eyal Sivan, Filmmaker, Independent scholar, essayist 

  151. Omer Tamuz, Professor of Economics and Mathematics, Caltech 

  152. Ruvik Horesh, Professor (retired) 

  153. Dr. Liat Tsuman, Psychoanalytic Candidate, New York University 

  154. Zamir Shatz, artist

  155. Reshef Agam-Segal, Associate Professor, Virginia Military Institute

  156. Wu Hung, Professor, University of Chicago 

  157. Ori Yehudai, Associate Professor of History, The Ohio State University 

  158. Snait Gissis, Researcher & Teacher, Tel Aviv University 

  159. Teddy Fassberg, Tel Aviv University 

  160. Dr Moshe Behar, Herzlia/Manchester 

  161. Lisa Leitz, Delp-Wilkinson Professor of Peace Studies, Chapman University 

  162. Sahar Bostock, PhD candidate, Columbia University 

  163. Nomi Stolzenberg, Professor of Law, University of Southern California 

  164. Janice Hamer, composer, Visiting Associate Professor, Swarthmore College (retired)

  165. Derek Penslar, William Lee Frost Professor of Jewish History, Harvard University 

  166. Sherry Gorelick, Professor Emerita, Rutgers University 

  167. Ariela Gross, Distinguished Professor, UCLA School of Law 

  168. Mira Sucharov, Professor of Political Science, Carleton University 

  169. Katya Frischer, MD

  170. Irena Klepfisz, Barnard College, (retired) 

  171. J.S.Varsano, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine 

  172. Ruti Margalit, Visiting Professor, Hadassah Medical School, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  173. Amanda Bloom, Physician Associate (retired)

  174. Allon Pratt, Teacher, Jewish Theological Seminary (retired)

  175. Shai Haran, Professor, Technion - Israeli Institute of Technology 

  176. Orly Benjamin, Professor, Bar Ilan University 

  177. Aviva Halamish, Professor, The Open University of Israel 

  178. Yofi Tirosh, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University 

  179. Rachel Zelnick-Abramovitz, Professor, Tel Aviv University (retired)

  180. Avi Rubin, Associate Professor, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev 

  181. Daniel DeMalach, Lecturer, Sapir Academic College 

  182. Gila Svirsky, Former CEO, New Israel Fund in Israel 

  183. Rivka Nir Grinshtein, Lecturer, The Open University of Israel 

  184. Haggai Ram, Professor of History, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev 

  185. Elchanan Reiner, Professor Emeritus, Tel Aviv University 

  186. Harvey Goldberg, Professor Emeritus, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  187. Rotem Tellem MD, Tel Aviv Medical Center, Tel Aviv University

  188. Frances Tanzer, Rose Professor of Holocaust Studies and Jewish Culture, Clark University 

  189. Rotem Geva, Lecturer, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  190. Avihay Dorfman, Professor of Law, Tel Aviv University 

  191. Gilad Sharvit, Assistant Professor, Towson University 

  192. Rachman Chaim, Associate Professor, Technion - Israeli Institute of Technology (retired)

  193. Celia Wasserstein Fassberg, Professor Emerita, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  194. Amal Jamal, Associate Professor of Political Science, Tel Aviv University 

  195. Shiri Regev-Messalem, Associate Professor, Bar Ilan University 

  196. Chana Kronfeld, Professor of the Graduate School and Prof. Emerita, University of California, Berkeley 

  197. Anat Ascher, Lecturer and Course Coordinator in Philosophy, The Open University of Israel

  198. Roee Kibrik, Researcher, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  199. Anat Keidar, Social Worker

  200. Natalie Davidson, Senior Lecturer, Buchman Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University 

  201. Dr. Chemi Shiff, Head of Research, Emek Shaveh 

  202. Efrat Eizenberg, Associate Professor, Technion - Israeli Institute of Technology

  203. Maxim Reider, Journalist/Photographer 

  204. Goren Hilit, Psychologist

  205. Orr Comay, PhD, Tel Aviv University 

  206. Claude Stern, Lawyer, former Stanford DCI 2020 cohort member

  207. Dr. Suzy Ben Dori

  208. Gina Ben David, Performance Artist

  209. Dr. Chen Misgav, The Open University of Israel

  210. Yoav Di-Capua, Professor of History, The University of Texas at Austin 

  211. Mr. Gilad Melzer, Artist, Beit Berl College 

  212. Maayan Padan, PhD Student, Bar Ilan University, Adjunct Lecturer, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev 

  213. Jennifer Robertson, Professor Emerita, University of Michigan  

  214. Yehouda Shenhav-Shahrabani, Professor Emeritus, Tel Aviv University 

  215. Alma Itzhaky, research fellow, Leibniz Center for Literary and Cultural Research, ZfL Berlin 

  216. Itamar Haritan, PhD Student, Cornell University

  217. Amnon Raz-Krakotzkin, Professor, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

  218. Sagit Mor, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Haifa 

  219. Rachel Kallus, Professor Emerita, Technion - Israeli Institute of Technology

  220. Ophira Gamliel, Lecturer in South Asian Religions, University of Glasgow

  221. Alon Marcus, Teaching faculty member, The Open University of Israel 

  222. Ido Roll, Associate Professor and Deputy Senior Vice President, Technion - Israeli Institute of Technology

  223. Erica Weitzman, Associate Professor, Northwestern University

  224. Simon Levis-Sullam, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

  225. Raz Chen Morris, Associate Professor, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  226. Chen Bram, Research Fellow, Truman Institute, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  227. Matityaho Shemoeloff, Author and poet

  228. Gideon Freudenthal, Professor Emeritus, Tel Aviv University

  229. Uri Ram, Professor Emeritus, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev 

  230. Roii Ball, Historian, University of Münster 

  231. Edith Lutz, PhD in Jewish Studies

  232. David Winizki, MD, Zürich 

  233. Marcelo Svirsky, University of Wollongong, Australia 

  234. Chamutal Eitam, Humanitarian advisor MSF - Médecins Sans Frontières

  235. Michal Kaiser-Livne, Psychoanalyst, Berlin

  236. Na'ama Rokem, Associate Professor, University of Chicago

  237. Jenna M Gibbs, Associate Professor of History, Florida International University 

  238. Ruth Luschnat, case worker, Berlin

  239. Rafi Greenberg, Professor, Archaeology, Tel Aviv University 

  240. Jeff Peck, Professor and Dean, City University of New York (retired) 

  241. Eran Fisher, Associate Professor, The Open University of Israel 

  242. Ruth Fruchtman, Writer and Journalist, Berlin 

  243. Leah Gruenpeter Gold, PhD candidate, Tel-Aviv University 

  244. Jonathan Zeitlin, Distinguished Faculty Professor of Public Policy and Governance Emeritus, University of Amsterdam 

  245. Dr. David Senesh, senior clinical psychologist

  246. Betty Amstutz Gerson, teacher and writer (retired)

  247. Hadas Shintel, Lecturer in Psychology, College of Law and Business, Ramat Gan

  248. Yossi Dahan, Associate Professor, College of Law and Business, Ramat Gan 

  249. Miriam Victory Spiegel, Family Therapist, Zürich

  250. Yoav Beirach, Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology

  251. Jeffrey B Cooper, Professor Emeritus, Harvard Medical School

  252. Hadassah Danit O'Reilly, Independent Scholar of Holocaust and Genocide

  253. Naomi Tauber, Clinical psychologist

  254. Patrick Barnard, Journalist

  255. Chiara Adorisio, Associate Professor of Philosophical Anthropology, La Sapienza University

  256. Shaul Mitelpunkt, Department of History, University of York

  257. Nadav Assor, Associate Professor of Art, Connecticut College

  258. Dorit Peleg, writer

  259. Hagar Dror Maliniek, Clinical Psychologist

  260. Naomi Weiner, Professor, David Yellin Academic College

  261. Amir Locker-Biletzki, Independent Scholar

  262. Paul Osman, Associate Professor, Harvard University 

  263. Kobi Peterzil, Professor, University of Haifa

  264. Geri Müller, President, Association Swiss Palestine, Baden, Switzerland

  265. Lily Koliner, PhD student, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  266. Sharon Peled, Candidate, The Institute For Psychoanalytic Training And Research, NY

  267. Dr. Lia Eshet, Family physician

  268. Jill Hamberg, Retired Assistant Professor, State University of New York, Empire State University

  269. Ian Lustick, Bess W. Heyman Professor Emeritus, University of Pennsylvania

  270. Tahel Gover, Academic Librarian, University of Haifa

  271. Hadar Ahuvia, Choreographer, Rabbinical Student, Hebrew College

  272. Robert Cohen, Writer

  273. Nira Yuval-Davis, Professor Emeritus, University of East London

  274. Neta Stahl, Associate Professor, Johns Hopkins University

  275. Sasha Senderovich, Associate Professor of Slavic and Jewish Studies, University of Washington Seattle

  276. Helena Desivilya Syna, Professor Emerita, Yezreel Valley College

  277. Aram Ziai, Professor in Political Science, University of Kassel

  278. Dan W Wasserman, Graduate student, Bar-Ilan University

  279. Yanay Israeli, Assistant Professor, University of Michigan

  280. Michael Stanislawski, Nathan J. Miller Professor of History, Columbia University

  281. Clement Segal, Middle-Eastern Studies, Science Po Grenoble

  282. Barry Cohen, Associate Dean, Ying Wu College of Computing, New Jersey Institute of Technology (retired)

  283. Tova Benjamin, PhD Candidate, New York University

  284. Vanessa Tor, Theater Director

  285. Mikhal Dekel, Distinguished Professor, City College of New York

  286. John P Pittman, Associate Professor, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York

  287. Joshua Schreier, Professor of History, Vassar College

  288. Susan Shapiro, Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts Amherst

  289. Alana M. Vincent, Associate Professor, History of Religion, Umeå University

  290. Joshua Shanes, Professor, College of Charleston

  291. Michael G Levine, Professor, Rutgers University

  292. Allison Mickel, Associate Professor of Anthropology, Lehigh University

  293. Jonathan Buchsbaum, Professor Emeritus, Media Studies, Queens College, City University of New York

  294. Dan Simon, Professor of Law and Psychology, University of Southern California

  295. Avner Baz, Professor, Tufts University

  296. Mordehai Amihai Bivas, Ambassador (retired)

  297. David Haig, Professor, Harvard University

  298. Rachel Kapeliuk Azgad, Psychoanalyst

  299. Avivit Ballas Baranes, Artist and Lecturer

  300. Clifford Kulwin, Rabbi Emeritus, Temple B’nai Abraham, Livingston, NJ

  301. Dor Yaccobi, PhD Candidate, Tel Aviv University

  302. Nathaniel Berman, Professor, Religious Studies, Brown University

  303. Sam Fleischacker, LAS Distinguished Professor, University of Illinois at Chicago

  304. Avner Wishnitzer, Professor of Middle Eastern History, Tel Aviv University

  305. Vardit Rispler-Chaim, Associate Professor, University of Haifa (retired)

  306. Anita Bardin, Director, Shiluv Family Therapy Institute (retired)

  307. Philip Prinz, Professor Emeritus, San Francisco State University

  308. Dr. Einat Davidi, Senior Lecturer, University of Haifa

  309. Rivka Ribak, Associate Professor, Department of Communication, University of Haifa

  310. Dr. Lian Malki-Schubert

  311. Joy Ladin, Writer and teacher

  312. Margaret Schabas, Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, Professor, University of British Columbia

  313. Robert Weinberg, Professor of History, Swarthmore College

  314. Gal Gvili, Associate Professor, McGill University

  315. Tamar Shochat, Professor, University of Haifa

  316. Nora North, NYC Department of Education (retired)

  317. Anat Prior, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Haifa

  318. Frances Geteles, Professor Emerita, City College, NY

  319. Anna Gutgarts, Research Member, University of Haifa

  320. David Hall, Illustrator

  321. Edna Gorney, Lecturer, Haifa University (retired)

  322. Alan Tansman, Professor, University of California, Berkeley

  323. Paula Varsano, Professor, University of California, Berkeley

  324. Dr Yohai Hakak, Senior Lecturer, Brunel University London 

  325. Michael Sfard, Human Rights Lawyer

  326. Ayla Matalon, Former Lecturer, Technion MBA Program

  327. Linda Dirtmar, Professor Emerita, University of Massachusetts

  328. Pamela Burdman, Executive Director, Just Equations

  329. Dorit Avnir, Doctor of Arts, Art Therapist

  330. Ruth Ben-Artzi, Associate Professor of Political Science, Providence College

  331. Pini Herman, Past Research Associate Professor, University of Southern California 

  332. Rawia Aburabia, Assistant Professor of Law, Sapir Academic College

  333. Danny Rubinstein, Journalist and author

  334. Dorit Barchana-Lorand, Kibbutzim College of Education and the Arts

  335. Naftali Kaminski, Professor of Medicine, Yale University

  336. Natasha Gordinsky, Senior lecturer, University of Haifa

  337. Brigitte Hahn, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology

  338. Shelley Berlowitz, PhD, Alumna University of Konstanz

  339. Zur Shalev, Professor, University of Haifa

  340. Sheer Ganor, Assistant Professor, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

  341. Leon Duveen, Chair Lib Dems (UK) for Peace in the Middle East

  342. Elisabeth Goldwyn, Professor, Haifa University

  343. Patrick Macklem, Professor Emeritus of Law, University of Toronto

  344. Shir Alon, Assistant professor, the University of Minnesota

  345. Ori Goldberg, Assistant Professor, Reichman University

  346. Nadje Al-Ali, Professor of Anthropology and Middle East Studies, Watson Institute for International & Public Affairs

  347. Marc Caplan, (APL) Professor, Heinrich-Heine University

  348. Batja P. Guggenheim-Ami, Professor emeritus, FHSG St.Gall Switzerland

  349. Menachem Elimelech, Professor, Yale University

  350. Laura Levitt, Professor of Religion, Jewish Studies, and Gender, Temple University

  351. Moshe Zuckermann, Professor of History and Philosophy, Tel Aviv University

  352. Alessandro Treves, Professor, SISSA, Trieste

  353. David Blanc, Professor of Mathematics, University of Haifa

  354. Jeremiah Riemer, former Assistant Professor, Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies

  355. Edy Kaufman, Professor, M.A. Peace and Conflict Management, University of Haifa

  356. Elly Levy, Attorney

  357. Mark Fichman, Associate Professor Emeritus, Carnegie Mellon University

  358. Cara Rock-Singer, Assistant Professor, UW Madison

  359. Iris Kaminski, Environmental Scientist, New Haven

  360. Michael Hiller, Former board member, Grundrechtekomitee (Committee for Basic Rights)

  361. Andras Hamori, Professor Emeritus, Princeton University

  362. Sandro Ventura, Psychiatrist

  363. A. Kedem, PhD student, Hifa University

  364. Seth Schwartz, Professor of History and Classics, Columbia University

  365. Ellen Weiss, Children's book author

  366. Nir Friedman, Professor, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  367. Steve Fassberg, Professor of Hebrew Language, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  368. Amos Laor, Labor union lawyer

  369. Dennis Jett, Professor, Penn State University

  370. Benny Miller, Professor of International Relations, Haifa University

  371. Itamar Shachar, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Hasselt University

  372. Or Simovitch, Arts Educator

  373. Ran Shauli, Faculty member, Bar Ilan University

  374. Marcos Silber, Associate Professor, Department of Jewish History, University of Haifa

  375. Alice Robinson, Psychotherapist

  376. Israel Charny, Professor of Psychology Hebrew University (retired)

  377. Uri Amir Koren, PhD student, Rutgers University

  378. Itamar Kastner, Senior Lecturer, University of Edinburgh

  379. Gil Gambash, Professor, University of Haifa

  380. Mark Siegel, Professor, Yale University

  381. Richard Strier, Professor Emeritus, University of Chicago

  382. Sigall Horovitz, Faculty of Law, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  383. Candice Breitz, Professor, HBK Braunschweig, Germany

  384. Mabel Stilman Kolesas, Librarian

  385. Ram Reshef, Senior lecturer, University of Haifa

  386. Dr. Barbara Landau, Lawyer, Psychologist, Mediator, Co-founder J-Link International Network & Co-Chair Canadian Association of Jews and Muslims

  387. Baruch Eitam, Associate Professor, University of Haifa

  388. Marianne Hirschberg, Professor, Faculty of Human Sciences, University of Kassel, Germany

  389. Claire Bergen, Rabbinic Student, International Institute for Secular Humanistic Judaism

  390. Sandra Meiri, Senior Lecturer Emerita, The Open University of Israel

  391. Zackary Berger, Associate Professor of Medicine, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Core Faculty, Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics

  392. Igal Ezraty, Jaffa Theatre Director

  393. Michal Kofman, Associate Professor (Term) of sociology, University of Louisville

  394. Avraham Oz, Professor, University of Haifa

  395. Jacob Nissim, Adv.

  396. Sima Godfrey, Associate Professor Emerita, University of British Columbia

  397. David Harel, Professor, The Weizmann Institute, and President, Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities

  398. Rabbi Chaim Seidler-Feller, UCLA

  399. Enzo Traverso, Professor of History and Romance Studies, Cornell University

  400. Richard Levy, Labor and Civil Rights Attorney

  401. Andrew F. Jones, Professor of Chinese, University of California, Berkeley

  402. James Young, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, University of Massachusetts Amherst

  403. Merav Amir, Senior Lecturer of Human Geography, Queen’s University Belfast

  404. Umit Kurt, Professor, University of Newcastle

  405. Michelle Shwartz, Teacher (retired)

  406. Kenneth Kotovsky, Professor Emeritus, Carnegie Mellon University

  407. Paul Scham, Associate Research Professor, University of Maryland

  408. Y. L. Al-Sheikh, Palestinian-American Member of Democratic Socialists of America

  409. Nell Hirschmann-Levy, Esq., lawyer

  410. Joel Beinin, Donald J. Mclachlan Profesor of History, Emeritus, Stanford University

  411. Sheryl Nestel, Affiliated Scholar, New College, University of Toronto

  412. Mical Raz, Professor of History and Clinical Medicine, University of Rochester

  413. Max Finkel, Masters of Israel Studies, Brooklyn Law School

  414. Ariel Katz, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto

  415. Max Lahn, PhD Student, University of Michigan

  416. Sara Roy, Center For Middle Eastern Studies, Harvard University

  417. Sadu Nanjundiah, Professor of Physics, Chaudhary Charan Singh University

  418. Martha Schoolman, Associate Professor of English, Florida International University

  419. Lawrence Davidson, Professor Emeritus, West Chester University

  420. Audrey Macklin, Professor of Law, University of Toronto

  421. Cedric Cohen-Skalli, Senior Lecturer, The University of Haifa

  422. Schneur Newfield, Assistant Professor, Borough of Manhattan Community College, City University of New York

  423. Miriam Zucker, Researcher, Adjunct Professor, York University

  424. Dr. Andrea Siegel, Jewish Studies Scholar, Chaplain, Psychotherapist

  425. Ruth Fallenbaum, PhD

  426. Yaron Klein, Associate Professor, Carleton College

  427. Ido Bermanis, DMD

  428. Dorothy Burlage, Clinical Psychologist

  429. Melissa F. Weiner, Professor Of Sociology, College of The Holy Cross

  430. Marcia Newfield, Adjunct Lecturer, Professional Staff Congress, City University of New York (retired)

  431. Nancy Burke, Core Faculty, Past President, Chicago Center for Psychoanalysis

  432. Deborah Dwork, Director Of The Center For The Study of The Holocaust, Genocide, And Crimes Against Humanity, Graduate Center—City University of New York

  433. Ayalah Shapiro Bivas, Psychoanalyst, Contemporary Freudian Society

  434. Dr. Orna Kenan, Lecturer, UCLA (retired)

  435. Deborah Cowen, Professor, University of Toronto

  436. Sherman Teichman, Founding Executive Director Emeritus, Institute for Global Leadership, Tufts University

  437. Mauro Saccol, PhD, University of Genoa

  438. Jeremy Ginges, Professor, London School of Economics And Political Science

  439. Yulia Gilich, PhD

  440. Zachary Braiterman, Professor, Syracuse University

  441. Marc Gopin, James Laue Professor, George Mason University

  442. Yaakov Lipsker, PhD Candidate, Jewish Theological Seminary

  443. Yoav Duman, Professor, Green River College

  444. Sirmichael T. Cianci, Research Fellow, Johns Hopkins University SAIS

  445. Nir Arielli, Associate Professor, University of Leeds

  446. Menashe Anzi, Professor, Ben-Gurion University

  447. Karin Loevy, manager JSD Program at New York University School of Law, Researcher at the Institute for International Law and Justice, New York University School of Law

  448. Alma Ganihar, Writer

  449. Samir L. Iranee, MBA, Sprachen-Unidozent In Frankfurt Am Main

  450. Henry Reichman, Professor Emeritus of History, California State University, East Bay

  451. Revital Madar, Research Fellow, European University Institute

  452. Dana Arieli, Professor, Holon Institute of Technology

  453. Oded Ezer, Professor, Design Faculty, Holon Institute of Technology

  454. Emily Sun, Associate Professor, Barnard College

  455. Anat Katsir, Professor, Bezalel Academy of Arts & Design Jerusalem

  456. Hazem Malhas, Engineer and Activist in Protecting Natural and Human Heritage

  457. Yoav Shemer-Kunz, PhD, Political Scientist, University of Strasbourg

  458. Tal Nahari, PhD Student, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  459. Avinoam J. Stillman, Doctoral Candidate, Freie Universität Berlin, Founding Editor of Blima Books

  460. Willi Goetschel, Professor, University of Toronto

  461. Dr. Shlomi Ravid, Executive Director, The Center for Jewish Peoplehood Education

  462. Motti Regev, Professor, The Open University of Israel

  463. Ido Nahari, Editor, Arts of The Working Class

  464. Gaby Belz, Founding Member, Jewish Voice for Democracy and Justice In Israel/Palestine

  465. Gwyn Daniel, Psychotherapist and Trainer

  466. Jonathan Preminger, Faculty, Cardiff University

  467. Elad Lapidot, Professor, The University of Lille

  468. Ilan Pappe, Professor, University of Exeter, UK

  469. Nora Rubel, Associate Professor, University of Rochester

  470. Stav Zeitouni, Doctoral student, New York University

  471. Amnon Beeri-Sulitzeanu, CO-CEO, The Abraham Initiatives

  472. Avner Giladi, Professor Emeritus, University of Haifa

  473. Brooke Maddux, PhD Candidate, Université de Reims, France

  474. Carola Mathers, Jungian Analyst

  475. David Bollag, MD

  476. Avi Shlaim, Professor Emeritus, The University of Oxford

  477. Clea McNeely, Research Professor, University of Tennessee

  478. Jochi Weil-Goldstein, Ina Autra Senda - Swiss Friends of Combatants for Peace

  479. Hadas Reshef, PhD Student, Freie Universität Berlin

  480. Rabbi Jeanette Friedman Sieradski, Publisher, The Wordsmithy LLC.

  481. Larisa Fialkova, Associate Professor, Dept. of Hebrew and Comparative Literature, University of Haifa

  482. Nerina Cecchin, PhD

  483. Yonatan Sagiv, Research Associate, SOAS University, London

  484. Steven Knoblauch, Adjunct Associate Clinical Professor, New York University Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis

  485. Yaudat Mustafa, Professional Engineer

  486. Eleanor Roffman, Professor Emerita, Lesley University

  487. Rivka Jaussi, Poetess

  488. Guy Levi, Learning Innovation Expert

  489. Mardge Cohen MD, Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program 

  490. Marina Calculli, PhD, Columbia University and Leiden University

  491. Gilad Halpern, Journalist, Broadcaster, Media Historian

  492. Dallas R. Scouton, PhD, Brandeis University

  493. Ofer Tur-Sinai, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Law, Ono Academic College

  494. Derek Brian Gripper, Artist, Researcher, Lecturer of Maths Education 

  495. Nadia Zeldes, Senior Researcher, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

  496. Miryam Segal, Associate Professor, Queens College and the City University of New York Graduate Center  

  497. Dror Feiler, Chairperson for European Jews for a Just Peace

  498. Suzanne Kallala, Lecturer, College of North West London

  499. Charles Weed, Professor Emeritus, Keene State College 

  500. Amira Katz, Faculty Emeritus of the Department of Asian Studies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  501. Shachar Pinsker, Professor, University of Michigan

  502. Phyllis Ewen, Artist

  503. Jan Gross, Professor of History Emeritus, Princeton University

  504. Rebecca Lesses, Associate Professor of Jewish Studies, Ithaca College

  505. Dirk Moses, Professor, City College of New York

  506. Elizabeth Berger MD, Associate Clinical Professor, George Washington University

  507. Antony Lerman, Senior Fellow, Bruno Kreisky Forum for International Dialogue

  508. Liat Naeh, Academic and Writer

  509. Rochelle Tobias, Professor of German, Johns Hopkins University

  510. Ofer Shinar Levanon, PhD

  511. David Rohrlich, Professor, Boston University

  512. Paul Cotton, Physician (retired)

  513. Ghislaine Boulanger, Psychologist and Psychoanalyst

  514. Arturo Marzano, Associate Professor, University of Pisa

  515. Dov Waxman, Rosalinde and Arthur Gilbert Foundation Professor of Israel Studies, UCLA

  516. David Laibman, Professor Emeritus of Economics, Brooklyn College and City University of New York

  517. Aryeh Cohen, Professor, American Jewish University 

  518. Jerome Bourdon, Professor, Tel Aviv University

  519. Shana Sippy, Associate Professor of Religion, Centre College

  520. Judith Gerson, Professor Emerita, Rutgers University

  521. Michal Aviad, Professor, Tel Aviv University

  522. Rabbi Michal Morris Kamil, Community Rabbi

  523. David Biale, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, UC Davis

  524. Ezequiel Kopel, Journalist and Author

  525. Magali Sarfatti Larson, Professor Emerita of Sociology, Temple University

  526. Miriam Eliav-Feldon, Professor, Tel Aviv University

  527. Irene Gendzier, Professor, Boston University (retired)

  528. Orli Avi-Yonah, PhD, Lecturer on Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School

  529. Jordan Pollack, Professor, Brandeis University

  530. Nitsan Chorev, Professor of Sociology and International and Public Affairs, Brown University 

  531. Teresa Bailey, Consultant and Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist

  532. Karen Klein MD, Physician

  533. Nancy Stern, Professor, City College of New York, City University of New York

  534. Elsa Auerbach, Professor Emerita, University of Massachusetts Boston

  535. David Wakstein, Artist 

  536. Galit Weidman Sassoon, PhD

  537. Leah Cohen, Barrett Professor of Creative Writing, College of the Holy Cross 

  538. Osvaldo Golijov, Professor of Music, College of the Holy Cross

  539. Anna Koch, Teaching Fellow, School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London

  540. Dana Grabelsky, Doctoral Candidate in Philosophy, City University of New York Graduate Center

  541. Yitzhak Melamed, Professor of Philosophy, Johns Hopkins University

  542. Irwin Ford Rosenfarb, Professor, Alliant International University

  543. Amy Pett, PhD

  544. Joshua Gritz, Graduate Architecture Student, Parsons School of Design 

  545. Hannah Pollin-Galay, Senior Lecturer, Tel Aviv University

  546. Kevin Avruch, Professor Emeritus, George Mason University 

  547. Alexander Elinson, Associate Professor, Hunter College, City University of New York

  548. Michelle Golden, Special Educator

  549. Ella Levitt, Independent Art Theorist

  550. Maya Herman, Sociology PhD Student, New School for Social Research

  551. Adele Diamond, Canada Research Chair Tier 1 and Professor, University of British Columbia 

  552. Marianne Hirsch, Professor Emerita, Columbia University

  553. Anna Bikont, Writer

  554. Hagar Salamon, Professor, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  555. Diane L. Wolf, Professor Emerita of Sociology, UC Davis

  556. John Torpey, Presidential Professor of Sociology and History, Graduate Center, City University of New York

  557. Ben Ratskoff, Assistant Professor of Modern Jewish History and Culture, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion

  558. Jean-Marc Dreyfus, Professor, The University of Manchester (UK)

  559. Christine Pagnoulle, Honorary Senior Lecturer, the University of Liège 

  560. Michael Meranze, Professor of History, UCLA

  561. Benjamin Carter Hett, Professor of History, Hunter College and the Graduate Center, City University of New York

  562. Anna Hájková, Associate Professor, University of Warwick 

  563. Helen Deutsch, Professor of English, UCLA

  564. Galand Pierre, Professor of Universités ULB (retired)

  565. Sander Gilman, Professor Emeritus, Emory University

  566. Dr. Michele Klein, Independent Scholar

  567. Noah Asher Golden, Associate Professor of Teacher Education, California State University, Long Beach

  568. Dean Strachan, PhD Candidate, University of Chicago

  569. Sofya Aptekar, Associate Professor, City University of New York, School of Labor and Urban Studies

  570. Heather Formaini, Psychoanalyst, Lucca, Italy

  571. Vincent Wertz, Professor, Université catholique de Louvain

  572. Katie Gentile, Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York

  573. Darryl E. Brock, PhD

  574. Dagmar Herzog, Professor of History, Graduate Center, City University of New York

  575. Peter Beinart, Professor, City University of New York

  576. Kathryn Russell, Professor Emerita, State University of New York Cortland

  577. Katharine Baker, PhD, Bowen Center for the Study of the Family

  578. Patrick Italiano, Researcher, University of Liege

  579. Victoria Sanford, Lehman Professor of Excellence, Lehman College and the City University of New York Graduate Center

  580. Jillian Rogin, Associate Professor, University of Windsor

  581. Aaron Kreuter, Assistant Professor, Trent University

  582. Daniel Bertrand Monk, Professor, Colgate University

  583. Jason Appt, Instructor, Naropa University 

  584. Jess Salomon, Comedian

  585. Francesca Zorzetto, Journalist & Blogger

  586. Elissa Bemporad, Professor of East European Jewish History and the Holocaust, City University of New York 

  587. Francesca Gorgoni, Post-Doctoral, Inalco University, France

  588. Freddie Rokem, Professor Emeritus, Tel Aviv University

  589. Karsten Struhl, Adjunct Professor, New School for Public Engagement

  590. Steven Beller, Historian, Washington DC

  591. Molly Schiffer, PhD Student, Northwestern University

  592. Tom Weiner, retired 6th grade teacher, Smith College Campus School

  593. A. Joseph Layon, MD, Professor of Anesthesiology, University of Central Florida, Orlando

  594. Helen Raizen, co-chair, Israel Palestine Committee, Boston Workers Circle

  595. H. Patricia Hynes, Professor of Environmental Health and Justice, Boston University School of Public Health (retired)

  596. Joel Weisberg, Stark Professor Emeritus, Carleton College

  597. Carolyn Toll Oppenheim, Journalism Professor, Emerson College (retired)

  598. Kendall Gardner, PhD, University of Oxford

  599. Gabriele Hourticolon, Johns Hopkins University Libraries

  600. Lila Corwin Berman, Professor of History and Murray Friedman Chair of American Jewish History, Temple University

  601. Sid Shniad, founding member, Independent Jewish Voices Canada 

  602. Sam Shonkoff, Assistant Professor of Jewish Studies, Graduate Theological Union

  603. Linda Gordon, University Professor of History and the Humanities, New York University

  604. Marjorie Feld, Professor of History, Babson College

  605. Nir Shavit, Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  606. Joan W. Scott, Professor Emerita, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey

  607. Lynn Gottlieb, Rabbi

  608. Claudio Treves, Former Trade Union Official

  609. Dana Brooks, Professor Emeritus, Northeastern University

  610. Saeb Rawashdeh, Editor of The Jordan Times

  611. Avishai Ehrlich, Professor, The Academic College Tel Aviv-Yaffo

  612. Carole Turbin, Professor, State University of New York (retired)

  613. Rhea Tregebov, Associate Professor Emerita, University of British Columbia

  614. Lynne Layton, Psychoanalyst, Massachusetts Institute for Psychoanalysis

  615. Rowland Selame, PhD

  616. Noa Shaindlinger, Assistant Professor, Worcester State University 

  617. Robert Boikess, Professor of Chemistry, Rutgers University

  618. Rafat Sub Laban, Human Rights Defender from occupied East Jerusalem

  619. Dr. Moncef Kallala, Lecturer, Hawaii Pacific University (retired)

  620. Daniel Levy, President, U.S./Middle East Project

  621. Emilio Sacerdoti, IMF senior staff member (retired), World Bank consultant

  622. Jerry Merose, Professor Emeritus, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences

  623. Warren Goldstein, Professor Emeritus History, University of Hartford 

  624. Matthew Teller, journalist and author

  625. Sahar Aziz, Distinguished Professor of Law, Rutgers University

  626. Judy Andler J.D.

  627. Fred Block, Research Professor, UC Davis

  628. Liat Kozma, Associate Professor, Department of Islamic and Middle East Studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  629. Carole Joffe, Professor Emerita of Sociology, UC Davis

  630. Rachel Feldman, Assistant Professor of Religion, Dartmouth College

  631. Mateo Alaluf, Professor, Free University of Brussels

  632. Stephen Soldz, Professor, Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis

  633. Ronnie Lesser, PhD, Psychologist

  634. Seth Sanders, Professor, Religious Studies Department and Jewish Studies Program, UC Davis

  635. Diane B. Paul, Professor Emerita, University of Massachusetts Boston

  636. Sven-Erik Rose, Associate Professor, UC Davis

  637. Maurice Pasternak, Professer, Ecole nationale supérieure des arts visuels de La Cambre (retired)

  638. Jane Kenner, Member, Psychoanalytic Institute of Northern California (retired)

  639. Roberta De Monticelli, Professor, San Raffaele University, Milan and Geneva University

  640. Barbara S. Kane, Psychoanalyst

  641. Andrew Samuels, Professor and Former Chair, UK Council for Psychotherapy

  642. Stephen Portuges, PhD Psychoanalyst, New Center for Psychoanalysis

  643. Ruth Marshall, Associate Professor of Political Science/Study of Religion, University of Toronto

  644. Susan Herman, NYU Postdoctoral Program 

  645. Rosalind Petchesky, Distinguished Professor Emerita, Hunter College and the Graduate Center, City University of New York

  646. Kobi Kabalek, Assistant Professor, Penn State University

  647. Kenneth Miller, Professor of Neuroscience, Columbia University

  648. Barbara Eisold, PhD, New York University

  649. Eyal Rozmarin, Psychologist and Psychoanalyst

  650. Brooke Lober, PhD, University of California, Berkeley

  651. Marla Stone, Professor of History, Occidental College

  652. Lawrence Moss, former Distinguished Lecturer and Rita E. Hauser Director of the Human Rights Program, Roosevelt House Public Policy Institute at Hunter College, City University of New York

  653. Virgil Mathiowetz, Board Member, Middle East Peace Now 

  654. Yehuda Aharon, Postgraduate Student, University of Western Sydney 

  655. Marci Shore, Associate Professor of History, Yale University

  656. Frank Emspak, Professor Emeritus, School for Workers, University of Wisconsin, Madison

  657. Lawrence Rosenwald, Professor Emeritus of English, Wellesley College

  658. Monica L. Meerbaum, PhD, Clinical Psychologist/Psychoanalyst

  659. Cathy Lisa Schneider, Professor, American University

  660. Ofra Bloch, Psychoanalyst

  661. Miriam Rürup, Director of Moses Mendelssohn Center, Professor, University of Potsdam

  662. Peter Klein, PhD 

  663. Judy Somberg, Retired Attorney

  664. Miko Zeldes-Roth, PhD Student, University of Toronto

  665. Donald W. Wood, Lecturer, Oklahoma State University

  666. Marika Sosnowski, Research Fellow, Melbourne Law School

  667. Juan Cole, Collegiate Professor, University of Michigan

  668. Alon Friedman, Professor, Dalhousie University

  669. Riaz Tejani, Associate Professor, University of Redlands

  670. Susan Gutwill, Faculty, Women's Therapy Centre Institute and Center for the Study of Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis of New Jersey 

  671. Cheryl Pearlman, Psychotherapist

  672. Syvanne Avitzur, Public and International Affairs MA Candidate, University of Ottawa

  673. Lawrence Blum, Professor, University of Massachusetts Boston

  674. Adrienne Harris, Psychoanalyst

  675. Erica Schoenberg, PhD, Psychoanalyst 

  676. Philip Joseph, Associate Professor of English, University of Colorado Denver

  677. Dr. Steven Wagner, Senior Lecturer in International Security, Brunel University London

  678. Stanley Habib, Professor Emeritus, City University of New York

  679. Alexander Yonkel Perelson, PhD Student, Binghamton University

  680. Jaap Hamburger, Chairman, A Different Jewish Voice, Amsterdam 

  681. Einav Rabinovitch-Fox, Lecturer of History, Case Western Reserve University 

  682. Linda Arkin, Licensed clinical social worker

  683. Jason Stanley, Jacob Urowsky Professor of Philosophy, Yale University

  684. Gina Glasman, Lecturer of Judaic Studies, State University of New York Binghamton

  685. Kathryn Levy, Poet

  686. Denni Liebowitz, Psychoanalyst and Clinical Social Worker, Psychoanalytic Institute of Northern California

  687. Michael Dahan, Senior Lecturer, Sapir College

  688. Marilynn Gillies, Nursing Teacher (retired)

  689. Steven Reisner, PhD Psychoanalyst

  690. Oded Erez, Assistant Professor, Hebrew University of Jerusalem 

  691. Avraham Milgram, Former Historian, Yad Vashem, Jerusalem

  692. Gershon Baskin, PhD, Founder, Israel/Palestine Center for Research and Information 

  693. Nancy Hollander, Member and Faculty, Psychoanalytic Institute of Northern California

  694. Renata Segre, Independent historian

  695. Mor Geller, PhD Student, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  696. Larry Stillman, Adjunct Senior Research Fellow, Monash University

  697. Adina Stern, Center for Research on Antisemitism, Technical University Berlin

  698. Benjamin Arbel, Professor Emeritus, Tel Aviv University

  699. Jawed Siddiqi, Emeritus Professor, Sheffield Hallam

  700. Ameen Abu-Hanna, Professor, University of Amsterdam

  701. Claude Veraart, Professor Emeritus, Université Catholique de Louvain

  702. Assaf David, The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute and The Forum for Regional Thinking

  703. Umayya Abu-Hanna, Author

  704. Talma Bar-Din, Feminist Activist

  705. Thaera Shadid, Project Coordinator, PLO

  706. A. Archie Wolfman, Doctoral Researcher, Queen Mary University of London

  707. Dania Thomas, Lecturer, University of Glasgow

  708. Corey Balsam, National Coordinator, Independent Jewish Voices Canada

  709. Shakhar Rahav, Senior Lecturer, University of Haifa

  710. Nadira Omarjee, Research Fellow, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 

  711. Ides Nicaise, Professor Emeritus, KU Leuven

  712. Frank Roels MD, Professor Emeritus, Ghent University

  713. Frans Daems, Professor Emeritus of Dutch Linguistics, University of Antwerp

  714. Bronwen Morgan, Professor of Law, University of New South Wales Sydney

  715. Susan Bernofsky, Professor, Columbia University

  716. Willie Van Peer, Full Professor, University of Munich

  717. Alain Schmitt, Doctor (retired)

  718. Gal Levy, Senior teaching faculty, The Open University of Israel 

  719. Karel Arnaut, Associate Professor, KU Leuven

  720. Raphael Van Laere, Royal Academy for Archaeology of Belgium

  721. Gill Knight, Unite Community Officer Sussex Coast Branch

  722. Timothy Snyder, Levin Professor of History and Public Affairs, Yale University 

  723. Giorgio Gomel, President, Alliance for Middle East Peace, Europe

  724. Sandra Fox, Visiting Assistant Professor, New York University

  725. Marc David, Professor Emeritus, Universiteit Antwerpen

  726. Stefanie Schüler-Springorum, Director, Center for Research on Antisemitism

  727. Ali Hariri, Therapist

  728. Dalal Iriqat, Assistant Professor, Arab American University Palestine 

  729. Dana Ron Goldreich, Professor, Tel Aviv University

  730. Esther Cohen, Professor Emerita, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  731. Lieve Franssen, Music Pedagogue, High School of Teachers, Brussels (retired)

  732. E. Natalie Rothman, Professor, University of Toronto

  733. Oded Goldreich, Professor, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel

  734. Giovanni Picker, PhD, Lecturer, University of Glasgow

  735. Jay Yair Brodbar, PhD, former ED, New Israel Fund of Canada, Mazon Canada

  736. Herman De Ley, Professor Emeritus, Ghent University, Berline

  737. Yali Hashash, PhD

  738. Matthew Girson, Professor, DePaul University

  739. Evan Goldstein, PhD Candidate, Yale University

  740. Ian Mutchnick, MD, MS, Assistant Professor Pediatric Neurosurgery, University of Louisville and Norton Neuroscience Institute

  741. Joshua Fogel, Professor of History, York University

  742. Annick Suzor-Weiner, Professor Emeritus, Univerrsité Paris-Saclay, France

  743. Anna Zalik, Associate Professor, York University, Canada

  744. Henrique Samet, Adjunct Professor, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro 

  745. Laura Kogel, Psychotherapist, Faculty, Women’s Therapy Centre Institute

  746. Eric Corijn, Professor, Free Universty, Brussels

  747. David Cannon, Chair, Jewish Network for Palestine, United Kingdom

  748. Wayne Lencer, Professor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School

  749. Zohar Alon, Middle School Teacher, Amos Oz Tel Aviv

  750. Caren Shapiro, LCSW, MFS

  751. Deborah Dash Moore, Frederick G.L. Huetwell Professor of History and Judaic Studies, University of Michigan

  752. Russell Vandenbroucke, Professor, University of Louisville

  753. Janet Gyatso, Academic Dean, Harvard Divinity School

  754. Bertram Silverman, Professor Emeritus, Hofstra University

  755. Marie-France Silver, Professor, York University

  756. Elio Luiz Mauer, Universidade Federal do Paraná (retired)

  757. Fania Fridman, Professor, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

  758. Zohar Segev, Professor, University of Haifa

  759. Yoel Lubell, Professor, Nuffiled Department of Medicine, Unversity of Oxford

  760. Lynne Smith, Director, New Village Press

  761. Evelyne Reberg, Children's Book Author

  762. Naama Brenner, Professor, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology

  763. Beverly Voloshin, Professor Emerita, San Francisco State University; Visiting Professor, Al-Quds Bard College

  764. Lawrence Brown, Fellow Emeritus, Faculty, William Alanson White Institute

  765. Peter Chidiac, Professor, University of Western Ontario

  766. Brian Kasher, Curator, Images of Global Peace

  767. Kathryn Kish Sklar, Distinguished Professor of History, Emerita, State University of New York Binghamton

  768. Ari Ariel, Associate Professor of Instruction, University of Iowa

  769. Tom Zoellner, Professor of English, Chapman University

  770. Michael Kagan, Professor of Law, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

  771. Paulina Roitman, Psychologist

  772. Arthur Silver, Associate Professor, History, University of Toronto (retired)

  773. Samuel Wiener, MD

  774. Claudio Rotenberg, Psychoanalyst

  775. Gershon Shafir, Distinguished Professor, University of California, San Diego 

  776. Ruth Rosen, Professor Emerita, University of California Davis

  777. James Berger, Senior Lecturer, Yale University

  778. Annapurna Menon, Teaching Associate, University of Sheffield 

  779. Amir Theilhaber, Post-Doc, Bielefeld University

  780. Steven Delue, Professor Emeritus of Political Science, Miami University

  781. H. Homedan, MD

  782. Gilad Isaacs, Executive Director, Institute for Economic Justice, University of the Witwatersrand

  783. Judith Smith, Professor Emerita of American Studies, University of Massachusetts Boston

  784. Aviel Verbruggen, Professor Emeritus, University of Antwerp

  785. Erez Braun, Professor, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology

  786. Claire Kahane, Professor Emerita, University at Buffalo

  787. Daphna Baram, PhD Researcher, Lancaster University

  788. Jonathan Portes, Professor of Economics and Public Policy, King's College London

  789. Naomi Scheman, Professor Emerita of Philosophy, University of Minnesota

  790. Debra Morrow, PhD, Psychologist 

  791. Shimon Marom, Professor, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology

  792. Reine Meylaerts, Full Professor, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

  793. Rachel Aisengart, Associate Professor, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

  794. Daniel Disegni, Lecturer, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

  795. Robin Margo, Former President, NSW Jewish Board of Deputies; NIF Australia

  796. Diana B. Greenwald, Assistant Professor, City College of New York

  797. Michael Barnett, University Professor of international Affairs and Political Science, George Washington University

  798. Patricia Willson, Université de Liège, Universidad de Buenos Aires

  799. Dan Fischer, Jewish Educator, Sinai Synagogue

  800. Huw Price, Emeritus Bertrand Russell Professor, University of Cambridge 

  801. Brett Kaplan, Professor, University of Illinois

  802. Smadar Ben-Natan, PhD

  803. Thomas Cox, Brooklyn For Peace

  804. Leslie Eastman, Senior Lecturer, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University

  805. Stephen Benson, Member, Psychologists for Social Responsibility

  806. Angela Godfrey-Goldstein, Co-director, Jahalin Solidarity

  807. Walda Katzfishman, Professor, Howard University (retired)

  808. Nina Allen, Senior Lecturer, Suffolk University (retired)

  809. Karl Klare, Matthews Distinguished Professor, Northeastern University School of Law

  810. Jasmin Habib, Professor, Political Science & Anthropology, University of Waterloo

  811. Rebecca L. Stein, Professor of Cultural Anthropology, Duke University

  812. Larry Goldsmith, Professor of English Letters, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

  813. Sam Friedman, Research Professor, New York University Grossman School of Medicine 

  814. Barak Mendelsohn, Professor, Haverford College

  815. Rachel Levitsky, Professor, Pratt Institute

  816. Marion Lipshutz, MA, MSLIS

  817. Jennifer Selwyn, Adjunct Associate Professor of History, Portland State University

  818. Judith Plaskow, Professor Emerita, Manhattan College

  819. Jessica Cohen, Independent Translator, Denver

  820. Renée Steinhagen, Public Interest Attorney, New Jersey Appleseed Public Interest Law Center

  821. Karen Dias, Psychologist, San Francisco

  822. Marguerite Feitlowitz, Professor Emerita, Bennington College

  823. Michele Landsberg, Columnist (retired)

  824. Alice Shaw, Psychoanalyst/Psychologist, Faculty, Psychoanalytic Institute of Northern California

  825. Beatriz Radunsky, Programmer in the Performing Arts Area

  826. David Zyngier, Associate Professor, Southern Cross University, Australia

  827. Bradley Burston, Journalist

  828. Diane Arnson Svarlien, Translator

  829. José Hamra Sassón, Babelica Program Coordinator, Instituto de Estudios Críticos

  830. Paul Blain Levy, Reader, University of Birmingham

  831. Peter Slezak, Honorary Associate Professor, University of New South Wales

  832. Letty Cottin Pogrebin, Writer and Activist

  833. Aidan McQuade, PhD, Writer

  834. Ron Meir, Professor, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology

  835. Ahmed Abbes, Director of Research, Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques

  836. Daniel Boyarin, Taubman Professor of Talmudic Culture Emeritus, UC Berkeley

  837. Martin Kemp, Psychoanalyst

  838. Ferruccio Martinelli, Operations Manager, Bocconi University

  839. Christine Schmidt, Licensed clinical social worker, CGP

  840. Rev. Lilian Patey

  841. Colin Purkey, Physics Lecturer, College of North West London

  842. Camilla Wasserman, Senior Research Specialist, Karolinska Institutet

  843. Jean-Marc Lévy-Leblond, Professor Emeritus, Université de Nice

  844. Jerise Fogel, Adjunct Professor, Montclair State University

  845. Heather L Munro, Lecturer in Social Anthropology, King’s College London

  846. Andrea Balduzzi, Researcher, Genoa University, Italy (retired)

  847. Mohammad Fadel, Professor, University of Toronto

  848. Sara Thabit, Associate Researcher, Tallinn University of Technology

  849. Cheryl Qamar, Licensed clinical social worker

  850. Bruno Contini, Professor Emeritus, University of Torino

  851. MP Fristot, Teacher (retired)

  852. Hassan Jijakli, Professor, Université Libre de Bruxelles

  853. Isabel Casimiro, Associate Professor, Eduardo Mondlane University

  854. Alon Liel, PhD, Ambassador (retired)

  855. Raya Cohen, Lecturer, Department of Jewish History, Tel Aviv University; Department of Sociology, University of Naples Federico II (retired)

  856. Hila Milo Rasouly, Assistant Professor, Columbia University

  857. Rafael Araya Masry, President, Confederación Palestina Latinoamericana y del Caribe

  858. David Bartram, Sociologist, University of Leicester

  859. Ifat Levy, Professor, Yale University

  860. Jacqueline Goldman, Program Director, Brown University

  861. Ilan Baruch, Ambassador (Retired), Chair, Policy Working Group

  862. Michel Ouaknine, Semiconductor Specialist and Peace Activist

  863. Jethro Eisenstein, Board Chair, JVP Boston Chapter

  864. Amanda Minervini, Assistant Professor, Colorado College

  865. Uri Schreter, PhD Candidate, Harvard University

  866. Rosalind Edwards, Professor, University of Southampton

  867. Lex Takkenberg, Senior Advisor on the Question of Palestine, Arab Renaissance for Democracy and Development 

  868. Roy Bar Sadeh, Postdoctoral Fellow, Free University of Berlin

  869. Gilad Kenan, PhD Candidate, Tel Aviv University

  870. Richard Friend, Associate Professor, University of York

  871. Anna Berg, Educator (Retired)

  872. Thomas Suárez, Independent Researcher, Volinist and Composer

  873. Rania Madi, UN and EU Consultant

  874. John Judis, Author

  875. Liem Berman, MSW, Smith School for Social Work

  876. Doug Rossinow, Professor of History, Metro State University 

  877. Nasri Khoury, Neurosurgeon 

  878. Robert Herbst, Board Co-Chair, Israeli Committee Against Home Demolitions - USA

  879. Andrew Bush, Professor of Hispanic Studies and Jewish Studies, Vassar College

  880. Rabbi James Ponet, Howard M. Holtzmann Jewish Chaplain Emeritus, Yale University

  881. Jonathan Lebolt, Faculty, Center for the Study of Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis of New Jersey

  882. Haynes Miller, Professor Emeritus, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  883. Roni Mikel-Arieli, Academic Director of the Oral History Division, Hebrew University of Jerusalem 

  884. Natasha Zaretsky, Professor of History, University of Alabama at Birmingham

  885. Ross Brann, Professor of Near Eastern Studies, Cornell University

  886. Steven M. Wasserstrom, Moe and Izetta Tonkin Professor of Judaic Studies and the Humanities, Reed College

  887. Stephen Naman, President, American Council for Judaism, Inc. 

  888. Elana Ponet, Former Director at Hillel Children's School, Yale University

  889. Adam Ganz, Professor, Royal Holloway, University of London 

  890. Pauline M. Coffman, Director, School of Adult Learning, North Park University (Retired)

  891. Jamal Kanj, Writer

  892. Alisse Waterston, Presidential Scholar and Professor, City University of New York, John Jay College 

  893. Michal Huss, Postdoctoral Fellow, Minerva Center for Human Rights, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  894. Jacob Bender, Creative Director, Council on American-Islamic Relations - Philadelphia

  895. Limor Yehuda, Lecturer, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  896. Nitzan Lubianiker, Postdoctoral Associate, Yale University

  897. Jason Hart, Professor of Humanitarianism and Development, University of Bath

  898. Peter Rachleff, Professor Emeritus of History, Macalester College

  899. Zulfiqar Malik, Editor, Muslim News Digest

  900. Stellan Vinthagen, Endowed Professor, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

  901. Wendy Doniger, Professor Emerita of the History of Religions, University of Chicago

  902. Dr. Bassel Makhouly, University of Göttingen

  903. Salam Al-Marayati, President, Muslim Public Affairs Council

  904. Werner Ruf, Professor of Political Science, University of Kassel

  905. Ethan Taubes, Asylum and Human Rights Lawyer

  906. Benjamin Schreier, Mitrani Professor of Jewish Studies and Professor of English, Pennsylvania State University

  907. Doris Bergen, Professor of History, University of Toronto

  908. Dr. Diana Pinto, Independent Scholar

  909. Natalie Zemon Davis, Professor Emerita, Princeton University

  910. Karem A. Sakallah, Professor, University of Michigan

  911. Veerle Provoost, Professor, Ghent University

  912. Helga Baumgarten, Professor of Political Science (retired), Birzeit University, Palestine

  913. Philippe Gasser, Psychiatrist

  914. Eli Valley, Artist and Cartoonist

  915. Dorota Glowacka, Professor, University of King's College (Canada)

  916. Janie Arnéguy, Teacher 

  917. Jeremy Appel, Independent Journalist

  918. Iris Seri-Hersch, Associate Professor, Aix-Marseille University

  919. Sidney Tarrow, Professor Emeritus of Government, Cornell University

  920. Eric A. Gordon, Author

  921. Rebecca Glasberg, Postdoctoral Researcher, Stanford University

  922. Jeff Warner, Former Curator of Lunar Samples, NASA Johnson Spacecraft Center  

  923. James Silk, Binger Clinical Professor of Human Rights, Yale Law School

  924. Sarah Imhoff, Professor, Indiana University

  925. Jacob Klein, Professor, Weizmann Institute of Science

  926. Marc Bernstein, Professor Emeritus of Hebrew and Israeli Cultural Studies, Michigan State University

  927. Marie Ariel, Retired Librarian

  928. Rafik Beekun, Professor, University of Nevada

  929. Immanuel Wineman, PhD, Teachers College of Columbia University 

  930. Dov Baum, PhD

  931. Daniel Bannoura, PhD Candidate, University of Notre Dame

  932. Mitchell Plitnick, President, Rethinking Foreign Policy

  933. Arnaud Amzallag, Researcher, MGH and Harvard Medical School

  934. David Sorkin, Professor, Yale University

  935. Dennis Nobile, Filmmaker

  936. Khalil Simaan, Professor, University of Amsterdam 

  937. Seham Kafafi, PhD Candidate, University of Notre Dame

  938. Susan S. Lanser, Professor Emerita, Brandeis University

  939. Bonnie Gitlin, LCSW, Psychotherapist

  940. Abe Silberstein, Writer

  941. Jan van der Meulen, PhD and International Dialysis Expert, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

  942. Rebecca Alpert, Professor Emerita, Temple University 

  943. Daniel Bernstein Vulkan, Former Senior Researcher, Board of Deputies of British Jews

  944. Amira Saunders, Teacher And Instructional Coach

  945. Nirit Sommerfeld, Actress, Singer, Author

  946. Brian Precious, Mathematician and Political Activist 

  947. Jordan Bridges, Department of Philosophy, Rutgers New Brunswick 

  948. Steven Nadler, Vilas Research Professor and Professor of Philosophy, University of Wisconsin-Madison

  949. Judith Bernstein, Jewish-Palestinian Dialogue Group, Munich

  950. Joanne Devoe, RN and BSN, Cornell University, MLA and MAS, Johns Hopkins University

  951. E. Neiman, Vocational College, Geisenheim University

  952. Eleanor Wynn, Research Scholar, Ronin Institute 

  953. Galila Agam, Professor, Ben-Gurion University

  954. Johanna Lessinger, Associate Professor of Anthropology (retired), John Jay College, City University of New York

  955. Bernhard Klinghammer, Physician

  956. Joshua Magda, MS Human Development, University of Maryland College Park

  957. Alan Sidelle, Professor Emeritus, University of Wisconsin Madison

  958. Joseph Levine, Professor of Philosophy, University of Massachusetts Amherst

  959. Marie-Louise Mares, Professor, University of Wisconsin Madison

  960. Sarah Farmer, Professor, University of California, Irvine

  961. Susie Becher, Managing Editor, Palestine-Israel Journal

  962. Russ Shafer-Landau, Professor of Philosophy, University of Wisconsin

  963. Shaker Chuck Farah, Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Institute of Chemistry, University of São Paulo

  964. Harriet Malinowitz, Retired Professor of English, Long Island University, Brooklyn

  965. Stephen Friend, Visiting Professor of Connected Medicine, Oxford University

  966. James Rauch, Professor Emeritus, Department of Economics, University of California, San Diego

  967. Carter Findley, Humanities Disinguished Professor of History Emeritus, Ohio State University

  968. John Davidson, MD, Mayo Clinic

  969. Hakem Al Baz, Researcher, Simmons University

  970. Rivi Handler-Spitz, Associate Professor, Macalester College

  971. Zachary Lockman, Professor, New York University

  972. Scott Siegel, Associate Professor, San Francisco State University

  973. Joan Ostrove, Professor of Psychology, Macalester College

  974. Laurie Zimmerman, Rabbi, Congregation Shaarei Shamayim

  975. C. Christine Fair, Professor, Georgetown University

  976. David A. Love, Assistant Teaching Professor of Journalism and Media Studies, Rutgers University

  977. Genie Silver, Ph.D., former Lecturer, Bryn Mawr College, and activist, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom

  978. Alisa Braun, Academic Director of Community Engagement, JTS

  979. Joan Radner, Professor Emerita, American University

  980. Boaz Atzili, Associate Professor, American University

  981. Nathaniel Shils, Post-doctoral fellow, UCLA & Wellesley College

  982. Raffi Magarik, Assistant Professor, University of Illinois Chicago

  983. Lauren Zinn, Ph.D., Rev., Jewish Educator & Interfaith Minister, ZinnHouse

  984. Zoe Beenstock, Senior Lecturer, University of Haifa

  985. Michal Fox, co-founder of Imateva for cohesion between human beings nature & community

  986. Dafna Hirsch, Senior Lecturer, The Open University of Israel

  987. Sara Feldman, Preceptor in Yiddish, Harvard University

  988. Rabbi Marisa James, Director of Social Justice Programming at Congregation Beit Simchat Torah

  989. Yfaat Weiss, Professor, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  990. Laurence Dreyfus, Professor emeritus, University of Oxford

  991. Rona Sela, curator and researcher, Tel Aviv University

  992. Sogand Shamsaria, Attorney

  993. Max Paul Friedman, Professor of History and International Relations, American University

  994. Yael Dekel, Lecturer, Open University

  995. Penny Rosenwasser, Ph.D.

  996. Deborah Rosenfelt, Professor Emerita, University of Maryland

  997. Hillel Schenker, Co-Editor, Palestine-Israel Journal

  998. Perrine Olff-Rastegar, Speaker, Judeo-Arab Citizen Collective for Palestine, France

  999. Dr. Noah Benninga, The Vidal Sassoon Center for the Study of Antisemitism, Hebrew University

  1000. Shalom Ratzabi, Professor Emeritus, Tel Aviv Unuversity

  1001. Daniel Hirst, Research Director Emeritus, CNRS & Aix-Marseille University

  1002. Michael Schulz, Professor, University of Gothenburg

  1003. Marc Siegel, Professor, Film Studies, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz

  1004. Michael Levin, Adjunct Faculty, Columbia College - Chicago

  1005. Pierre-Alexandre Bliman, Senior researcher, Inria and Sorbonne Université, Paris, France

  1006. Cecile Spiesser, Psychiatrist

  1007. Barry Trachtenberg, Rubin Presidential Chair of Jewish History, Wake Forest University

  1008. Daniel Jacobson, Professor Emeritus, Tel-Aviv University

  1009. Ursula Wokoeck, PhD

  1010. Rabbi Brant Rosen, Tzedek Chicago

  1011. Steve Beresford, Musician

  1012. Leslie Morris, Professor of German and Jewish Studies, University of Minnesota

  1013. Andrew Meyer, Professor of History, Brooklyn College

  1014. Rabbi Jeremy Kridel, Machar - The Secular Humanistic Jewish Congregation of Greater Washington

  1015. Narriman Kattineh, Attorney

  1016. Elliott Sober, Hans Reichenbach Professor and William F. Vilas Professor, University of Wisconsin - Madison

  1017. Ben Harrison, Professor Emeritus, University of Louisville

  1018. Ellen C. Schwartz, Professor Emerita, Eastern Michigan University

  1019. Olivier Le Cour Grandmaison, Associate Professor, L'université d'Évry - Paris-Saclay 

  1020. Rabbi Ellen Jaffe-Gill, community rabbi

  1021. Denisa Glacova, PhD student, University of Michigan

  1022. Marsha Weinraub, Professor Emerita, Department of Psychology, Temple University

  1023. Caroline Vermeersch, clinical psychologist

  1024. Rabbi David N. Goodman, Nafshenu

  1025. Michael Wildt, Professor Emeritus, Humboldt University, Berlin

  1026. Hisham Abad, Visiting Professor, Purdue University Northwest

  1027. Jack Kugelmass, Melton Legislative Professor of Jewish Studies, Florida

  1028. Robert D. Johnston, Professor of History, University of Illinois Chicago

  1029. Ester Gubi, PhD

  1030. Anna Foa, Professor, University La Sapienza (retired)

  1031. Ana Pinheiro, PhD, University of Campinas (Unicamp)

  1032. Daniel Bar-Tal, Professor Emeritus, Tel Aviv University

  1033. Rabbi Lew Weiss, Rabbi and Chaplain

  1034. Dev Noily, Senior Rabbi, Kehilla Community Synagogue

  1035. Rabbi Jeremy Milgrom

  1036. Alessandra Cangemi, Journalist

  1037. Shlomith Rimmon-Kenan, Professor Emerita, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  1038. Guy Kenan, PhD

  1039. Shay Hazkani, Associate Professor of History and Jewish Studies, University of Maryland, College Park

  1040. Rabbi Brian Walt, Rabbi Emeritus, Mishkan Shalom, Philadelphia

  1041. Sarah Anne Minkin, PhD

  1042. Naomi Eilan, Professor of Philosophy, University of Warwick

  1043. Lisa Kallman, Adjunct Professor, Art and Art History, Gateway Community and Technical College

  1044. Dominique Natanson, Spokesperson, Jewish French Union for Peace (UJFP)

  1045. David Vine, Professor, American University

  1046. Joe.Millis, Deputy for Bromley Reform Synagogue

  1047. Daniel B. Schwartz, Professor of History and Judaic Studies, George Washington University

  1048. Dr. Paul Pasch, Resident Representative, Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Israel Office

  1049. Claude Marks, Co-Director, The Freedom Archives

  1050. Steve Hellman, Professor Emeritus, York University

  1051. Harriet Feinberg, Retired educator

  1052. Judith Suissa, Professor Emerita, University College London

  1053. Said Mouline, Architect

  1054. Amnon Boehm, Professor Emeritus, Haifa University

  1055. Cardon Thérèse Marie, Art Teacher

  1056. Yohanna Kinberg, Rabbi

  1057. Robert Rosen, Professor of Law, University of Miami

  1058. Daniel Roth, Executive Director, Center for Jewish Nonviolence

  1059. Daryl Glaser, Professor, University of the Witwatersrand

  1060. Jodie Moore, Co-Founder & President Emerita, The Neighborhood Academy

  1061. Julia Elyachar, Associate Professor, Princeton University

  1062. Bob Gluck, Professor Emeritus, University at Albany

  1063. Aaron Niederman, Schwarzman Scholar

  1064. John L. Anderson, U.S. Foreign Service Officer, retired

  1065. Mazin Qumsiyeh, Professor, Bethlehem University

  1066. Miriam Radu, MD

  1067. Susan Lowry, retired attorney

  1068. Ilana Sichel, PhD, Lecturer on Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School

  1069. Naomi Lightman, Associate Professor, Toronto Metropolitan University

  1070. Harry Hochheiser, Associate Professor of Biomedical Informatics, University of Pittsburgh

  1071. Abie Snow, Israeli and New York attorney (ret)

  1072. Irene Butter, Professor Amerita, University of Michigan

  1073. Linda Holtzman, Director of Student Life, Reconstructonist Rabbinical College

  1074. Farouq R Shafie, Ph.D

  1075. David Mivasair, Rabbi Emeritus, Ahavat Olam Synagogue, Vancouver, BC

  1076. Abraham Mansbach, Professor, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel

  1077. Hakam Kanafani, MD, Bethesda

  1078. Roi Boshi, Lecturer, Bezalel Academy of Arts & Design Jerusalem

  1079. Elizabeth Heineman, Professor, University of Iowa

  1080. Terry Kleeman, Professor Emeritus, University of Colorado Boulder

  1081. Christine Glenn, PhD, psychologist

  1082. Nancy Claxton, Researcher, University of Geneva

  1083. L. L. Wynn, Professor, Macquarie University

  1084. Lawrence Marceau, Senior Lecturer (retired), University of Auckland

  1085. Hillel Damron, writer and blogger

  1086. Mark Rosenbush, Attorney (retired), California

  1087. Joseph Berra, Human Rights in the Americas Project Director, Promise Institute for Human Rights, UCLA Law

  1088. Diana Hay, Associate Researcher, Oeko-Institut

  1089. Carina Ray, Associate Professor, University of Michigan

  1090. Dana Hollander, Associate Professor, McMaster University

  1091. Ross Martin Daly, Artistic director, Musical Workshop Labyrinth

  1092. Robert Morrison, retired teacher, Peterborough Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board

  1093. Tova Stabin, writer and activist

  1094. Emna Dhahak, Former Spokesperson, Ontario Ministry Of Transportation

  1095. Stephen C.. Stearns, Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Emeritus, Yale University

  1096. Frank Schroeder, MD

  1097. Gertrude Crowley, RN

  1098. Dr. Brian Victoria, Buddhist priest

  1099. Carolyn Buff, Consultant, International Law

  1100. Christine Forget, Teacher

  1101. Isabel Frey, PhD candidate, University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna

  1102. Ri J. Turner, Graduate student, Department of History, University of Wisconsin, Madison

  1103. Judith Crews, Phd, Editor and teacher

  1104. Anita Frankel, MA MFT, Former Public Affairs Director, KPFK-FM Los Angeles

  1105. Andy Rogers, PhD

  1106. Dr. Martin Adel, Professor, University of Vienna (Retired)

  1107. François Bohy, Composer

  1108. Avi Goldberg, Professor of Sociology, Vanier College

  1109. Bruno Huberman, Professor, Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo

  1110. Nir Gov, Professor, Weizmann Institute

  1111. Roy Wagner, Professor, ETH Zurich

  1112. Christopher Lewis, Researcher in Bio Technologies for Building Sciences, Artist, Philosopher, Rochester Institute of Technology  

  1113. Noor Salous, Designer

  1114. Alejandro Rivas-Micoud, Founder, Userlytics

  1115. Ishay Landa, Associate Professor, the Open University of Israel

  1116. Mieka Polanco, Associate Professor, James Madison University

  1117. Gavriel Reisner, Psychoanalyst and Former Lecturer, Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv University

  1118. Joan Geiger, Ergonomist, Haifa University

  1119. Ido Shahar, Senior Lecturer, University of Haifa

  1120. Dr. Avital Barak, Lecturer, Kibbutzim College

  1121. Jennifer Rogers, the Global Institute for Tomorrow

  1122. Jonathan Littell, Writer and Filmmaker

  1123. Dr. Tamar Parush, Researcher, University of Haifa

  1124. Eyal Weizman, MBE and FBA, Professor, Goldsmiths, University of London

  1125. Yifat Gutman, Senior Lecturer, Ben-Gurion University 

  1126. Jennifer Hochschild, Professor, Harvard University 

  1127. Robert Littell, Novelist

  1128. Bruce Mannheim, Professor, University of Michigan

  1129. Steven Heydemann, Ketcham Chair in Middle East Studies, Smith College

  1130. David Manski, Conservation Biologist (Retired)

  1131. Gal Kober, Professor of Philosophy, Bridgewater State University

  1132. Vance Dietz, MD, Center for Disease Control - USA (Retired)

  1133. Ya’el Nu’emah Kremer, DPhil in Oriental Studies, Oxford University

  1134. James C. Wright, Professor Emeritus, Bryn Mawr College

  1135. Mustafa Ibrahim, Writer and Researcher

  1136. Meyrav Weiss, MSc Candidate in Modern Middle Eastern Studies, University of Oxford 

  1137. Avi Kaplan, Professor of Educational Psychology, Temple University

  1138. Arie Neuhauser, PhD Student, University of Chicago 

  1139. Michaela Kobsa-Mark, Documentary Filmmaker

  1140. David Schretlen, Professor, the Johns Hopkins University

  1141. Shelley A. Smith, Professor Emerita of Sociology, University of South Carolina

  1142. Dr. Gali Drucker Bar-Am, Postdoctoral Fellow, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  1143. Hashem Ganem, Civil and Structural Engineer

  1144. Steven Ajluni, MD

  1145. Dana Ward, Professor Emeritus, Pitzer College

  1146. Frans Hesse, Fund Manager

  1147. Conny Groot, Director, Music Generations

  1148. Ofer Aharony, Professor, Weizmann Institute of Science

  1149. Allan Drazen, Professor, University of Maryland

  1150. Paul R. Rivera, PhD

  1151. Stephen Luntz, Author, University of Melbourne

  1152. Jean Pierre Van Tiel, Doctor

  1153. Charles Bernstein, Donald T. Regan Professor Emeritus of English and Comparative Literature, University of Pennsylvania

  1154. Henk Droog, Graphic Designer

  1155. Leonard Korn, MD, Psychiatrist

  1156. Anjo Clement, Secretary, the Municipal Alliance for Peace

  1157. Giora Hon, Professor, University of Haifa

  1158. Patrick M. Nsherenguzi, Paramedic

  1159. Rupa Shah, MD

  1160. Noa Shuval, Teaching Fellow, Tel Aviv University 

  1161. Rabbi Alex Weissman, Director of Mekhinah and Cultural and Spiritual Life, Reconstructionist Rabbinical College

  1162. Liran Morav, PhD Candidate, University of Cambridge

  1163. Adeed Dawisha, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Miami University

  1164. Patricia Gavigan, Writer

  1165. Brad Yoder, Professor Emeritus of Sociology, Social Work, and Criminal Justice, Manchester University

  1166. Dr. Elif Durmuş, Postdoctoral Researcher, Faculty of Law, University of Antwerp (Belgium)

  1167. Ilana Cruger-Zaken, Writer, New York University

  1168. Sagar Wadgaonkar, Technical Policy Analyst, Booz Allen Hamilton

  1169. Don Denton, Retired Teacher

  1170. Kenneth Pomeranz, Professor in History, University of Chicago 

  1171. Laura Troutman, MA, Columbia University 

  1172. Mary Gregg, Retired Teacher

  1173. Richard Ganulin, Civil Rights Lawyer 

  1174. Gerasimos Kakoliris, Associate Professor of Philosophy, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece

  1175. Sivane Hirsch, Full Professor, Laval University

  1176. Judith Kolata, Information Specialist (Retired)

  1177. Doron Shiffer-Sebba, Postdoctoral Fellow, Northwestern University

  1178. Marsha Friedman, Rabbi and Psychologist

  1179. Rhoden Streeter, Sowers of Justice Network

  1180. Dena S. Davis, Presidential Endowed Chair in Health, Lehigh University

  1181. Françoise De Turckheim, MD

  1182. Charles E. Jones, Tombros Librarian for Classics and Humanities, Pennsylvania State University

  1183. Claire Moses, Professor Emerita, University of Maryland, College Park

  1184. Ylana Miller. Research Scholar, Duke University

  1185. Bruce Frier, Professor of Classics and Law, University of Michigan

  1186. Johnny Stiban, Professor of Biochemistry, Birzeit University

  1187. George Anthonius Siemensma, Engineer

  1188. Jean Zorn, Professor of Law and Senior Associate Dean Emerita, City University of New York School of Law

  1189. Sarah Pinto, Masters Student, Stanford University 

  1190. Silvia Nagy-Zekmi, Professor Emerita, Villanova University

  1191. Daniel Katz, Professor of English and Comparative Literary Studies, University of Warwick

  1192. Victor Waese, Instructor, British Columbia Institute of Technology

  1193. Thomas Evans, Retired Engineer

  1194. Gjovalin Macaj, Lecturer, Leiden University

  1195. Michael Dick, Professor Emeritus of Hebrew Bible, Siena College

  1196. Anthony Bogues, Asa Messer Professor of Humanities and Africana Studies, Brown University

  1197. Gail Jacobson, Retired Teacher

  1198. Marc Kaufman, Writer

  1199. Jack Goldberg, Professor Emeritus, University of Alberta

  1200. Yuval Katz, Postdoctoral Fellow, Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania 

  1201. Cheryl Greenberg, Paul E. Rather Distinguished Professor of History Emerita, Trinity College

  1202. Marc Snir, Professor Emeritus, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

  1203. Ruth Tsoffar, Professor of Comparative Literature, Women and Gender Studies and Judaic Studies, University of Michigan

  1204. Meryl Crean, Rabbi

  1205. Mireille Gleizes, Pianist

  1206. Murjan Abu Mahmoud, Engineer 

  1207. Imad Hussein, International Civil Servant (Retired)

  1208. David Schmidt, Museum Technician (Retired), Smithsonian Institute

  1209. Hasan Hammami, Nakbah Survivor and Business Executive (Retired)

  1210. Carol Shoshkes Reiss, Professor Emerita, NYU

  1211. Rabbi David J. Cooper, Kehilla Community Synagogue

  1212. Steven Gelb, Professor, University of San Diego (retired)

  1213. Francesca Morgan, Professor, Northeastern Illinois University

  1214. Alyson Shotz, Artist

  1215. Yitzak / Jerry Green, Retired California Healthcare Attorney/Mediator

  1216. Rabbi Margaret Holub

  1217. Chiara Nappi, Professor Emerita, Princeton University

  1218. Cliff Staten, Professor Emeritus, Indiana University Southeast

  1219. Blandine Laferrère, Professor of Medicine, Columbia University

  1220. Robert Allan, PhD

  1221. Martin Mould, Phd

  1222. Janice Peck, Professor Emeritus, University of Colorado, Boulder

  1223. Louis Rothschild, PhD, Clinical Psychologist

  1224. Hugh Curran, Lecturer, Peace & Reconciliation Studies, University of Maine

  1225. Jill Goldberg, Professor of Creative Writing, Langara College

  1226. Henri Picciotto, former Board Chair, Jewish Voice for Peace

  1227. Rebekah Levin, Retired Research Associate Professor, University of Illinois

  1228. Steve Benassi, Computer Engineer

  1229. Marcia G. Yerman, Writer/Artist/Activist

  1230. Judy Roth, PhD clinical psychologist/psychoanalyst

  1231. Amal Sliman, Nutritional consultant

  1232. Sonia Combe, Associate Researcher, Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin

  1233. Zoe Goorman, Artist

  1234. Saul Zaritt, Associate Professor, Harvard University

  1235. Chjarles Fishman, Attorney (retired)

  1236. Sarah Hendlish, PsyD Student, California Institute of Integral Studies

  1237. Stephen Shapiro, Professor, University of Warwick

  1238. Garth T. Katner, PhD

  1239. Rita Cahn, Psychotherapist, Clinical Prof. Psychiatry UCSF (retired)

  1240. David Lelyveld, Professor (retired), William Paterson University

  1241. Alan Rutkowski, Librarian (retried), University of Alberta

  1242. Roger Waldinger, Professor, UCLA

  1243. Hannah Mittenberg Licensed clinical social worker, Manhattan Institute for Psychoanalysis

  1244. Sheldon Pollock, Professor Emeritus, Columbia. University

  1245. Ben Manski, Assistant Professor, George Mason University

  1246. Claudia Leight, counselor, retired

  1247. Nina Valbousquet, Historian, Rome

  1248. Tamar Glezerman, Filmmaker

  1249. Taoufiq Tahani, Associate Professor, Université de Lille

  1250. Carlos R Canas, Systems Engineer

  1251. Alla Dvorkin, Archivist

  1252. Mark LeVine, Professor, Deptartment of History, Chair Global Middle East Studies, UC Irvine

  1253. Nubar Hovsepian, Associate Professor Emeritus, Chapman University

  1254. Samantha Dressel, Assistant Professor, Chapman University

  1255. Haavar Knutsen, MD (retired)

  1256. Thomas Kovach, Professor Emeritus in German and Judaic Studies, University of Arizona

  1257. Nancy Fuchs Kreimer, Associate Professor Emerita, Reconstructionist Rabbinical College

  1258. Professor Jeffrey Cohen, Boston College

  1259. Jeffrey Skoller, Professor Emeritus, UC Berkeley

  1260. Edmund Weisberg, Senior Science Writer, Johns Hopkins University

  1261. Richard Stahler-Sholk, Professor Emeritus, Eastern Michigan University

  1262. Ayala Emmett Professor Emeritus, University of Rochester

  1263. James Traub, Licensed clinical social worker

  1264. Don Goldstein, Emeritus Professor, Allegheny College

  1265. Lincoln Z. Shlensky, Associate Professor, University of Victoria

  1266. Stephen Teitel, Professor of Physics, University of Rochester

  1267. Hilton Obeninger, Professor, Stanford University

  1268. Itamar Radai, Senior Lecturer of Israel Studies, The Open University of Israel

  1269. Maura Sheehy, Licensed clinical social worker

  1270. Chen-Levy Zehava, Retired Lecturer, University of Washington

  1271. Rabbi Borukh Goldberg

  1272. Rabbi Julie Pfau

  1273. Dr. Derek Leebaert, 2020 Harry S Truman Book Award winner MAP-AG

  1274. Rhonda F Levine, Professor of Sociology, Emerita, Colgate University

  1275. Dan Tadmor, Poet, polyglot, poetry and lyrics translator

  1276. Shlomit Ferguson, Psychotherapist

  1277. Pavel Jungwirth, Researcher

  1278. Rev. Mary Bullis, Cross Roads United Methodist Church

  1279. Włodzimierz Rydzkowski, Professor Emeritus, University of Gdańsk

  1280. Joseph Schmitz, PhD, research methodologist, journalist 

  1281. Yonatan Ginzburg, Professor, Université Paris Cité

  1282. Rita Weinstein, Author, Playwright

  1283. David J. Habib, Jr., Adjunct Professor, California Lutheran University

  1284. Judith Kates, Professor of Jewish Women's Studies (retired), Hebrew College

  1285. Simon I. Selitser, Ph.D.

  1286. Stephen Dyck, PhD in Mathematic Logic, UC Berkeley

  1287. Leela Corman, artist and author

  1288. Rabbi Burt Jacobson, Founding Rabbi, Kehilla Community Synagogue

  1289. Margaret Cerullo, Professor of Sociology, Hampshire College

  1290. Aaron Berman, Professor Emeritus, Hampshire College

  1291. Carolyn Eisenberg, Professor of US History and American Foreign Policy, Hofstra University

  1292. Anne Squier, Retired Attorney

  1293. Su Libby, Public Health Administrator (retired)

  1294. Assaf Oron, PhD, Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, University of Washington

  1295. J. Paula Roderick, Attorney

  1296. Lynne Joyrich, Professor of Modern Culture and Media, Brown University

  1297. Yigal Bronner, Professor, The Hebrew University

  1298. Ian Margo, Translator/Author

  1299. Rabbi Janie Hodgetts, Spiritual Director, Hebrew College

  1300. Kara Lynch, Emeritx Professor, Hampshire College

  1301. Mark Gasiorowski, Professor Emeritus, Tulane University

  1302. John Dunne, MD retired child and adolescent psychiatrist

  1303. Sarah Fine, Assistant Professor, University of California San Diego

  1304. Omar Lakkis, Reader in Mathematics, University of Sussex

  1305. Myka Tucker-Abramson, Associate Professor, University of Warwick

  1306. Craig Thorburn, Senior Lecturer, Monash University (retired)

  1307. Manuela Consonni, Professor of Jewish History, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  1308. Oded Y. Steinberg, Assistant Professor , Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  1309. Yoav Rinon, Associate Professor, Hebrew University

  1310. Michele Battini, Professor, University of Pisa, and former research fellow, Scuola Normale Superiore

  1311. Victor Elias, Associate Professor, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (Meritorious Autonomous University of Puebla)

  1312. Matan Cohen, PhD

  1313. Joel Sipress, Professor of History, University of Wisconsin-Superior

  1314. Harry Feldman, PhD

  1315. Joseph Dichy, honorary professor, University of Lyon (France)

  1316. Annette Feld, Psychoanalyst, New Lacanian School

  1317. Shmuel Groag, Architect ,Senior lecturer, Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem

  1318. Saad Bouhsina, Associate Professor, ULCO University France

  1319. Christian Henderson, Assistant Professor of International Relations, Leiden University

  1320. Samir Miari, Professor and Associate Vice President (retired), Chicago State University

  1321. Said Ell, Teacher, Badr school, Morocco.

  1322. Dr. Nadia Abu Zaher, Assistant Professor, Al Istiqlal University

  1323. Ahmad Akel, Engineer

  1324. Eugene Epstein, PhD, Psychologist

  1325. David Ranan, Fellow, Birkbeck Institute for the Study of Antisemitism, University of London

  1326. Shaul Bassi, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

  1327. Ziad Abuzayyad, Lawyer, co-editor of Palestine-Israel Journal

  1328. Helen Langa, Associate Professor Emerita, American University

  1329. Dr. Meenal Mamdani, Assistant Chief, Neurology, VA Hospital (retired)

  1330. A. Haluk Ünal, writer and film director

  1331. Ron Neimark, Outreach coordinator, University of Illinois at Chicago

  1332. Jon Anson, Professor (retired), Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

  1333. Charles Whitehead, PhD, FRAI, former visiting lecturer, University of Westminster

  1334. Huguette Bourron, primary school teacher (retired)

  1335. Rhonda J Factor, Adjunct Faculty, New York University

  1336. Doron Cohen, Professor, Ben-Gurion University

  1337. Bernard Lamizet, Retired Professor, Institut d'Études Politiques, Lyon

  1338. Henry Greenspan, Professor Emeritus, University of Michigan

  1339. Ruth Hacohen, Professor Emerita, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  1340. Henry Sussman, Professor, Yale University (retired)

  1341. Riccardo Bocco, Emeritus Professor, Department of Anthropology and Sociology, The Geneva Graduate Institute

  1342. Dalia Sachs, Professor Emeritus, University of Haifa

  1343. Galila Spharim, Librarian, Hebrew University

  1344. Marie-Claude Saliceti, Psychologist (retired)

  1345. Dorit Naaman, Professor, Film and Media, Queen’s University

  1346. Virginia Casper, Professor Emerita, Bank Street College of Education

  1347. Dr Grazia Borrini-Feyerabend, Elder ICCA Consortium

  1348. Yair Apter, Professor of Gender Studies, Bar Ilan University

  1349. Tal Siloni, Professor of Linguistics, Tel Aviv University

  1350. Elaine Waxman, Lecturer, The University of Chicago

  1351. Moataz Dajani, Artist & Art Educator

  1352. Christopher Browning, Professor of History Emeritus, UNC-Chapel Hill

  1353. Silvana Patriarca, Professor, Fordham University

  1354. Beth Dougherty, Professor of Political Science, Beloit College

  1355. Moshe Zimmermann, Professor Emeritus, Hebrew University

  1356. Margaret Power, Professor Emerita, Illinois Tech

  1357. Wendy Lower, Professor of History, Claremont McKenna College

  1358. John-Paul Himka, Professor Emeritus, University of Alberta

  1359. Ayelet Zohar, Senior lecturer, Tel Aviv University & Columbia University

  1360. Justine McCabe, PhD, Anthropologist and Clinical Psychologist

  1361. Martina L. Weisz, Research Fellow, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  1362. Jonathan Petropoulos, Professor of History, Claremont McKenna College

  1363. Maya Steinberg, Filmmaker

  1364. David Calef, Humanitarian Aid Worker, Rome, Italy

  1365. David L. Mandel, Human rights attorney; member, Central Committee, California Democratic Party

  1366. Tamar Samir, PT Assistant Professor, The New School

  1367. Vivian Zelaya, retired teacher

  1368. Baki Tezcan, Professor of History, University of California, Davis

  1369. Hozan Alan Senauke, Abbot, Berkeley Zen Center

  1370. Paulo Ivo Garrido, PhD

  1371. Larry Gross, Professor, University of Southern California

  1372. Edvardas Simonis, Geologist (retired)

  1373. Mark Pollock, Associate Professor (retired), Loyola University Chicago

  1374. Senan Shaq, PhD

  1375. Colin Dayan, Professor, Vanderbilt University

  1376. Ana Celia Zentella, Professor Emerita, UC San Diego

  1377. Anne Norton, Professor, University of Pennsylvania

  1378. Sherrill Futrell, Researcher, UC Davis

  1379. Saul Friedländer, Professor, UCLA

  1380. Mark Braverman PhD, Director Kairos USA, Research Fellow, Public Theology Stellenbosch University, writer, activist

  1381. Ivo Garrido, MD

  1382. Shulamit Volkov, Professor (Emerita) of Eurooean History, Tel Aviv University

  1383. John Dabeet, Professor, Eastern Iowa College

  1384. Laurie White, Documentary film maker

  1385. Nadir Zekmi, Geologist (retired)

  1386. Jennifer Evans, Professor, Carleton University (Canada)

  1387. Aurelia Kalisky, Independant scholar

  1388. Rabbi Jason Gitlin

  1389. Thomas Kühne, Strassler Colin Flug Professor of Holocaust History, Clark University

  1390. Hilary Kilpatrick, Independent scholar

  1391. Gregory Giannis, Academic, Latrobe University

  1392. Becker Annette, Professor of History, Paris-Nanterre

  1393. Mohideen Abdul Kader, Advocate and Solicitor, Malaysian Bar

  1394. Robin Kristufek, Public Health Nurse

  1395. Rabbi Chaplain Michael Tevya Cohen, ACPE Certified Educator, Dallas, TX

  1396. Max Likin, Lecturer, FEPPS

  1397. Abraham Flaxman, Associate Professor, University of Washington

  1398. Henry Wyatt, PhD, University of Maine at Augusta (ret.)

  1399. Lea Pipman, O.T (retired), N.Y.C Education Department

  1400. Gail F. Nestel, M.Ed. Field Researcher on Israel/Palestine

  1401. Helene Braun, Rabbinical student, Keshet Germany

  1402. Adam Hochschild, Lecturer, University of California, Berkeley

  1403. Rabbi Binyamin Biber, Post President, Association of Humanistic Rabbis

  1404. Carolyn Marvin, Emeritus Professor of Communication, University of Pennsylvania

  1405. Yves-Michel De Martin De Viviés, secondary school teacher

  1406. Dawlat Yassin, Instructor, University of Houston-Clear Lake

  1407. Margit Cohn, Professor, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  1408. Didier Samain, Professor Emeritus, Sorbonne University (Paris)

  1409. Frank Stappaerts, Faculty for Comparative Study of Religions and Humanism (FVG), Antwerp

  1410. Noa Levin, Postdoctoral Researcher, Università della Svizzera Italiana

  1411. Claire Tellier, Graphic design

  1412. Carlo Ginzburg, Professor Emeritus, UCLA

  1413. Claire Mestre, Psychiatrist and Anthropologist, Université de Bordeaux

  1414. Faouzi Berrada, Professor, Doctor of Engineering, Faculté des Sciences Ain Chock - Casablanca, Morocco

  1415. Victor Isaac Taranto, PhD student, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  1416. Judith Butler, Distinguished Professor in the Graduate School, UC Berkeley

  1417. Jennifer Lewis, Professor, Wayne State University

  1418. Gene Ramsbottom, board member UUs for Justice in the Middle East

  1419. Denis Lemercier, Lecturer, Université de Caen, France, Emeritus

  1420. Micheyle Marlier, Teacher of fine arts, artist and painter, France

  1421. Aicha Elbasri PhD, Former UN Spokeswoman

  1422. Aristotle Kallis, Professor of Contemporary History, Keele University, UK

  1423. Giselle El Raheb, Assistant Professor, La Rochelle, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France

  1424. Christopher Winks, Professor, Queens College/CUNY

  1425. Norbert Hornstein, Emeritus Professor, University of Maryland

  1426. Eve Spangler, Associate Professor, Boston College

  1427. Le Breton Jacques, formateur

  1428. Dr. Leah Glickman, independent scholar

  1429. Yonathan Shapir, Professor of Physics, University of Rochester (retired)

  1430. Deborah Condon, Environmental Scientist, State of California (retired))

  1431. Bonnie Urciuoli, Professor Emerita, Anthropology, Hamilton College

  1432. Annie Zirin, artist, arts educator

  1433. Rabbi Jonathan Zasloff, Professor of Law, UCLA School of Law

  1434. Adam Jones, Professor, University of British Columbia Okanagan

  1435. Herbert S. Lewis, Professor Emeritus, University of Wisconsin-Madison

  1436. Robert Kramer, Professor of History, St. Norbert College

  1437. Robert Gelbach, PhD, political science 

  1438. Abdul Jabbar, Emeritus Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies, City College of San Francisco 

  1439. Howard Tzvi Adelman, Director, Jewish Studies; Associate Professor, Jewish History; Queen's University (retired) 

  1440. Eric Schuster, Lecturer, History and Political Science, City Colleges of Chicago

  1441. Katherine Schuster, Distinguished Professor, Oakton College

  1442. Asad Ghanem, Professor, University of Haifa

  1443. Naomi Seidman, University of Toronto

  1444. Jonathan W. Malino, Professor of Philosophy (Emeritus), Guilford College

  1445. Sarah Combellick-Bidney, Associate Professor, Augsburg University

  1446. Carolyn L. Karcher, Professor Emerita, Temple University

  1447. Alan Wallach, Ralph H. Wark Professor of Art and Art History and Professor of American Studies Emeritus, The College of William and Mary

  1448. Devanshi Saxena, PhD researcher, University of Antwerp

  1449. Said Zeedani, Associate Professor of Philosophy at Al-Quds University (retired)

  1450. Irene Rosenkötter, Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist

  1451. Avishai Margalit, Professor Emeritus, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  1452. Jo Salas, cofounder, Playback Theatre

  1453. Arieh Ullmann, Associate Professor of Management (emeritus), Binghamton University

  1454. Mark S. Mishler, civil rights attorney, Albany, NY

  1455. Susan Smith, International Fellowship of Reconciliation

  1456. Gail Ryall, retired children's librarian

  1457. Dr. Nashma Carrera, Kennesaw State University

  1458. Dina Stein, Professor, University of Haifa

  1459. Susana Cavallo, Professor of Spanish, Loyola University Chicago

  1460. Michael Martin, Professor, Media School, Indiana University, Bloomington

  1461. Dani Schrire, Senior Lecturer, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  1462. Jane Toby, Ph.d

  1463. Russell Pearce, Professor, Fordham University School of Law

  1464. Doris Sommer, Professor, Harvard University

  1465. Joseph Alper, Professor of Chemistry Emeritus, University of Massachusetts-Boston

  1466. Ronelle Delmont, Adjunct Lecturer, Florida International University

  1467. Richard Bauman, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Indiana University

  1468. Laura Wexler, Charles H. Farnam Professor of American Studies and Women’s, Gender & Sexuality Studies, Yale University 

  1469. Beverly J. Stoeltje, Professor Emerita, Indiana University 

  1470. Irit Edelman-Novemsky, Ass. Research Biologist, retired, New York University

  1471. Helmut Walser Smith, Professor of History, Vanderbilt University

  1472. Jed Buchwald, Professor, Caltech 

  1473. Yaakov Ginsberg-Schreck, Rabbinical Student, Hebrew College 

  1474. Lewis Kirshner MD, retired Clinical Professor Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School 

  1475. Robert Raynolds, PhD, Boardmember, The Putney School 

  1476. David Freedman, Ph.D., Criminal Justice Consultant 

  1477. Silvana Rabinovich, Professor and Researcher, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico 

  1478. Anne Koerber, Professor Emerita, University of Illinois at Chicago

  1479. Phyllis Berman, Rabbi/Spiritual Director, ALEPH Ordination Program

  1480. Leon Slonim, Ph.D. 

  1481. Dr. Itay Zutra, University of Manitoba

  1482. David Weinfeld, Assistant Professor of World Religions, Rowan University 

  1483. Ronna Milo Haglili, PsyD, Clinical Psychologist 

  1484. Taner Akçam, AGRP in Promise Armenian Institute at UCLA 

  1485. Waleed Karkabi, Architect

  1486. Sybille Steinbacher, Director of the Fritz Bauer Institute and Professor for the History and Impact of the Holocaust, Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, Germany 

  1487. Nancy Margalit, Language Instructor at the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies (retired) 

  1488. Uri Yiftach, Professor, Tel Aviv University

  1489. Orit Sonia Waisman, Senior lecturer, David Yellin college, Jerusalem

  1490. Dan Diner, Professor Emeritus, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem 

  1491. Dr. Franck Waille, Laboratoire de recherche historique Rhône-Alpes, Université Lyon 3, France  

  1492. James Dickins, Professor of Arabic, University of Leeds

  1493. Rabbi David Regenspan (retired)

  1494. Barbara Regenspan, Emerita Professor of Educational Theory, Colgate University

  1495. Billie Goldstein, PhD, Associate Professor (retired) Computer Science, Temple University 

  1496. Alex Grab, Professor Emeritus of History, University of Maine 

  1497. David Mond, Emeritus Professor of Mathematics, University of Warwick

  1498. Amy Horowitz, Senior Fellow, Center for the Study of the Middle East (CSME) and Director, GALACTIC (Global Arts Language Arts, Cultural Traditions in Indigenous Communities), Indiana University

  1499. Monika Jaeckel, PhD, Freelance artist 

  1500. Sherry Millner, Professor of Media, CUNY Staten Island 

  1501. Muhammad Abu Samra, Senior lecturer, David Yellin College, Jerusalem 

  1502. Tara Zahra, Professor of History, The University of Chicago

  1503. Lili Kim, Professor of History and Global Migrations, Hampshire College 

  1504. Keith P. Feldman, Associate Professor of Ethnic Studies, UC Berkeley 

  1505. Clare Gemima, Artist and writer 

  1506. Allie Perry, United Church of Christ pastor, and chair of the UCC Palestine Israel Network 

  1507. Dean Christ, Director of Pathology (retired), Mercy Hospital, Chicago

  1508. Izhar Patkin, Artist

  1509. Pierre Pica, Researcher, Centre National de la recherche Scientifique, Paris

  1510. Hugh Miller, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, Loyola University Chicago 

  1511. Ray Lee ranis, Professor Emeritus, Quinnipiac University 

  1512. Lisa Rofel, Professor Emerita, University of California, Santa Cruz

  1513. Amanda Shubert, Teaching Faculty, University of Wisconsin-Madison 

  1514. Renée Petropoulos, Professor Emeritus, Graduate Fine Arts, Otis College of Art and Design

  1515. Tony Kushner, Professor, University of Southampton

  1516. Dr. Noam Zadoff, Universität Innsbruck 

  1517. James Loeffler, Research Professor of History, Johns Hopkins University

  1518. Rabbi Camille Angel, University of San Francisco, Camille Shira Angel, D.D.

  1519. Richard Ruppel, Professor, English & Peace Studies, Chapman University

  1520. Rabbi Dr. Rachel S. Mikva, Herman Schaalman Professor in Jewish Studies, Chicago Theological Seminary

  1521. Rabbi Jim Morgan, PhD, Community Rabbi and Chaplain, Hebrew Rehabilitation Center 

  1522. Dr. Glenn E. Robinson, Professor of Defense Analysis (ret), Naval Postgraduate School

  1523. Ayala Ronel, Professor, Tel-Aviv University

  1524. Jonathan Graubart, Professor, Political Science, San Diego State University 

  1525. Ned Lazarus, Ph.D., Teaching Associate Professor of International Relations , Elliott School of International Affairs, The George Washington University 

  1526. Nelson Kasfir, Professor of Government Emeritus at Dartmouth College, USA 

  1527. Deborah Achtenberg, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, University of Nevada, Reno 

  1528. Patsy Rahn, Poet and prose writer 

  1529. Lisa Bateman, Professor in Fine Arts, Pratt Institute

  1530. Marjorie Cohn, Professor Emerita, Thomas Jefferson School of Law 

  1531. Petra Doan, Professor Emerita, Urban & Regional Planning, Florida State University 

  1532. Nathan Nossal, PhD, Toyama Prefectural University, Japan 

  1533. Sarah Perrigo, Senior lecturer, Department of Peace Studies, University of Bradford (retired)

  1534. Julie Diamond, Retired teacher, New York City & Adjunct Professor, City College of New York 

  1535. Joshua Bernstein, Associate Professor of English, University of Southern Mississippi

  1536. Stephen Greenberg, Attorney; former Lecturer, University of Maryland - European Division 

  1537. Rachel Ida Buff, Professor and Chair, History Department, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee

  1538. Rabbi Mordechai Liebling, Director, Emeritus, Social Justice Organizing Program, Reconstructionist Rabbinical College 

  1539. Richard L. Epstein, Head, Advanced Reasoning Forum 

  1540. Harel Shouval, Professor, The University of Texas, Mcgovern Medical School, Houston 

  1541. Peter Breiner, Associate Professor of Political Science, State University of New York at Albany 

  1542. Michael Alpert, Musician/composer, ethnographer, scholar, United States National Heritage Fellow 

  1543. Ivan Diamond, MD, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Neurology, University of California, San Francisco 

  1544. Philip Rosen, Professor Emeritus of Modern Culture and Media, Brown University 

  1545. Bruce Hartford, President, the Civil Rights Movement Archive 

  1546. Sharon Mann, Professor, Piano Department, San Francisco Conservatory of Music 

  1547. Bruce Turetsky, M.D., Emeritus Associate Professor, Psychiatry, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania  

  1548. Stephanie Sieburth, Professor Emerita, Department of Romance Studies, Duke University 

  1549. Georg Kreis, Professor Emeritus, University of Basel, Historian, Past President, Official Swiss Commission Against Racisime, Founding Director, Institute for European Studies 

  1550. Cora Diamond, Professor Emerita, University of Virginia  

  1551. Dr. Samuel Hayim Brody, Associate Professor in the Department of Religious Studies, University of Kansas 

  1552. Seyla Benhabib, Professor Emerita of Political Science and Philosophy, Senior Research Fellow, Columbia Law School 

  1553. Yves Morneau, Peace Professional, Civilian Peace Service Canada, Former chair, Canadian Institute for Conflict Resolution

  1554. John King, Musician, Associate adjunct professor, New York University

  1555. A Tom Grunfeld, SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor Emeritus, Empire State College/SUNY 

  1556. Seth Kim-Cohen, Professor, Art History, Theory & Criticism, School of the Art Institute of Chicago 

  1557. Jenny Dubnau, Artist

  1558. Eric Orlin, Professor and Chair of Greek, Latin, and Ancient Mediterranean Studies, University of Puget Sound 

  1559. Ran Greenstein, Associate Professor, Sociology Department, University of the Witwatersrand 

  1560. Cynthia Kaufman, Director, Vasconcellos Institute for Democracy in Action, Faculty in Philosophy, De Anza College 

  1561. Josh Dubnau, Professor, Stony Brook University School of Medicine 

  1562. Neal M. Rosendorf, Associate Professor of International Relations, New Mexico State University 

  1563. Andrew Lyons, Professor Emeritus, Anthropology at Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo 

  1564. Sina Najafi, Editor-in-chief, Cabinet magazine

  1565. Maia Ettinger, Independent Scholar 

  1566. Harriet Lyons, Professor Emerita, University of Waterloo

  1567. Henry Abelove, Professor Emeritus, Wesleyan University 

  1568. Roosbelinda Cárdenas, Associate Professor of Anthropology and Latin American Studies, Hampshire College 

  1569. Les Perelman, Director of Writing Across the Curriculum (retired) Massachusetts Institute of Technology 

  1570. Camron Michael Amin, Professor of Middle East and Iranian Diaspora Studies, University of Michigan-Dearborn 

  1571. Tony Platt, Distinguished Affiliated Scholar, Center for the Study of Law & Society, University of California, Berkeley 

  1572. Jordan H. Carver, KPF Visiting Scholar and Critic, Yale University

  1573. Cantor Marsha Attie, Congregation Emanu-El, San Francisco 

  1574. Michel Feher, editor/publisher, Zone Books

  1575. Lisa Schlesinger, Professor, University of Iowa 

  1576. Joel Whitebook, Faculty, Columbia Psychoanalytic Center 

  1577. Doug Tarnopol, educator and editor

  1578. David Wittenberg, Professor of English and Cinematic Arts, University of Iowa 

  1579. Tirtza Even, Professor, Department of Film, Video, New Media, Animation, The School of the Art Institute of Chicago 

  1580. David Galbraith, Professor Emeritus, University of Toronto 

  1581. Crystal Murphy, Associate Professor, Political Science, Director, MA International Studies, Chapman University 

  1582. Dr. Marc Aronson, Associate Professor, Rutgers School of Communication and Information 

  1583. Emily Dreyfus, postdoctoral researcher, Film University Babelsberg Konrad Wolf, Germany 

  1584. Karen Wainer, Bezalel School of Architecture 

  1585. Stefan Zlot, MD 

  1586. Zouhair Bouhsina, French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment 

  1587. Alexandra Senfft, M.A. Middle Eastern Studies, Author, Germany 

  1588. Mohammed Nachtaoui, Professor, Cadi Ayyad University Marrakesh

  1589. John Coates, Engineer

  1590. Felix Schneider, Journalist and author

  1591. Prof. Millet Treinin. Department of Medical Neurobiology, Hebrew University - Hadassah Medical School 

  1592. Sylvaine Bulle, Professor of Sociology, University de Paris -EHESS 

  1593. Jessica Marglin, Ruth Ziegler Chair in Jewish Studies and Professor of Religion, Law and History, USC

  1594. S.J. Hannahs, Reader in Linguistics, Newcastle University 

  1595. Elizabeth O'Brien, Assistant Professor, Department of History, UCLA 

  1596. Michael M. Kochen, Emeritus Professor, University of Goettingen/Germany 

  1597. Livia Tagliacozzo, PhD Student, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 

  1598. Francesco Cassata, Professor of Contemporary History, University of Genoa 

  1599. Karma Ben Johanan, Senior Lecturer, Department of Comparative Religion, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 

  1600. Lawrence Mosqueda, Professor Emeritus of Political Economy, The Evergreen State College 

  1601. Cilly Kugelmann, Chief Curator, New permanent exhibition of the Jewish Museum Berlin 

  1602. Zimri Shalom Yaseen, MD 

  1603. Glenn Dynner, Professor of Judaic Studies, Fairfield University 

  1604. Hannah Wilson, Teaching Fellow in Holocaust History and Postdoctoral Researcher, Nottingham Trent University 

  1605. Yumna Siddiq, Associate Professor of English, Middlebury College

  1606. Marc Aronson, Associate Professor, Rutgers School of Communication and Information  

  1607. Joseph Auslander, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, University of Maryland 

  1608. Les W. Field, Professor of Anthropology, University of New Mexico 

  1609. Andrew Flachs, Associate Professor, Anthropology, Purdue University 

  1610. Daniel Morgan, Professor of Cinema and Media Studies, the University of Chicago 

  1611. Prof. David E. Cane, Vernon K. Krieble Professor of Chemistry Emeritus, Brown University 

  1612. Stephen Zunes, Professor of Politics, University of San Francisco 

  1613. Chris Gunness, Executive Director, Myanmar Accountability Project 

  1614. Hope R. Proper, Visual Arts Curator, Retired 

  1615. Joanna Michlic , Visiting Professor of the Holocaust, Lund University

  1616. Mark Gomelsky. Professor, University of Wyoming 

  1617. Ross Hyman, Ph.D., Grant Solutions Architect, Research Computing Center, The University of Chicago 

  1618. Debra Stoleroff, Director of Personalized Learning, Twinfield Union School, Plainfield, Vermont 

  1619. Boaz Levin, curator and writer, Berlin 

  1620. Roger B. Blumberg, Visiting Scholar, Department of Computer Science, Brown University 

  1621. Irene Tucker, Professor of English, University of California, Irvine 

  1622. Armand Brumer, Professor Emeritus of Fordham University 

  1623. Marty Levine retired CEO of JCC Chicago, Coordinating Committee Member, JVP Chicago, and writer

  1624. P.G. Kirkpatrick, Professor & Chair of Old Testament Studies / Hebrew Bible Studies, School of Religious Studies, McGill University 

  1625. Andrea White, Professor Emerita of English, California State University Dominguez Hills, 

  1626. Alex Lubin, Professor, Department of African American Studies and History, Pennsylvania State University

  1627. Eliezer Tzvi Margolis, Assistant Professor (Clinical), Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science (retired), Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University 

  1628. Zina Steinberg, Columbia University Medical Center 

  1629. Jacob Morrow-Spitzer, PhD Candidate, Department of History, Yale University

  1630. Marion Berghan, PhD, Member of the New York Academy of Sciences, Fellow of the Royal Anthropological Institute, Publisher of Berghahn Books

  1631. Volker Berghahn, Professor Emeritus, Columbia University

  1632. Dennis Fox, Emeritus Associate Professor of Legal Studies & Psychology, University of Illinois at Springfield 

  1633. L Vinebaum, PhD, Associate Professor, Fiber and Material Studies, School of the Art Institute Chicago

  1634. Ari David Amitai, MD, FRCSC, FAAOS, Orthopaedic trauma surgeon 

  1635. Esther Cohen, Writer, National Writers Union 

  1636. Carmel Dor, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Tyler School of Art and Architecture, Temple University 

  1637. Michael Zank, Professor of Religion, Jewish Studies and Medieval Studies, Boston University 

  1638. Leonard Majzlin, Adjunct Professor, New York University, Steinhardt School

  1639. Aaron Dickinson Sachs, Professor of Media Technologies and Culture Saint Mary’s College of California 

  1640. Jeffrey Newman, Rabbi Emeritus, Finchley Reform Synagogue, London

  1641. Dror Feitelson, Professor of Computer Science, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 

  1642. Robert Kissous, economist, ENSAE, Paris

  1643. Heidi Grunebaum, Professor, Centre for Humanities Research, University of the Western Cape, South Africa 

  1644. Daphney Nozizwe Conco, Senior Lecturer, Health and Society Division, Wits School of Public Health 

  1645. Aubrey Blecher, Maths researcher, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa

  1646. Astrid Starck-Adler, Professor Emerita of Germanic and Yiddish Studies, Université de Haute Alsace, Mulhouse, France, and Professor of Yiddish Studies, University of Basel

  1647. Sharon Fonn, PhD, Visiting Professor School of Public Health and Community Medicine, University of Gothenburg, Sweden 

  1648. Sigal Yona, PhD Candidate, Ghent University

  1649. Jesús Ilundáin-Agurruza, Professor of Philosophy, Linfield University 

  1650. Monique Eckmann, Professor Emerita, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland, Geneva 

  1651. Leslie London, Professor of Public Health Medicine, University of Cape Town, South Africa 

  1652. Marc Mormont, Professor Emeritus of Sociology, University  of Liege 

  1653. Laurel Baldwin-Ragaven, Professor of Family Medicine, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa

  1654. Prof. Orna Kupferman, School of Computer Science and Engineering, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  1655. Yaakov Oshman, Professor Emeritus, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology 

  1656. Pierre Loeb, MD, Past president, New Israel Fund Switzerland 

  1657. Kerwin Kaye, Associate Professor of Feminist, Gender & Sexuality Studies, Wesleyan University 

  1658. Rabbi John L. Rosove, Emeritus of Temple Israel of Hollywood, Los Angeles 

  1659. Diana J. Fox, PhD, University Director, Institute for Gender and Development Studies, The University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica

  1660. Susan Levine, Professor of Anthropology, University of Cape Town

  1661. Steven Robins, Professor, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, Stellenbosch University, South Africa 

  1662. Jay Winter, Charles J.Stille Professor of History Emeritus, Yale University 

  1663. Leslie Swartz, Professor, Psychology Department, Stellenbosch University , South Africa

  1664. Maarten Biesheuvel, Senior Scientist, Wetsus, Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Water Technology, The Netherlands

  1665. Sary Rottenberg, Psychotherapist 

  1666. Gertrud Koch, Professor Emeritus, Film Studies, Freie Universität Berlin 

  1667. Susan Bookbinder, ESL lecturer (retired), University of Massachusetts Boston 

  1668. Aviva Futorian, graduate, University of Chicago Law School

  1669. Brian Leiter, Karl N. Llewellyn Professor of Jurisprudence, Director, Center for Law, Philosophy & Human Values, University of Chicago 

  1670. Cheryl Elman, Professor Emeritus in Sociology, University of Akron

  1671. Rayna Rusenko, Independent scholar 

  1672. Lyne Hervey-Passée, PhD candidate, Universités de Limoges et Paris

  1673. Jenann Ismael, William H. Miller III Professor of Philosophy, Johns Hopkins University 

  1674. Carl Gelderloos, Associate Professor of German Studies, Binghamton University (SUNY). 

  1675. Margaret Prescod, host of Pacifica Radio’s “Sojourner Truth” 

  1676. Dr. Preston J. Werner, Senior Lecturer, Philosophy & Centre for Moral and Political Philosophy, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  1677. Peter E. Gordon, Amabel B. James Professor of History, Harvard University 

  1678. Raymond Suttner, Emeritus Professor, University of South Africa  

  1679. Sergio Tenenbaum, Professor of Philosophy, Centre for Ethics, Director, University of Toronto 

  1680. Tamler Sommers, Professor of Philosophy, Philosophy Department and Honors College, University of Houston 

  1681. Jonathan Cohen, Professor of Philosophy and Associate Dean, School of Arts and Humanities, University of California, San Diego

  1682. Susan R. Gzesh, J.D.,  Instructional Professor,  University of Chicago

  1683. Tamar Keasar, Department of Biology and Environment, University of Haifa - Oranim 

  1684. Chen Keasar, Department of Computer Science, Ben Gurion University of the Negev 

  1685. Robert (Asher) Kirchner, Associate Professor of Linguistics, University of Alberta. Member of Steering Committee of Independent Jewish Voices Canada 

  1686. Daniel Malinsky, Assistant Professor, Columbia University 

  1687. Oren Shafir, Associate Faculty, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology

  1688. Jeff Rice, Senior Lecturer in Political Science, Emeritus, Northwestern University

  1689. Mark Sheldon, Distinguished Senior Lecturer Emeritus Philosophy, Northwestern University 

  1690. Yael Sharvit, Professor, UCLA 

  1691. Jon Solomon, Professor of Chinese Literature, Université de Lyon 

  1692. Simonne Horwitz, Associate Professor, History, University of Saskatchewan, Canada 

  1693. Howie Berman, Senior Librarian, Languages and Literature, Brooklyn Library

  1694. Soumava Basu, Director, Council for Global Cooperation (CGC) 

  1695. Diana Ralph, Associate Professor, Carleton University (retired)

  1696. Prof. David Dubnau, Public Health Research Institute, New Jersey Medical School, Rutgers University 

  1697. Daniel Groll, Professor of Philosophy & Department Chair, Carleton College, Affiliate Faculty Member, Center for Bioethics University of Minnesota 

  1698. David Kishik, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Emerson College 

  1699. Harold Langsam, Professor of Philosophy, University of Virginia 

  1700. Gil Hersch, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Kellogg Center for Philosophy, Politics, and Economics, Virginia Tech 

  1701. Nina Fonoroff, Associate Professor of Film and Digital Arts, University of New Mexico 

  1702. Richard Cramer, Sociology professor (retired), University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

  1703. Patrick S. O'Donnell, Adjunct Instructor in Philosophy (retired)

  1704. Gideon Polya, Associate Professor,  Biochemistry, La Trobe University (retired)

  1705. J. David Velleman, William H. Miller III Research Professor of Philosophy, Johns Hopkins University; Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, New York University

  1706. Rabbi Howard Cooper, Hon Fellow, Leo Baeck College, London

  1707. Thomas G Weiss, Presidential Professor Emeritus, Political Science; Director Emeritus, Ralph Bunche Insititute for International Studies, The City University of New York Graduate Center; Distinguished Fellow, Global Governance, The Chicago Council on Global Affairs; Global Eminience Scholar, Kyung Hee University

  1708. Shyam Ranganathan, MA, MA, PhD, Department of Philosophy, York Center for Asian Research, York University

  1709. Rabbi David A. Teutsch, PhD, The Louis and Myra Wiener Professor Emeritus of Contemporary Jewish Civilization; Senior Consultant to Levin-Lieber Program in Jewish Ethics and for Congregational Services

  1710. b.h. Yael, Professor, Ontario College of Art & Design University

  1711. Jeremy Pober, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow at the Centre for Philosophical Psychology, University of Antwerp

  1712. Rabbi Colin Eimer, Lecturer, Leo Baeck College

  1713. Joshua Gutoff, EdD, Jewish Educator

  1714. Omar Salman, Senior Research Advisor at Pfizer (retired)

  1715. David Livingstone Smith, Professor of Philosophy, University of New England

  1716. Benjamin Schiff, James Monroe Professor Emeritus of Politics and International Law, Oberlin College

  1717. Josef Stern, William H. Colvin Professor of Philosophy (Emeritus); Founding Director, Joyce Z. and Jacob Greenberg Center for Jewish Studies 2009-2014, The University of Chicago

  1718. Berel Lutsky, Professor Emeritus, University of Wisconsin, Green Bay

  1719. Anat Biletzki, Professor of Philosophy, Quinnipiac University

  1720. Daniel Weinstock, Katharine A. Pearson Chair in Civil Society and Public Policy, Department of Philosophy and Faculty of Law, McGill University

  1721. Ted Greenwood, PhD

  1722. Natasha Gill, Former Professor, Barnard College; The New School

  1723. Alessandra De Rossi, Associate Professor, University of Torino

  1724. Sara Rutkowski, Associate Professor, City University of New York: Kingsborough Community of College

  1725. Henry Ascher, MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Paediatrics, University of Gothenburg

  1726. Yael Zerubavel, Professor Emerita of Jewish Studies & History, Rutgers University

  1727. Eviatar Zerubavel, Distinguished Professor of Sociology Emeritus, Rutgers University; author of The Elephant in the Room

  1728. Rabbi Lev Taylor, Oaks Lane Reform Synagogue, Essex

  1729. Dan Fleshler, Co-Editor of The Third Narrative; author of Transforming Israel's Lobby

  1730. Mario Kessler, Senior Fellow, Center for Contemporary History, Potsdam, Germany 

  1731. Joanna Mingham, Organizer, Leeds Women in Black

  1732. Rabbi Gabriel Kanter-Webber, Brighton and Hove Progressive Synagogue

  1733. Dr. Jon Cloke, Senior Research Associate, ENR-Demos

  1734. Anne-Marie Codur, PhD, Chair, University of the Middle East Project

  1735. Ariel Handel, Lecturer, Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design

  1736. O. Nigel Bolland, Professor Emeritus of Sociology and Caribbean Studies, Colgate University

  1737. Robert Gellately, Earl Ray Beck Professor of History, Florida State University

  1738. Jack Beinashowitz, Assistant Professor, Psychology, Harvard Medical School (part-time)

  1739. Ian Blaustein, Lecturer, Tufts University

  1740. Robert N. Proctor, Professor, History of Science, Stanford University

  1741. Jeffrey Rudolph, Lecturer, Social Science and Commerce Department, Marianopolis College (retired)

  1742. Matthew Noah Smith, Associate Professor, Philosophy, Northeastern University

  1743. Moti Gorin, Associate Professor, Philosophy, Colorado State University

  1744. Robert Lyons, PhD, Associate Professor Emeritus, Gothenburg University

  1745. Lawrence Douglas, Professor of Law, Jurisprudence & Social Thought, Amherst College

  1746. Maria Herminia Tavares de Almeida, Professor, Political Science, University of São Paulo

  1747. Špela Lemež, Doctoral Student, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

  1748. Rabbi Amy Eilberg, Spiritual Director, Mussar Counselor, Peace and Justice Educator

  1749. Steven Levine, Professor, Chair of the Philosophy Department, University of Massachusetts, Boston

  1750. Rabbi Gerald Serotta

  1751. Rabbi Suzanne Singer, Rabbi Emerita, Temple Beth El

  1752. Rabbi Laurence Edwards, PhD, Rabbi Emeritus, Congregation Or Chadash; Instructor, University of Illinois at Chicago, DePaul University

  1753. Jared McBride, Assistant Professor of History, UCLA

  1754. Louis E. Newman, Former Dean of Academic Advising and Associate Vice Provost for Ungergraduate Education, Stanford University; John M. and Elizabeth W. Musser Professor of Religious Studies, Emeritus, Carleton College

  1755. Dr. Charles Z. Levkoe, Canada Research Chair in Equitable and Sustainable Food Systems; Director, Sustainable Food Systems Lab

  1756. Rachel da Silveira Gorman, Associate Profesor, York University

  1757. Rabbi Philip J. Bentley, Honorary President, Jewish Peace Fellowship

  1758. Rabbi Marc Gruber, Bethesda, Maryland. Rabbi Emeritus, Central Synagogue-Beth Emeth in Rockville Centre, NY

  1759. Assaf Kfoury, Professor of Computer Science, Boston University

  1760.  Linda Clarke, Professor Emeritus, University of Westminster 

  1761. Ester Reiter, Professor Emeritus, York University

  1762. Gail Super, Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Toronto

  1763.  Luin Goldring, Professor of Sociology, York University 

  1764. Rebecca Comay, Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Toronto 

  1765. Ariel Salzmann, Associate Professor of Islamic and World History, Queens University, Canada

  1766. Rabbi Jeffrey Roth, Director, Awakened Heart Project for Contemplative Judaism 

  1767. Rabbi Sheldon Lewis, Rabbi Emeritus, Palo Alto, California 

  1768. James Deutsch MD PhD FRCPC, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto 

  1769. Michael Dine, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, University of California Santa Cruz 

  1770. Rabbi Marjorie Berman

  1771. Evelyn Torton Beck, Professor Emerita, Harriet Tubman Department of Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies, University of Maryland 

  1772. Charles Maier, Research Professor of History, Harvard University 

  1773. Rabbi Nate DeGroot, Associate Director, The Shalom Center 

  1774. Geoffrey Claussen, Professor of Religious Studies, Elon University 

  1775. Rabbi David Dunn Bauer, Reconstructing Judaism 

  1776. Rabbi Barat Ellman, Ph.D., Adjunct Assistant Professor, Fordham University 

  1777. Rabbi Elyse Wechterman, CEO, Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association, Abington, PA 

  1778. Rabbi Nancy Fuchs Kreimer, Associate Professor of Religious Studies Emerita, Reconstructionist Rabbinical College 

  1779. Fred Rogers, VP & Treasurer Emeritus (ret), Carleton College

  1780. Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum 

  1781. Melissa Levin, Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, University of Toronto 

  1782. Ido Geiger, Professor, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev 

  1783. Rabbi Elli Tikvah Sarah, Rabbi Emeritus, Brighton and Hove Progressive Synagogue, Scholar and writer 

  1784. John Connelly, Sidney Hellman Ehrman Professor of History, UC Berkeley 

  1785. Martin Munz, Artist, Organizer for Jews Against the Occupation in Australia

  1786.  Rabbi Rebecca Birk 

  1787. Brendan McGeever, Senior Lecturer in the Sociology of Antisemitism and Racialization, Birkbeck Institute For The Study of Antisemitism, University of London 

  1788. René Levy, Retired Professor of Sociology, University of Lausanne, Switzerland 

  1789. Rabbi Sheila Peltz Weinberg

  1790. Dr Maynard Seider

  1791. Professor Ilana Pardes, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 

  1792. Norman Paech, Professor Emeritus of International Public Law, University of Hamburg

  1793. Itamar Weinshtock Saadon, Graduate student, Department of Philosophy, Rutgers University 

  1794. David Cooper, Professor Emeritus, Department of Sociology, University of Cape Town

  1795. Rabbi Dr. Margaret Jacobi, Birmingham UK 

  1796. Brian Klug, Hon. Fellow in Social Philosophy, Campion Hall, University of Oxford, Hon. Fellow, Parkes Institute for the Study of Jewish/non-Jewish Relations, University of Southampton 

  1797. Efrat Ben-Ze'ev, Associate Professor, The Ruppin Academic Centre  

  1798. Natan Sznaider, Professor Emeritus, Academic College of Tel Aviv 

  1799. Rabbi Adam Lewis Frankenberg 

  1800. Rabbi Dr Barbara Borts 

  1801. Rabbi Malka Packer-Monroe 

  1802. Nadia Urbinati, Professor of Political Science, Columbia University

  1803. Rabbi Sylvia Rothschild, Community Rabbi and Hospice Spiritual Care Leader, London 

  1804. Rabbi Robert Tabak,  Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania (retired) 

  1805. Jonathan Sterne, Professor, McGill University 

  1806. Eva Illouz, Professor, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales Paris

  1807. Tanya Basok, Professor of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Windsor 

  1808. Rabbi Dr. Chava Bahle  

  1809. David Nasaw, Professor Emeritus, History Department, CUNY Graduate Center

  1810. Diane Cooper, Professor Emeritus, School of Public Health, University of the Western Cape, Cape Town 

  1811. Rabbi Naomi Goldman

  1812. David Rechter, Professor of Modern Jewish History, University of Oxford

  1813. Rabbi Yitzhak Husbands-Hankin, Rabbi Emeritus Temple Beh Israel, Eugene, Oregon 

  1814. David Mednicoff, Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts-Amherst 

  1815. Daniel Kupfert Heller, Senior Lecturer, Monash University 

  1816. Rabbi Douglas E. Krantz, Founding Rabbi, Congregation B'nai Yisrael, Armonk, NY  

  1817. Rabbi Arthur Waskow, Ph. D., Executive Director, The Shalom Center; Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, Faculty, retired

  1818. Diane J. Klein, JD, LLM, Southern University Law Center 

  1819. Eva Menasse, Novelist and essayist, Berlin 

  1820. Rabbi Debra Kolodny, Teacher and ritualist, Amherst, MA 

  1821. Rabbi Andrea London, Beth Emet, The Free Synagogue, Evanston, IL 

  1822. Rabbi Bonnie Cohen 

  1823. Rabbi Diane Elliot, Wholly Present, San Francisco Bay Area 

  1824. Rabbi Ellen Lippmann, Brooklyn, NY 

  1825. Rabbi David Seidenberg, Independent scholar

  1826. Rabbi Dr. Andrew Vogel Ettin, Professor, Department for the Study of Religions and Professor Emeritus of English, Wake Forest University, Spiritual Leader, Temple Israel, Salisbury, NC 

  1827. Rabbi Michael Lerner, Editor, Tikkun Magazine, Chair, The Network of Spiritual Progressives, Rabbi,  Beyt Tikkun Synagogue-Without-Walls, San Francisco and Berkeley, Author

  1828. Rabbi Cat J Zavis, Beyt Tikkun: A Synagogue without Walls, Network of Spiritual Progressives 

  1829. Rabbi Stan Levy, Congregation B’nai Horin-Children of Freedom, Los Angeles

  1830. Rabbi Jeff Foust, Bentley University 

  1831. Rabbi Alan Scott Bachman, House of Prayer for All Peoples 

  1832. Rabbi Jamie Hyams, Community Rabbi 

  1833. Rabbi Simkha Y. Weintraub, Social Worker, Adjunct Professor of Pastoral Skills, JewishTheological Seminary (retired) 

  1834. Rabbi Yaacov J. Kravitz, Ed.D., Center for Spiritual Intelligence, Elkins Park, PA 

  1835. Anita Altman, MA, Health Administration

  1836. Guy Bollag, MD, Sociocultural Animation, Zurich, Switzerland; Head of the Committee of the Jewish Voice for Democracy and Justice in Israel/Palestine, Switzerland

  1837. Noam Hoffer, Assistant Professor, Bar-Ilan University, Israel

  1838. Eran Tzelgov, Poet, Translator, Ilustrator

  1839. Daniel J Isaak, Rabbi Emeritus, Congregation Neveh Shalom, Portland, Oregon

  1840. Rabbi David Lazar, Or Hamidbar, Palm Springs, California

  1841. Rabbi Reba Carmel, Philadelphia, PA

  1842. Howard Avruhm Addison, Associate Professor Emeritus, Intellectual Heritage Program, Temple University

  1843. Shalom H Schwartz, Snajderman Emeritus Professor of Psychology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  1844. Kyle Scott, PhD Student, UCLA

  1845. Leonard Sklar, Professor Emeritus, Environmental Geoscience, Concordia University

  1846. Bob Lieberman, Teacher, Elkins Park, PA (retired)

  1847. Dr Ariela Bairy Ben Ishay, Lecturer at Beit Berl College, Hamidrasha and Buber Center for Dialogue Education

  1848. Merle Lefkoff, PhD, Founding Director, Center for Emergent Diplomacy

  1849. Matthias Weiter, Professor, International Development, Humbolt-Universitaetzu Berlin

  1850. Jean E. Jackson, Professor Emerita, Anthropology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  1851. Debra Levine, Lecturer, Theater, Dance & Media, Harvard University

  1852. Emily Blank, Bend the Arc, Jewish Action, Maryland; Professor Emerita, Economics, Howard University

  1853. Roger Griffin, Professor Emeritus, Oxford Brookes University

  1854. Joan D Mandle, Associate Professor of Sociology, Emerita, Colgate University

  1855. Mor Pipman, Artist

  1856. Melanie Judge, Adjunct Associate Professor, Public Law, University of Cape Town

  1857. Naita Hishoono, Executive Director, Namibia Institute for Democracy

  1858. Davide Carbonai, Associate Professor, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

  1859. Yakov Pipman, DSc, Co-Founder and Former President, Medical Physics for World Benefit

  1860. Elijah Wald, Adjunct Faculty, Temple University; Writer, Researcher

  1861. Orly Yadin, Program Director, Vermont International Film Festival

  1862. Bethamie Horowitz, PhD

  1863. Reverend F Peter Ford, Jr, PhD, Assistant Professor, Islamic Studies, Near East School of Theology (retired)

  1864. Rabbi Sue Levi Elwell, PhD, Hebrew Union College

  1865. Jacqueline Rose, Professor, Co-Director, Institue for the Humanities, Birkbeck University of London

  1866. Jo Ann Cavallo, Professor, Italian, Columbia University

  1867. Mikael Levin, Artist, Photographer

  1868. Charles Perkins, PhD Candidate, Department of Philosophy, University of California, Santa Barbara

  1869. Henry Rousso, Emeritus Senior Researcher, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique

  1870. Tali Nates, Founder & Director, Johannesburg Holocaust & Genocide Centre

  1871. Dr Oded Na'aman, Senior Lecturer, Philosophy & Centre for Moral and Political Philosophy, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  1872. E R Hurvich, Rabbinic Student, Aleph: Alliance for Jewish Renewal

  1873. Rabbi Jonathan Brumberg-Kraus, PhD, Professor, Religion; Coordinator, Jewish Studies, Wheaton College

  1874. Janet Theophano, Adjunct Faculty, Folklore, Anthropology; Dean of Academic Affairs, College of General Studies, University of Pennsylvania

  1875. Rabbi Ruhi Sophia Motzkin Rubenstein, Temple Beth Israel- Center for Jewish Life, Eugene, OR

  1876. Abigail B Bakan, Professor, University of Toronto

  1877. Wolf Gruner, Founding Director, USC Dornsife Center for Advanced Genocide Research; Shapell-Guerin Chair, Jewish Studies; Profesor, History, University of Southern California

  1878. Rabbi Ken Rosenstein, Boston, MA

  1879. Rabbinic Pastor Heena Reiter, MSN, P'nai Yisrael Chavurah, Charlottesville, VA

  1880. Tami Gold, Professor, Hunter College

  1881. Cantor Michael Zoosman, Co-founder, “L’chaim! Jews Against the Death Penalty” 

  1882. Avrum Rosner, retired National President of the Canadian Council of Railway Shopcraft Unions and CAW National Representative 

  1883. Evelyn Mehl, Retired Lutheran pastor, synodical leadership positions, published writer in church publications 

  1884. Riva Hocherman, publisher, New York 

  1885. Cari Gardner, New York Progressive Action Network (NYPAN), Vice Chair 

  1886. Jean-Christophe Attias, Professor, Medieval Jewish Thought, Ècole Pratique des Hautes Ètudes, Paris Sciences et Lettres University

  1887. Esther Benbassa, Professor Emerita, Modern Jewish History, Ècole Pratique des Hautes Ètudes, Paris Sciences et Lettres University

  1888. Shani Tzoref, Independent Hebrew Bible Scholar

  1889. Robert Dubrow, Professor, Epidemiology, Yale University

  1890. Rabbi Irit Shillor, Community Rabbi

  1891. Rabbi Rachel Davidson

  1892. Rabbi Moshe Heyn, Half Moon Bay, CA

  1893. Rabbi Miriam Grossman, Brooklyn, NY

  1894. Debra Satz, Marta Sutton Weeks Professor of Philosophy, Stanford University

  1895. Heinz Hurwitz, Proffessor Emeritus, Free University Brussels

  1896. Nina Felshin, Wesleyan University, Curator, Zilkha Gallery (retired); Co-Founder, Jews Say No!

  1897. Ronny Gunnarsson, Professor, General Practice/Family Medicine, University of Gothenburg

  1898. Rabbi Doug Alpert, Congregation Kol-Ami-KC, Kansas City, MO

  1899. Rabbi Devorah Jacobson, Healthcare Chaplain, Longmeadow, MA

  1900. Laurie F Schwartz, New York Center for Somatic Psychotherapy and Trauma Resolution

  1901. Stuart R Friedman, New York Center for Somatic Psychotherapy and Trauma Resolution

  1902. Eileen Weiss, Managing Director, Same Difference Interfaith Alliance

  1903. Ken Giles, Music Teacher

  1904. Rabbi Shawn Zevit, Mishkan Shalom, Philadelphia, PA

  1905. Richard Wagner, Attorney at Law, Irvine, CA

  1906. Rabbi Laura Owens, Congregation B'nai Horin, Children of Freedom; Chair Emerita, The Academy for Jewish Religion California

  1907. Rabbi Sid Schwarz, Founding Rabbi, Adat Shalom Reconstructionist Congregation

  1908. Matthew Roth-Katz, Historian, Northampton, MA

  1909. Brian Tokar, Author, Activist; Faculty, Board Member, Institute for Social Ecology

  1910. Rabbi Sarah Noyovitz, Boston, MA

  1911. Susan Marks, Professor, Judaic Studies/Klingstein Chair, New College of Florida (retired)

  1912. Ami Goodman, MD, Assistant Clinical Professor, Pediatrics, University of California, San Francisco

  1913. Ervin Staub, Professor Emeritus, Psychology, Founding Director of the Psychology of Peace and Violence Program, University of Massashusetts, Amherst

  1914. Mitchell Marcus, Professor Emeritus, Artificial Intelligence, University of Pennsylvania

  1915. Shepha Schneirsohn Vainstein, LMFT, President, reGeneration Education

  1916. Anthony Stern, MD

  1917. Sandy Polishuk, Instructor, Portland State University (retired)

  1918. Madelyn R Hoffman, Adjunct Professor, Public Speaking and Political Science, Hudson County Community College

  1919. Julie Bloom, Psychotherapist (retired)

  1920. Steven Falk, Education Specialist, Oakland, CA

  1921. Martha Kransdorf, Lecturer, University of Michigan

  1922. Jodi Kushins, PhD

  1923. Jane Ariel, PhD

  1924. Rabbi Jonathan Seidel, PhD, University of Portland

  1925. Alan Dowty, Professor Emeritus, University of Notre Dame

  1926. Dr Sally Zierler, Professor Emerita, Brown University School of Medicine

  1927. Rabbi Shalom Schachter, LlB, Founding Vice President, Association of Rabbis and Cantors for Jewish Renewal (OHALAH)

  1928. Jules Mermelstein, Board Member, Friends of the Upper Dublin Public Library

  1929. Rabbi David Greenstein

  1930. Betsy Smith, Adjunct Professor, English as a Second Language, Cape Cod Community College

  1931. Michael Shandler, EdD

  1932. Laurie Anne Pearlman, PhD, Clinical Psychologist

  1933. Juliet Lee, PhD, Senior Research Scientist, Pacific Institute for Reserach and Evaluation, Berkeley

  1934. Pamela Blau, Jungian Analyst, CG Jung Institute of New England

  1935. Saphinaz-Amal Naguib, Professor Emerita, Cultural History, University of Oslo

  1936. Susie Davidson, Journalist

  1937. Thomas Rose, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Montgomery College

  1938. Ori Z Soltes, Adjunct Lecturer, Georgetown Univeristy

  1939. Sandra Leiberman, Attorney, Elkins Park, PA

  1940. Eleanor Levie, Organizer, National Council of Jewish Women, Pennsylvania

  1941. Joshua Cole, Professor, History, University of Michigan

  1942. Rabbi Irwin Keller, Cotati, CA

  1943. James A Paul, Executive Director, Global Policy Forum (retired)

  1944. Elan Shapiro, Artist, Jewish Educator

  1945. Dr Debbie Weissman, Jewish Educator (retired)

  1946. Rabbi Nancy Kasten, Faith Commons

  1947. Arthur J Magida, Author, Former Senior Editor, Baltimor Jewish Times

  1948. Hazzan Jack Kessler, Director, Aleph Cantorial Program

  1949. Annette Gottleib, MD

  1950. Deena Metzger, PhD

  1951. Rabbi Eliot J Baskin, DMin

  1952. Donna Krupkin Whitney, MD, MDiv

  1953. Cynthia Herman Ervin, PhD, Psychologist (retired)

  1954. Simone Zelitch, Associate Professor, Community College of Philadelphia

  1955. Gordon Corzine, Lecturer, University of Massachusetts Boston, College of Management (retired)

  1956. Kohenet Mei Mei Sanford, Lecturer, William & Mary

  1957. Nance Goldstein, PhD, Resident Scholar, Women's Studies Research Center, Brandeis University

  1958. Rabbi Howie Chaim Schneider

  1959. Patricia Johnson, Professor Emerita, Classical Studies, Boston University

  1960. Veronika Cohen, Professor Emerita, Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance

  1961. Sari H Dworkin, PhD, Professor, California State University Fresno (retired)

  1962. Jaqueline A Schwarz, PhD, Clinical Psychology

  1963. Marjorie Searl, Research Curator, Memorial Art Gallery, University of Rochester (retired)

  1964. Pamela Allara, Associate Professor Emerita, Contemporary Art, Brandeis University

  1965. Robert W Vaagan, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Media, Journalism and Intercultural Communication Studies, Oslo Metropolitan University

  1966. Leslie Zebrowitz, Professor Emerita, Psychology, Brandeis University

  1967. Areta Crowell, PhD, Pasadena, CA

  1968. Anne C Bernstein, PhD, Professor Emerita, The Wright Institute

  1969. Francesca Klug, Professor, Human Rights, London School of Economics

  1970. Rabbi Susan Talve, Founder, Central Reform Congregation; CEO, Ashrei Foundation, St Louis, MO

  1971. Phyllis B Taylor, RN

  1972. Stefan H Krieger, Richard J Cardali Distinguished Professor, Trial Advocacy, Maurice A Deane School of Law, Hofstra University

  1973. Paul Monsky, Professor Emeritus, Mathematics, Brandeis University

  1974. Elizabeth Jameson, Professor Emerita, History, University of Calgary

  1975. Ronnie Janoff-Bulman, Professor Emerita, University of Massachusetts-Amherst

  1976. Renee Robbins, Pianist

  1977. Marina Budhos, Professor Emerita, English, William Patterson University

  1978. Judith B Kerman, PhD, Professor Emerita, English, Saginaw Valley State University; Publisher, Mayapple Press

  1979. Rabbi Jim Lebeau, Jerusalem

  1980. Cherie Brown, Executive Director, National Coalition Building Institute

  1981. Marc Howard Ross, Professor, Bryn Mawr College

  1982. Charles W Greenbaum, Professor Emeritus, Department of Psychology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  1983. Franke Wilmer, PhD, Professor Emerita, Department of Political Science, Montana State University

  1984. Ben Carniol, LLB, MSW, Professor Emeritus, Toronto Metropolitan University

  1985. Ray Jackendoff, Professor Emeritus, Linguistics, Brandeis University

  1986. David Lancy, Professor Emeritus, Utah State University

  1987. Sarah Stein, Professor, Department of History, UCLA

  1988. Rabbinic Pastor De Fischler Herman, Mashpi'ah Ruchanit, Sage-ing Mentor, Yerusha Faculty; Writer/Editor, Journal of Health and Human Experience

  1989. Lynn Feinermann, Radio Producer, Creator of Women Rising Radio, Filmmaker, Writer

  1990. Louis Kreisberg, Maxwell Professor Emeritus, Social Conflict Studies Syracuse University

  1991. Rabbi Maurice Harris, Associate Director, Thriving Communities; Israel Affairs Specialist, Reconstructing Judaism

  1992. Margalit Toledano, Associate Professor, University of Waikato

  1993. Rabbi Rena Blumenthal

  1994. Elliot Zashin, Former Director, Levine Hillel Center, University of Illinois at Chicago; Former President, Chicago Friends of Peace Now

  1995. Zelda Gamson, Professor Emerita, University of Massachusetts Boston

  1996. Reverend Canon Patricial O'Reilly, Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles

  1997. Jon Scheinman, MD, Professor, Pediatrics, University of Kansas (retired)

  1998. Rolla Lewis, Professor Emeritus, California State University, East Bay

  1999. Benjamin Mordecai Ben-Baruch, Former Principal, United Hebrew Schools of Metro Detroit Adat Shalom Branch; Former Religous School Director, Ann Arbor Reconstructionist Congregation; Former Board Member, Jewish Reconstructionist Federation

  2000. Rabbi Benjamin Barnett, Havurah Shalom, Portland, OR

  2001. Chava Weissler, Professor Emerita, Jewish Stuides, Lehigh University

  2002. Dr Herbert Bernstein, IIS Institute for Sciences, Amherst, MA

  2003. Rabbi Allan Berkowitz, Nonprofit Executive, Kensington, CA

  2004. Rabbi Katy Z. Allen

  2005. Rabbi Robin Podolsky, Professor, Academy for Jewish Religion, CA

  2006. Dr Barbara Turner, Professor Emeritus, East Tennessee College of Medicine

  2007. David E Matz, Professor Emeritus, Conflict Resolution, University of Massachusetts, Boston

  2008. Jack Miles, Distinguished Professor, English & Religious Studies, University of California, Irvine

  2009. Dr Edna Loehman, Professor Emerita, Department of Agricultural Econonomics, Purdue University

  2010. Martha Ackelsberg, William R Kenan, Jr Professor Emerita of Government and of the Study of Women and Gender, Smith College

  2011. Sukey Blanc, PhD, Founder, Principal Researcher, Creative Research and Evaluation

  2012. Jeffrey G Shapiro, PhD

  2013. Gail Ferraioli, Relationship Specialist, Clarity Mediatons

  2014. Kevin Gould, Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Planning, and Environment, Concordia University

  2015. Susan Nakley, PhD, Professor, Associate Chair, Department of English, Saint Joseph's University New York

  2016. Rabbi Laura Geller, Rabbi Emerita, Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills

  2017. Rabbi Donna Sisselman Cephas, New York, NY

  2018. Jeffrey J Wilkinson, PhD, Researcher, Facilitator

  2019. Gilad Hirschberger, Professor, Social Psychology, Reichman University

  2020. Dan Brook, PhD, Senior Lecturer Emeritus, San Jose State University

  2021. Iris Keltz, MA, Author, Educator, Founding Member of Jewish Voices for Peace, Alberquerque, NM

  2022. Joseph A Camilleri, Professor Emeritus, La Trobe University; Fellow, The Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia; Co-Convener, Saving Humanity and Planet Earth (SHAPE); Convener, Conversation at the Crossroads

  2023. Karen Kerschen, Editor, Taos Jewish Center

  2024. Shifrah Sagy, Professor, Ben Gurion University of the Negev

  2025. Simone Gigliotti, Reader in Holocaust Studies, Royal Holloway, University of London

  2026. Clifford Levenson, Attorney at Law, Phoenix, AZ

  2027. Alan Eliyahu HaLevi Haber, Megiddo Peace Project, Ann Arbor, MI

  2028. Yona Shahar, JD, Montpelier, VT

  2029. Krystyna Adamska, Chair, Research Ethics Committee, University of Gdańsk

  2030. Sophie Bessis, Historian, France, Tunisia

  2031. Helen Haste, Professor Emerita, Psychology, University of Bath

  2032. Dr S P Brock, Professor Emeritus, Wolfson College

  2033. Rabbi Victor Reinstein, Founding Rabbi, Nehard Shalom Community Synagogue, Jamaica Plain, MA

  2034. Rabbi Sandra Kviat, Community Rabbi, Crouch End Chavurah, London, UK

  2035. Ruth Beckermann, Filmmaker, Author, Vienna, Austria

  2036. Dr Wilhelm Kempf, Professor, Psychological Methodology and Peace Research, University of Konstanz

  2037. Anthony D Kauders, Professor, Keele University

  2038. Sandra L Ruch, Kohenet, Teacher, Officiant

  2039. Barbara Weinberg Burkart, LMHC, Clinical Psychotherapist, Consulting Supervisor, Amherst, MA

  2040. Rae Abileah, Kohenet

  2041. Ilai Alon, Professor, Tel Aviv University (retired)

  2042. Aaron Glass, Professor, Anthropology, Bard Graduate Center

  2043. Arie Nadler, Professor Emeritus, Psychology, Tel Aviv University

  2044. Guy Beiner, Professor, Boston College

  2045. Dr James L Bailey, Wagner Professor Emeritus, Biblical Theology, Wartburg Theological Seminary, Dubuque, IA

  2046. Chaya M Abrams, PhD, LPC, LAC, Assistant Professor, University of Colorado, Denver

  2047. Sarah Graff, Curator, The Metropolitan Museum of Art

  2048. Eyal Naveh, Professor Emeritus, History, Tel Aviv University; Kibbutzim College of Education

  2049. Robert L Fies, MD, Practitioner, Internal Medicine, Taos, NM

  2050. Eihei Peter Levitt, Poet, Founding Teacher, Salt Spring Zen Circle, British Columbia, Canada

  2051. Claudia Gluschankof, PhD, Associate Professor, Levinsky-Wingate Academic College (retired)

  2052. Dr Anne Karpf, Professor, Life, Writing and Culture, School of Art, Architecture and Design, London Metropolitan University

  2053. Robert F Arnove, Chancellor's Professor Emeritus, Education, Indiana University, Bloomington

  2054. Rachel Silver, PhD, Faculty of Education, York University

  2055. Kohenet Annie Matan, Founder and Spiritual Leader, Matanot Lev, Toronto, ON, Canada

  2056. Rabbi Debora Waxman, PhD, Reconstructionist Rabbinical College/Reconstructing Judaism

  2057. Ellen Cole, PhD, Professor Emerita, Psychology, Russell Sage College

  2058. Tom Angotti, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Hunter College, City University of New York

  2059. Rebekah Erev, Kohenet, Teacher, Artist, WA

  2060. Dr Michael Spath, Executive Director, Indiana Center for Middle East Peace; Co-Chair, Israel Committee Against House Demolitions-USA Board of Directors

  2061. Alice Senturia, JD, Union Lawyer (retired)

  2062. Bonnie Sherr Klein, Filmmaker, Disability Arts Advocate, Roberts Creek, BC, Canada

  2063. Neil Howard Shadle, Professor, Practical Theology and Social Change, Meadville/Lombard Theological School (retired)

  2064. Moshe Shokeid, Professor Emeritus, Anthropology, Tel Aviv University

  2065. Judith Pasternak, Author

  2066. Aaron Rosen, PhD, Visiting Professor, King's College London; Executive Director, The Clement Course in the Humanities

  2067. Nina M Stein, Assistant Profesor, Chemistry, University of Connecticut (retired)

  2068. Lois Tucker, Domestic Violence Counselor, Rochester, NY

  2069. Dr M B Stern, PhD, Clinical Psychologist; Adjunct Faculty, Case Western Reserve University (retired)

  2070. Daniel Klubock, Judge (retired)

  2071. Pazit Ben-Nun Bloom. Professor, Department of Political Science, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  2072. Simone Susskind, Former Belgian Federal Senator; Former Member, Brussels Parliament

  2073. Anne Maass, Professor Emerita, Padua University

  2074. Karen Margolis, Writer, Berlin, Germany

  2075. Barbara Nesin, MFA, Past President, College Art Association

  2076. Rabbi Mark Hurvitz

  2077. Rabbi Eugene Fleischman Sotirescu

  2078. Kohenet Judith Breier

  2079. Rabbi Anna Boswell-Levy

  2080. Reverend Traci D Blackmon, Associate General Minister, Justice & Local Church Ministries, United Church of Christ

  2081. Lowell Johnston, Civil Rights Lawyer (retired)

  2082. John Guillory, Professor Emeritus, English, New York University

  2083. Dr Susan Kavaler-Adler, Psychologist, Author

  2084. Susan Kimmel, Attorney, Architect

  2085. Maria Hadjipavlou, Department Chair, Social and Political Sciences, University of Cyprus

  2086. Jad Isaac, Director General, Applied Research Institute-Jerusalem

  2087. Camille Lévy Sarfati, Curator, Filmmaker, Tunisia, France

  2088. Tresa Grauer, PhD, Vice President, Thriving Communities, Reconstructing Judaism

  2089. Carol Scott, LLWL, Teacher (retired)

  2090. Teya Sepinuck, Artistic Director, Theater of Witness

  2091. Robert Aronowitz, Professor, University of Pennsylvania

  2092. Jacob Staub, Professor Emeritus, Reconstructionist Rabbinical College

  2093. Ruben Frankenstein, Professor, University of Freiburg

  2094. Rabbi Elizabeth Bolton, Hospital Chaplain, Congregational Rabbi

  2095. Stanley Krippner, Affiliated Distinguished Professor, California Institute of Integral Studies

  2096. Glenn R Diamond, MS, CSW, Highland Park, NJ

  2097. Allen Johnson, Coordinator, Christians For The Mountains

  2098. Yasar Abu Ghosh, Assistant Professor, Anthropology, Charles University

  2099. Yuval Warshai, Independent Researcher, Early Modern European, Economic, and Jewish History, Ann Arbor, MI

  2100. Vincent Engel, Professor, University of Louvain

  2101. Andrew J Shapiro, PhD Candidate, City University of New York

  2102. Joshua Cooper, Professor, Mathematics, University of South Carolina

  2103. Jesse Salah Ovadia, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Windsor

  2104. Ari Almog, Director, Modern Hebrew Language Studies, University of Chicago

  2105. Rabbi Joseph Wolf, Havurah Shalom, Portland, OR

  2106. Celeste L Robins, Social Worker (retired)

  2107. John K Roth, Professor Emeritus, Philosophy, Claremont McKenna College

  2108. Dr Iacovos Psaltis, Professional Studies, Educational Management

  2109. Dan Mandel, Certified Public Accountant (Israel), Mangament Consultant, Haifa

  2110. Angelika Levi, Professor, Film, Offenbach University of Art and Design

  2111. Morten Thing, Danish Cultural Historian, Roskilde University Library (former)

  2112. Dr Tony Klug, Former Senior Advisor, Middle East Programme, Oxford Research Group

  2113. Professor Dr Biran Mertan, Developmental Psychologist

  2114. Astrid Deuber-Mankowsky, Professor Emerita, Ruhr-Universität Bochum

  2115. Gro Ladegård, Professor, School of Economics and Business, Norwegian University of Life Sciences

  2116. Shimshon Ayzenberg, Assistant Professor, Woodmont College

  2117. Gunvor Mejdell, Professor Emeritus, University of Oslo

  2118. Berit Thorbjørnsrud, Professor Emerita, Middle East Studies, University of Oslo

  2119. Andrew Paul Gutierrez, Professor Emeritus, Division of Ecosystem Science, College of Natural Resources, University of California, Berkeley

  2120. Neil Caplan, Affiliate Faculty, Concordia University

  2121. Rabbi Toba Spitzer

  2122. Paulo Sergio Pinheiro, Professor, Political Science, University of Sao Paulo; Former Minister for Human Rights, Brazil

  2123. Rabbi Alanna Sklover, Or Hadash: A Reconstructionist Congregation; Fort Washington, PA

  2124. Rabbi Susan Leider

  2125. Adina Newberg, PhD, Independent Scholar (retired)

  2126. Ross Gasworth, Musician, Orange County, CA

  2127. Bruce Bierman, Co-Director, Yiddish Theatre Ensemble

  2128. Christian Sterzing, Author, Germany

  2129. Renee Hoffinger, MHSE, Registered Dietician (retired)

  2130. Robin D G Kelley, Professor, History, UCLA

  2131. Pavel Kolář, Professor, East European History, University of Konstanz

  2132. Miryam-Margo Wolfson Rabbinic and Cantorial Student; Assistant Professor, Biology (retired)

  2133. Ruhama Weiss, PhD, Associate Professor, Talmud and Spiritual Care, Hebrew Union College Jerusalem

  2134. Laurie Zittrain Eisenberg, Teaching Professor Emerita, History, Carnegie Mellon University

  2135. Sherrill Cohen, PhD, Author, Editor

  2136. Herbert Ginsburg, PhD, Jacob H Schiff Foundation Professor Emeritus, Psychology and Education, Teachers College Columbia University

  2137. Naomi Azriel, LMFT, Psychoanalyst, C G Jung Institute of San Francisco

  2138. Marcy Boroff, JD, MPH, Organizer, Reconstructionists Expanding the Conversation on Israel-Palestine

  2139. Devorah Ross, Chaplain

  2140. Jonathan D Zimet, Rabbi

  2141. Dee Homans, Artist, Santa Fe, NM

  2142. Gregg Manoff, MD, Adjunct Assistant Professor Emeritus, University of New Mexico School of Medicine

  2143. Tommy Dreyfus, Professor Emeritus, Tel Aviv University

  2144. Fenya Fischler, Organizer, Een Andere Joodse Stem (Another Jewish Voice), Belgium

  2145. Ulrich Herbert, Professor Emeritus, Modern History,  Universität Freiburg

  2146. Steven Maynard, Associate Professor, History, Queen's University

  2147. Paola Canarutto, Physician

  2148. Davide Sparti, Associate Professor, Università Degli Studi di Siena

  2149. Oliver Sears, Founder, Holocaust Awareness Ireland

  2150. Rabbi Dr Frank Dabba Smith, Lecturer, Leo Baeck College, London

  2151. Irene Fellmann, Former Member, Task Force for International Cooperation on Holocaust Education, Remembrance and Research (ITF)

  2152. Jennifer L O'Brien, Former High School Teacher, Religious Studies

  2153. Oded Balaban, Professor Emeritus, Department of Philosophy, University of Haifa

  2154. Marcelle Grant, LCSW, Clinical Social Worker, Santa Fe, NM

  2155. David Abram, Director, Alliance for Wild Ethics

  2156. Laurent Goetschel, Professor, Political Science, University of Basel; Director, Swisspeace

  2157. Estee Chandler, Host & Producer, Middle East in Focus

  2158. Johan Rosman, MD, PhD, Foundation Professor of Medicine, Director of Clinical Education, Curtin University Medical School

  2159. Dr Mohammad Johari, Imam & Lecturer, Frankfurt, DE

  2160. Rabbi Jonathan D. Zimet

  2161. Stephen Fox, Retired Academic, University of Hertfordshire

  2162. Adi Argov, Clinical Psychologist

  2163. Rev. Don Wagner, Human rights activist, Chicago,

  2164. Rabbi Jonathan Slater, Institute for Jewish Spirituality (retired) 

  2165. Dr. David S. Karr, Professor of History, Columbia College, Missouri

  2166. Sara Goodman, Rabbi, Santa Monica

  2167. Loren R. Spielman, Associate Professor, Portland State University 

  2168. Sarah J. Braun, M.D., Jungian Psychoanalyst, Psychiatrist 

  2169. Matan Rubinstein, Associate Professor of Music and Sound Studies, Emerson College 

  2170. Rabbi Laurie Hahn Tapper

  2171. Deborah Cohen, Professor, History, Northwestern University 

  2172. Benjamin Lieberman, Professor of History, Fitchburg State University 

  2173. Summer Forester, PhD. Assistant Professor of Political Science & International Relations, Carleton College 

  2174. Claire Hertz, LCSW 

  2175. Judy Goldberg, Community, Arts and Public Schools Consultant, New Mexico, USA 

  2176. Richard Kohler, Ambassador, (Retired)

  2177. Anna Sfard, Professor Emerita, University of Haifa

  2178. Jared Sacks, PhD Candidate, Columbia University

  2179. Rabbi Suzanne Griffel, Chaplain, Activist, Chicago, IL

  2180. Patrick W Thompson, Professor Emeritus, Mathematics Education, Arizona State University

  2181. Markus Noll, Professor Emeritus, Department of Molecular Life Sciences, University of Zurich

  2182. Dr Jonathan Braun, Professor Emeritus, UCLA

  2183. Edward Langerak, Professor Emeritus, Philosophy, St Olaf College

  2184. Professor Alan Greenberg, Chairman, Ethics Committee, Israel Pharmaceutical Society; Director, Pharmacy Department, Shaare Zedek Medical Centre (retired)

  2185. Sibylle Elam, Board Member, Jewish Voice for Democracy and Justice in Israel/Palestine, Switzerland

  2186. Tom Pessah, PhD

  2187. Sandrine Wattenberg, Co Producer of film Alam

  2188. Andrew Cohen, Professor Emeritus, University of Minnesota

  2189. Lance Laver, M.Arch.

  2190. Vered Rom-Kedar, Professor, The Weizmann Institute

  2191. Dr Liyana Kayali, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, The University of Sydney

  2192. Gerald Hoekstra, Professor Emeritus, St Olaf College

  2193. W Bruce Benson, College Pastor, St Olaf College (retired)

  2194. Tom Sperlinger, Professor, University of Bristol

  2195. E David Emery, Professor Emeritus, Economics, St Olaf College

  2196. Marsha Rozenblit, Professor, Jewish History, University of Maryland

  2197. Robert W Snyder, Professor Emeritus, Rutgers University

  2198. Elizabeth Breiner, Programme Manger, Goldsmiths, University of London

  2199. Bruce Rosen, city planner (retired), environmental & human rights activist 

  2200. Noam Tirosh, Senior Lecturer, Communication Studies, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

  2201. Gene Feder, Professor, Primary Health Care, University of Bristol

  2202. Alexander R Bay, Associate Professor, Chapman University

  2203. Bernard Avishai, Professor, Dartmouth College

  2204. Wieland Hoban, Composer; Translator; Chairman, Jewish Voice for a Just Peace in the Middle East, Germany

  2205. Peter Sebastian Hatlebakk, PhD Candidate, University of Bergen

  2206. Don Kalb, Professor, Social Anthropology, University of Bergen; Academic Director, Global Research Programme on Inequality

  2207. Richard Gopen, Senior College Ambassador, Bridgewater State University

  2208. Judith Berlowitz, Associate Professor, Spanish, Mills College (retired)

  2209. Reverend J Mark Davidson, Executive Director, Voices for Justice in Palestine

  2210. Reverend John Kleinheksel, Founder, Kairos West Michigan

  2211. Reverend John Wagner, Founding Member, United Methodists for Kairos Response

  2212. Shai Ginsburg, Associate Professor, Chair and Director of Graduate Studies, Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Duke University

  2213. Elliot Ratzman, Department Chair, Jewish Studies/Religion, Earlham College

  2214. David G Troyansky, Professor, History, Brooklyn College, The City University of New York

  2215. Kathryn Anderson, PhD, Professor Emerita, Fairhaven College, Western Washington University

  2216. Steve France, Esquire, Episcopal Palestine-Israel Network; Contributer, Mondoweiss

  2217. Rebecca Subar, Former Lecturer, Harvard Law School; Adjunct Instructor, West Chester University

  2218. Peter Loewy, Photographer

  2219. Ruth Ginsburg, Professor Emerita, Comparitive Literature, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  2220. Bianca Maria Mancuso, High School Teacher, Naples, Italy (retired)

  2221. Revered Katherine Cunningham, Psycholanalytic Faculty Member (retired)

  2222. Reverend Michael Yoshii, Co-Chair, Friends of Wadi Foquin

  2223. Ezra Getzler, Professor, Mathematics, Northwestern University

  2224. Elyse Crystall, Professor, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

  2225. Adriana Stern, Children's Author

  2226. Sherryl Kleinman, Professor Emerita, Sociology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

  2227. William L Bigelow, Presbyterian Minister (retired); Member, Middle East Task Force of the Chicago Presbytery

  2228. Dr Tamar Hess, Senior Lecturer, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  2229. Irit Narkiss, Conservator, The Manchester Museum

  2230. Michael Lawton, Former Chair, Union of Progressive Jews in Germany

  2231. Rebecka S Hess, Professor, Internal Medicine, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania

  2232. Dr Barbara F Weissberger, Associate Professor Emerita, University of Minnesota

  2233. Umut Bozkurt, Associate Professor, Eastern Mediterranean University, North Cyprus

  2234. Narve Fulsås, Professor, History, The Arctic University of Norway

  2235. Lawrence Jacobson, Faculty, W A White Institute of Psychoanalysis, New York

  2236. Jim Campen, Professor Emeritus, Economics, University of Massachusetts Boston

  2237. Sheila Delany, Professor Emerita, Simon Fraser University

  2238. Rabbi Dr Miriyam Glazer

  2239. David Arnow, Professor, Computer and Information Science, Brooklyn College, The City University of New York

  2240. R Ruth Linden, PhD, President, Tree of Life Health Advocates, San Francisco, CA

  2241. Vivienne Porzsolt, Spokesperson, Jews Against the Occupation Australia

  2242. Reverend Dr Erik T Johnson, Ordained Minister, Presbyterian Church, Durham, NC

  2243. Jay M Smith, Professor, History, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

  2244. Michael Schwalbe, Professor Emeritus, North Carolina State University

  2245. Soli Alpert, Vice Chair, Berkeley Rent Stabilization Board

  2246. Kipp Dawson, Public School Teacher (retired)

  2247. Altha J Cravey, Assistant Professor, Geography, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (retired)

  2248. Paul Alan McAllister, President, Global Leaders in Unity and Evolvement; Bonhoeffer Senior Fellow, Miller Center for Interreligious Learning and Leadership, Hebrew College

  2249. Michal Osterweil, Teaching Professor, Curriculum in Global Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

  2250. Dr Ilana Hammerman, Writer, Editor, Translator

  2251. Charles H Manekin, Professor Emeritus, Philosophy, The University of Maryland

  2252. Susan Nicholson, PhD, Esq (retired)

  2253. Tove Bull, Professor Emerita, The Arctic University of Norway

  2254. Dr Joel Adelson

  2255. Sarah Shena, Public Interest Attorney

  2256. Hannah Ashley, Professor, Rustin Urban Community Change Axis, West Chester University

  2257. J. Mark Haugland, M.D. F.A.C.C., Retired cardiologist, Park Nicollet Clinic, Minneapolis

  2258. Peter Ellison, Professor Emeritus, Harvard University, Deparment of Human Evolutionary Biology

  2259. Ilise Cohen, PhD, Independent Scholar, Activist, Writer

  2260. Martha Copp, Professor, East Tennessee State University

  2261. Hallvard Tjelmeland, Professor Emeritus, Contemporary History, The Arctic University of Norway

  2262. Ronald L Shive, Presbyterian Minister

  2263. Anita Clair Fellman, Professor Emerita, Old Dominion University

  2264. Christoffer Hentzer Dausgaard, PhD Student, Political Science, University of Copenhagen

  2265. Bob Brecher, Professor Emeritus, Moral Philosophy, University of Brighton

  2266. Patricio A Brodsky, Adjunct Professor, Universidad de Buenos Aires

  2267. Hugo C Galindo, PhD, Former Psychologist, District of Columbia Public Schools

  2268. Dr José Marcoz Thalenberg, Federal University of São Paulo, Brazil

  2269. Theodore A Rosen, US Commerical Counselor, US Embassy, Cairo, Egypt (1981-1986)

  2270. Anna Yeatman, Professor Emeritus, School of Humanitites, Communication, and Art

  2271. Katherine Margo, MD, Associate Professor Emeritus, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania

  2272. Professor Louise Bethlehem, Head, The Program in Cultural Studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  2273. Lautaro Brodsky, Author

  2274. Deborah Golden, Professor Emerita, University of Haifa

  2275. Deborah Koren, PhD, Independent Researcher

  2276. Kees Schepers, Professor, University of Antwerp

  2277. Micha Reisel, MA, Publisher (retired)

  2278. Robert Boyce, Emeritus Reader, Department of International History, London School of Economics & Political Science

  2279. Clive Jones, Professor, Regional Security in the Middle East, Durham University; Former Chair, European Association for Israel Studies

  2280. Candida Paltiel, Filmmaker, Toronto, Canada

  2281. Jutta Vanessa Tørkeel, Teacher, Headmistress (retired)

  2282. Miriam Shakow, Professor, Anthropology, The College of New Jersey

  2283. David Weinstein, Professor Emeritus, Wake Forest University; Honorar Professor, Universitaet Oldenburg

  2284. Mary Janell Metzger, Professor Emeritus, Department of English, Deparment of Gender Studies, Western Washington University

  2285. Professor Danielle Celermajer, Deputy Director, Academic Sydney Environment Institute; Professor, Discipline of Sociology and Criminology, University of Sydney

  2286. Norman Solomon, National Director,

  2287. Gordon Doctorow, M Math, M Ed, EdD

  2288. Aron Lee Rosenberg, Faculty Lecturer in the Department of Integrated Studies in Education, McGill University

  2289. Rabbi Michael Feinberg, New York

  2290. Stanley N Katz, Professor, School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University

  2291. Daniel Levine, Aaron Aronov Associate Professor, University of Alabama

  2292. Bilu Blich, Artist

  2293. Michael Richter, Photographer

  2294. Chuck Fishman, Photographer

  2295. Hans Chanan Guggenheim, Social Worker

  2296. Jane Hirschmann, Author and community organizer

  2297. Paul Lauter, Smith Professor Emeritus, Trinity College

  2298. Tom Pessah, PhD

  2299. Jocelyne Rajnchapel-Messaï, PhD

  2300. Lawrence Moss, Professor, Indiana University

  2301. Robert Allan, PhD

  2302. Zailig Pollock, Professor Emeritus, Trent University 

  2303. Andrew Samuels, Former Chair, UK Council for Psychotherapy

  2304. Madeleine Malayan, Retired Professor, California State University

  2305. Leon Wieseltier, Editor, Liberties

  2306. Megan Rosenberg, Attorney

  2307. Bruno Kampel, Writer and Political Analyst

  2308. Roni Tzoreff, Postdoctoral Fellow, Michigan University and Ben-Gurion University

  2309. Karen Jacques, PhD, Clinical Psychologist (retired)

  2310. Hank Keeton, Independent Scholar

  2311. Tali Levin, Practicing Nurse

  2312. Madeleine Aveamoussis, Producer

  2313. Erica Hahn, Judge

  2314. Alan Blitz, Israel Palestine Committee, Boston Workers Circle

  2315. Glenn Marcus, Documentary Filmmaker

  2316. Rabbi Pamela Wax, North Adams, MA

  2317. Benjamin Lieberman, Professor, Fitchburg State University

  2318. Gabor Rona, Professor of Practice, Cardozo Law School, Yeshiva University

  2319. Rabbi Neil Comess-Daniels, Los Angeles, CA

  2320. Ruth Laurie Weinstock, Writer, Artist

  2321. Soli Ozel, Lecturer, Kadir Has University

  2322. Dr. Ofer Waldman, Author and Journalist

  2323. Stéphane Bruchfeld, Doctoral Candidate, Uppsala University

  2324. Ruth Appleton, Director, Sante Refugee Mental Health Access Project

  2325. Beth Baron, Distinguished Professor of History, City University of New York

  2326. J Mark Haugland, MD, FACC

  2327. Stefan Mol, Assistant Professor, Organizational Behavior and Research Methods, University of Amsterdam

  2328. Nicole Morse, Associate Professor, Florida Atlantic University

  2329. Ronald J Fisher, PhD, Professor Emeritus, International Peace and Conflict Resolution, School of International Service, American University

  2330. Djamel Tahi, Documentay Producer, Filmmaker, Writer

  2331. Hannah Davis Taieb, Fellow, Center for Critical Democracy Studies, American University of Paris

  2332. Ifigenia Pottakis, Political Analyst, Freelance Copywriter, Athens, Greece

  2333. Natan M. Meir, Professor, Judaic Studies, Portland State University

  2334. Said Abuzahra, Professor of Math, Salem State University (Retired)

  2335. Jeffrey Klein, Retired Union President and Solidarity Activist

  2336. Bob Mason, Retired Clinical Social Worker and Jewish Activist

  2337. Margaret Rice Moir, MS/Retired Teacher

  2338. M. Sunny Robinson, RN, MEd
    Mary Wallace, Social Justice Worker, Universal Unitarian Member

  2339. Thomas Lamarre, Professor of Cinema and Media Studies, University of Chicago

  2340. Mita Choudhury, Evalyn Clark Professor of History, Vassar College 

  2341. Milly Osman, MD

  2342. Howard Lenow, Union and Civil Rights Lawyer and Founding Member of Jewish Voice for Peace

  2343. Sorin Siegler, PhD., Professor, College of Engineering, Drexel University

  2344. Annette Aronowicz, Retired Professor of Religious Studies at Franklin & Marshall College

  2345. Stephen Stern, Chair, Jewish Studies, Associate Professor of Jewish Studies & Interdisciplinary Studies, Gettysburg College

  2346. Zied Ben Amor, Sales Manager

  2347. Judith Brüll-Assan, Senior Academic Librarian, Tel Aviv University

  2348. Victor Friedman, Retired Associate Professor, Max Stern Yezreel Valley College

  2349. Susan T. Nicholson, PhD., Member of Mass Peace Action

  2350. Sonia Combe, Historian, Marc Bloch Centre

  2351. Makis Solomos, Musicologist, University of Paris 8

  2352. Merry White, Professor, Department of Anthropology, Boston University

  2353. Marina Ville, Mathematician at CNRS

  2354. Eva S. Moseley, Retired Curator at Schlesinger Library, Harvard Radcliffe Institute

  2355. Sylvie Anne Goldberg, Professor at CRH, EHESS

  2356. Inge Kley, Psychoanalyst

  2357. Rima Kouteili, Professor at Lycée Français Margueritte Duras, Ho Chi Minh City

  2358. Kirsten Leefhelm, Psychoanalyst

  2359. Rabbi Rachel Kahn-Troster, Executive Vice President at Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility

  2360. Darlene M. Coffman, Retired Teacher

  2361. Rabbi Deborah Ruth Bronstein, Rabbi Emerita, Congregation Har HaShem, Boulder Colorado 

  2362. Benjy Fox-Rosen, Musician, Researcher, Lecturer at the University of Vienna

  2363. Gaby Belz, Founding Member of JVJP

  2364. Dr. Samuel Rom, Clinical Psychologist, University of Zurich

  2365. Simon Chabrillat -  Scientist, member of Union des Progresisstes Juifs de Belgique (UPJB) 

  2366. Michael Feigenbaun, Board Member at Combatants for Peace, Artist

  2367. Tony Litwinko, Former Lecturer at Bryn Mawr College and Queens College, CUNY 

  2368. Pat Westwater-Jong, Former Assistant Professor at Boston University

  2369. Noa Fort, Musician, Music Therapist

  2370. Berta Rasumowsky-Grossfeld, Fashion Designer and Artist

  2371. Steven Kaplan, Professor of African Studies and Religion at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  2372. Barbara Krieger, Emeritus Associate Professor of English at the State University of New York, Potsdam

  2373. Anthony Gad Bigio, Urban Advisor

  2374. Archie George Wolfman, PhD researcher at Queen Mary University of London 

  2375. Anders Klemetsen, UiT, The Arctic University of Norway

  2376. Areej Sabbagh-Khoury, Senior Lecturer at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  2377. Yael Shomroni, Artist

  2378. Ellen Yaroshefsky, Professor of Legal Ethics, Hofstra University

  2379. Elisabeth Bäschlin, Geographer/Lecturer Emerita, University of Bern 

  2380. Rabbi Bridget Wynne, Executive Director of Jewish Gateways

  2381. Rabbi David Basior, Kadima Reconstructionist Community 

  2382. Shirley Crenshaw, Social Worker

  2383. Jonathan Roiser, Professor of Neuroscience and Mental Health, University College London

  2384. Oren Kroll-Zeldin, Assistant Professor, Jewish Studies and Social Justice, University of San Francisco

  2385. Ithamar S. Esphar, Sound Engineer

  2386. Steven Miller, Attorney, Independent International Business Consultant

  2387. Chloé Bigio, Business Development Consultant

  2388. Jim Feldman, Retired Attorney

  2389. Jonathan Davidson, Artist

  2390. Benjamin Levy, Psychologist and Psychoanalyst

  2391. Orit Gwirceman, Retired Teacher

  2392. Rudolf Schär, Alumni ETH Zürich

  2393. Robert Rosenthal, Author, “The Progressive Jew”

  2394. Stephen Morris, Retired College Lecturer

  2395. René-Simon Meyer, Sociologist, Trade Unionist

  2396. Anne Litwin, Executive Coach and Consultant

  2397. Jean-Guy Greilsamer, Jewish anti-Zionist activist in Paris with UJFP

  2398. Hedab Tarifi, Palestinian Advocate

  2399. Zohar Chamberlain Regev, Activist with the Freedom Flotilla Coalition

  2400. Jeffery Cooper, Professor of History (emeritus), Santa Monica College

  2401. Hannah Rosenthal, Progressive Jews of St. Louis

  2402. Sharon Sigal, Singer, Voice Instructor

  2403. Debbie Nathan, Writer, New York

  2404. Oren Kroll-Zeldin, Assistant Director, Swig Program in Jewish Studies and Social Justice; Assistant Professor, Department of Theology and Religious Studies, University of San Francisco

  2405. Josefine Verdoner, Psychotherapist (retired), child survivor of the Holocaust

  2406. Yuval Yonay, PhD, Department of Sociology, University of Haifa

  2407. Frances Malino, Sophia Moses Robison Professor of Jewish Studies and History Emerita, Wellesley College

  2408. Laurence J. Silberstein, Berman Professor of Jewish Studies Emeritus, Lehigh University

  2409. David Corwin, Senior Lecturer, Deparment of Mathematics, Ben Gurion University of the Negev

  2410. Rita Schneidinger Keller, Former President of the Jewish Community of St. Gallen, Switzerland; Retired Lawyer

  2411. Dr. Ernst Piper, Professor, Department of Modern History, University of Potsdam 

  2412. Dr. Benjamin Zachariah, Leibniz Institute for Educational Media

  2413. Rivi Handler-Spitz, Associate Professor of Asian Languages and Cultures Department, Macalaster College

  2414. Columba González-Duarte, Assistant Professor at the New School for Social Research

  2415. Ronald Max Vollmer, Retired Geochemist and Artist

  2416. Nancy Ruttenberg, Professor of English, Stanford University

  2417. Dr. Daniel R. Green, Kenya Field Program Director, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University 

  2418. Maram Epstein, Professor, University of Oregon

  2419. Claude Calame, Director of Studies, AnHiMA, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales

  2420. Christine Zembol, lawyer

  2421. Dr. Noëmie Duhaut, Research Associate in Jewish History, Leibniz Institute of European History (IEG), Mainz, Germany.

  2422. Dana Landau, PhD, Lecturer, University of Basel and Senior Researcher, swisspeace

  2423. Jin-kyung Lee, Associate Professor of Literature UC, San Diego

  2424. David Schwartz, Ph.D., psychologist/psychoanalyst, Ossining, NY

  2425. Lily Hoàng, Professor, Department of Literature, UC San Diego, San Diego, CA

  2426. aclyn Zeccola, PhD- psychologist

  2427. Diana María Acevedo Zapata, associate professor, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional de Colombia.

  2428. Katherine Steelman, PhD, adjunct Professor in Ethnic Studies at UC San Diego.

  2429. Nina Zhiri, Professor of Literature, University of California, San Diego

  2430. Ian Zuckerman, Associate Professor of Politics at Regis University

  2431. Joel Gordon, Professor of History, University of Arkansas

  2432. Thérèse Isabelle Cauchon, M.S.W., Retired Teacher - California

  2433. Jeffrey Grossman, Associate Professor, Germanic Languages and Literatures and Program in Jewish Studies

  2434. Agnes Lugo-Ortiz, The University of Chicago

  2435. Erella Grassiani. Co-founder of gate48, Associate Professor anthropology, University of Amsterdam 

  2436. Thierry C. Gillebert, MD, FESC, Cardiology, Prof. em. Ghent University

  2437. Joseph Zeccola, NBCT, Teacher and union activist

  2438. Yosefa Loshitzky, Professorial Research Associate, SOAS, University of London, UK

  2439. Radu J. Bogdan, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy and Cognitive Science, Tulane University, New Orleans

  2440. Dr. Grace Flisser, retired Associate Professor of English at Community College of Philadelphia

  2441. David Mednicoff, Associate Professor of Middle Eastern Studies and Public Policy, University of Massachusetts-Amherst

  2442. Jim Andersen, Adjunct Professor, Health Education, Los Rios Community College District

  2443. Keith Lewinstein, Professor of History, Bridgewater State University

  2444. Judith Lichtenberg, Professor Emerita of Philosophy, Georgetown University

  2445. Madeline Kochen, JD, PhD, University of Michigan Law School (ret)

  2446. Roy Ulrich - a retired lecturer at the Goldman School of Public Policy at UC Berkeley

  2447. Keith Lewinstein, Professor of History, Bridgewater State University

  2448. Yumna Siddiqi, Associate Professor of English, Middlebury College 

  2449. Sylvie Perceau, Professor of Classics, Université de Picardie-Jules Verne, France

  2450. David Leaf, Ph.D, Western Washington University (Emeritus)

  2451. Joan greenbaum professor emerita CUNY graduate center NY

  2452. Gabrièle Wersinger Taylor, Professor (emerita) des Universités, Philosopher, URCA

  2453. Joshua Forman-Ortiz, Student Life and Leadership Assistant @ Cañada College

  2454. Kenneth Surin, Professor Emeritus, Duke University

  2455. Shehrnaz (Ratnagar) Choksi, Retired Lecturer Montreal, Quebec Canada

  2456. Maureen Swinburne, private practice personal&family therapist (ret)

  2457. Stephen Swinburne, architect (ret) King Co gov Seattle

  2458. Thomas Szanto, Associate Professor, Philosophy, University of Copenhagen

Community supporters:

  1. Matthew Lindenbaum

  2. Ravit Melamed

  3. Eliana Ben-David

  4. Niv Likwornik, Student at Franklin & Marshall College

  5. Adam Black

  6. Leah Stark

  7. Gal Stav

  8. Louise Geva

  9. Sofia Fani Gutman, researcher and activist in Palestine, architecture student at The Cooper Union

  10. Cora Galpern, student at University of Michigan

  11. Zamir Shemer

  12. Itai Nevo

  13. Daria Goren, student at Tel Aviv University

  14. Rachael Shapiro

  15. Ellanora Lerner, undergraduate student at Clark University

  16. Anat Epstein

  17. Jochi Weil-Goldstein

  18. Lane Schnell, student at American University

  19. Maria Mejia-Botero, student at University of Miami

  20. Isabella Childress, student at University of Miami

  21. Rina Vizer, Vancouver

  22. Zach Gershon, student at Oberlin College

  23. Daniel Wittenberg, student at the University of Arizona

  24. Fern Tishman

  25. Vered Navon

  26. Keren Or Knippel

  27. Janice Gutman, Jewish Dyke Activist

  28. Noa Maiman

  29. Tal Haran

  30. Katty Rojtman, Israeli citizen

  31. Gila Avni, BA in English Literature

  32. Cilly Kugelmann

  33. Naomi Brussel, Activist against Israeli apartheid, New York City

  34. Anati Miron

  35. Alfred Schläpfer, Retired, Humanist and Altruist

  36. Guy Bollag, Student, University of Zurich

  37. Keren Hering, Activist, Combatants for Peace

  38. Almog Behar

  39. Tali Shimoni, Peace and human rights activist

  40. Tal Shkedi, Student at Ono Academic College

  41. Winfried Hamacher

  42. Itay Shalit, Student at Tel Aviv University

  43. Galit Altshuler, citizen

  44. Tamir Swissa, student at Tel Aviv University

  45. Roy Hoshen, student at Tel Aviv University

  46. Omer Gros

  47. Daphna Tidhar Mano

  48. Doron Inbal, Israeli citizen

  49. Tom Pnini

  50. Amos Gvirtz, Activist

  51. Nurit Ofer

  52. Ethan Young,

  53. Gil Medovoy

  54. Arye Bursztyn

  55. Maoz Inon, Businessman

  56. Ron Kachlili

  57. Diane Bahr

  58. Nitsan Michaeli

  59. Uri Sarid

  60. Bronya Feldmann

  61. Ray Milhem, CEO of MDTL

  62. Talya Rozen

  63. Peter Filardo

  64. Sana Knaneh, LSE Alumni, London

  65. Joan Morse Gordon

  66. Jonathan Bennett, Moderator at

  67. Rosabel Kurth, student at Carnegie Mellon University

  68. Malke and Ivan Frank, long time students/educators of Israel / Palestine

  69. Sigall Horovitz

  70. Ellen Shaler, University of Michigan, alumna

  71. Schwab Käthi

  72. Avraham Spraragen, student at Georgetown University

  73. Allison Lupatkin, Student at Oberlin College

  74. Abeed Chowdhury

  75. Chaim Rochester, student at Pacifica Graduate Institute

  76. Liz Leshin, American citizen

  77. Ira Cohen,

  78. Anat Epstein

  79. Dana Wynkoop

  80. Lawrence Rincon

  81. Martin Goldberg

  82. Avital Shimshowitz, New York City

  83. Nadav Warszawski, student at Rutgers University - New Brunswick

  84. Avi Berg, Berlin

  85. Nuni Tal

  86. William Anderson  

  87. Arie Plat, Israeli citizen

  88. Tirza Taie  

  89. Joshua Harkins, student at Middlebury College

  90. Tamara Aharon, student at Penn State

  91. Jacob Labendz, New Jersey

  92. Peter Rachleff, East Side Freedom Library

  93. Beverley Krell

  94. Roni Blich

  95. Amos Ancell, student at UCLA

  96. Elizabeth Zoob

  97. Wendy Moscow

  98. Sara Willig

  99. Batya Williams, Alum of University of Leicester

  100. Norma J F Harrison, Member, Communist Party USA

  101. Jay A. Gold, Student at St. John's College Graduate Institute

  102. Susi Abeles, Human Rights Activist

  103. Richard Krushnic, Israel/Palestine justice activist

  104. Amir Hasan

  105. Keith Larson

  106. Don Timmerman, BA

  107. Sam Znaimer

  108. Rukhsana Ghouse

  109. Gilberto Klein, Entrepreneur

  110. Ben Yanowitz , Student at University of York

  111. Nadine Wasserman

  112. Larry Lipton

  113. Ohad Bracha

  114. Lorraine Nagy, Jewish Voice for Peace

  115. Jed Pauker, Venice Resistance Leader

  116. Eli De Heem

  117. Russell Bates

  118. Jase Tanner

  119. Mohammed Aljundi

  120. Todd Klempner

  121. Zayon Cordova Febres, student at Muhlenberg College

  122. Ebrahem Hindi, Adv.

  123. Dan Maitland

  124. Tanya Chaitow

  125. Eitan Schramm

  126. El Maghrebi Mohamed

  127. Mona Barghout , Development and humanitarian aid professional

  128. Sucy Varughese

  129. Altaf Lodhi  

  130. Mathieu Lemoine  

  131. Lahsen Zbayar, political and community activist

  132. Seth Morrison, Activist

  133. Maarten Visser, 2nd generation survivor, Amsterdam

  134. Edith Breslauer, RAFAEL Advanced Defense Systems

  135. Abdelhakim Zerrouki  

  136. Tjatte Hedlund, Political activist

  137. Georg Andreasson, Activist

  138. Ken Luckhardt, Retired Trade Unionist

  139. Khalid Malik  

  140. Carrington Malin, Entrepreneur

  141. Claudia Rosenzweig

  142. Pau Cruz

  143. Chantal Morgenbesser

  144. Arlene Krimgold Fleming, Cultural Heritage and Development

  145. Lesley Levy, supporter of Palestinian Human Rights

  146. Yosef Khen, Long time peace activist Israel/Paletine

  147. Ghislain Poissonnier

  148. Larry Robins

  149. Ben Young

  150. Sabina Radunsky

  151. Taieb Berrada

  152. Karen Segel

  153. Claudia Mallea, Alumna Macaulay Honors College at CUNY

  154. Anthony Whitney  

  155. Jordan G. Dubin

  156. Lama Khouri  

  157. Derek Gregory

  158. Phyllis Bloom

  159. Joey Musmar

  160. Pedro Cruz, JVP advocate

  161. Noga Harel  

  162. Ori Weisberg

  163. Miriam Meir, Member of Independent Jewish Voices, Canada

  164. Younès Benkirane, French citizen

  165. Tarek Dajani, Humanist

  166. Marwan Bushnak, Business owner

  167. Larousssi Amry

  168. Juliette Simon  

  169. Denis Bismuth  

  170. Zahra Noorul Sahr Hasan

  171. Charles Scurich, Alumnus, University of California Berkeley

  172. Linda Barratt Saad

  173. Nicole Eisenman

  174. George Khoury, Jerusalem

  175. James Toth

  176. Adam Broomberg

  177. Janet Johnson-Mertz

  178. Lorrie Beth Slonsky

  179. Linda Cohen , M. Arch, retired

  180. Deborah Hertz

  181. John Zavesky

  182. Henri Rossi, Human Rights Association Manager

  183. Dieter Kaltenhäuser

  184. Elisabeth Kaltenhäuser

  185. Leora Matison

  186. Jytte Laursen

  187. Robert Tate, Jewish U.S. citizen

  188. Peter Laursen

  189. Ulla Blatt Bendtsen

  190. Dafna Kotzer

  191. Eddie Eitches

  192. Jeff Lowe, American Jew

  193. Bobbi Cohen, President, BSC Associates

  194. Valérie Desurmont

  195. Marc Scheff  

  196. Alice Bloch

  197. Cliff Bennett, M. Divinity

  198. Blair Kedwell, Student at University of Notre Dame

  199. Perrine Olff-Rastegar, UJFP Alsace et CJACP

  200. Dan Tennant Ralphs, Peace Advocate, Madrid

  201. Mic Pey, AFPS St Etienne France

  202. Descroix Marie, AFPS

  203. Jeanne Lagarde

  204. Génissieux André, French Activist

  205. Michelle Garcia, Activist

  206. Jason Byrne

  207. Bernard Cornut

  208. Raffaele Spiga, Human Rights Defender

  209. Sammy Keinan  

  210. Aisha Ibrahim, Student

  211. Zaid Alkintar, IT Director, France

  212. Luma Fernandez  

  213. Binyamin Roth

  214. Dawn V. Woollen, American Jew

  215. Corinne Foucher

  216. Nahed Pust

  217. Ruthy Symens, Student

  218. Brulebois Jy, Activist

  219. Amro Sallam

  220. Alain Cattenoz

  221. Laurence Zaitschek

  222. Rania Moudarres  

  223. Adam Dehmas  

  224. Shagufta Hakeem, Duke University Alumni '16

  225. Nuri Hasanov

  226. Steven Nagourney, Retired International Investment Banker

  227. Elizabeth J Jacks

  228. Bea Momsen

  229. Nadine B Hack, B'nai Jeshurun congregation member

  230. Alan Rutkowski, Victoria, BC, Canada

  231. Stella Scilla Sonnino , Italy

  232. François Portefaix

  233. Rob Baker

  234. Eliane Chaponik

  235. Jennifer Powell

  236. Patrick J Limpert

  237. Atalanta Robertson  

  238. Eva Schwarzwald, Public Servant (retired)

  239. Patrice Di-Léta

  240. Peter R. E. Wood

  241. Nik Davey

  242. Jean-Claude Meyer, UJFP

  243. Gregory Kotoy, Activist for Palestine

  244. Ian Joseph

  245. Ann Rabin  

  246. Gary Egloff, Brown University alumnus, 1973

  247. Brian Carson

  248. George Schwartz

  249. Mordechai Beck

  250. Debra Kahn, Washington University alumna

  251. Claudia Leight, Baltimore, MD

  252. Sanjeev Jagtiani

  253. Jim Crowther

  254. Frank Janssens  

  255. Sheila Fillmore

  256. Fay Stump

  257. Larry Doversberger  

  258. Carly Hunt, Canada

  259. Joan Sola, Missouri

  260. Patti Shealy

  261. Erica Hahn, Judge

  262. David Wieberg

  263. Anne ter Haar, Activist

  264. Joanne Rubin

  265. Xander de Rijk

  266. Susan Simon

  267. Anouschka Tsarina, LLM

  268. Janice Leonard, UNC Chapel Hill Alumna

  269. Robert Suberi

  270. Syed Nasser

  271. Joe Turiczek

  272. Saad Rosa

  273. Jonathan Hipkiss

  274. David P. Greenberg, Brooklyn, NY

  275. Zafar Ahmed

  276. Sue Alexander

  277. Na'ama Tamar Zacharia

  278. Nahum Shenberg

  279. El Fehaim Lamia

  280. Charlotte Barber  

  281. Yigal Arens

  282. Nabil Al-Sharif

  283. Zainab L VanHorn-Ali

  284. Robert Peinado

  285. Joshua Beth, Parent, Student, Activist

  286. Chihabeddine Belarbi  

  287. Assaf Leibowitz  

  288. Baz Jacques, Civil Servant

  289. Bernard Gensane, Retired Professor

  290. Melissa Loddo

  291. Diana Hurter

  292. Cory Greenlees, Victoria Peace Coalition

  293. Lionel Aymard, Association and Union Activist, France

  294. Rudi Barnet

  295. Priscilla Read

  296. Robert Friedland, Financier

  297. François de Reilhan

  298. Mariedo Commins

  299. Genaudeau Jacqueline, France

  300. Sigal Piotelat  

  301. Marie Bonnin

  302. Antjt Chatain

  303. Mariana Ziadeh  

  304. Hildita Muñoz

  305. Ann Kohl, Business Owner, Sacramento, CA

  306. Michele Roirand

  307. Gisele Ressayre

  308. Elena Selk

  309. Robin Claude

  310. Marie Bonnaud

  311. Tanya Marquette

  312. Eldad Benary, JVP Activist

  313. Helaine Meisler, Jews Say No!

  314. John Dashman

  315. Ruth Schäfer

  316. Kyler Shinkle-Stolar, Biology Student, Northeastern University

  317. Bindu Desai

  318. Shai Hoffmann, Social Entrepreneur, Speaker, Berlin

  319. Joseph Ruiz

  320. Lilou Herrero

  321. Cinta Groos, Amsterdam

  322. Véronique Houart

  323. Karl Kaster, Political Advisor

  324. Thalia Hoffman

  325. Michel Regnier

  326. Patrick Visser, Librarian

  327. Jean Korey, Educator

  328. Michael Davis, Rava, Chicago

  329. Naama Shoshana Fogiel Lewin  

  330. Diane Blumson

  331. Amir Gotlib

  332. Berno Wies-Mechela , Psychotherapist

  333. Pamela R Holmes-Hall, Teacher of Mindfulness

  334. Richard Cohen, Mediator

  335. Mitchell Dormont

  336. Richard Hennick, Kibbutz Volunteer 1969-70

  337. David Rosen

  338. Anwer Salim  

  339. Gerard Chevrot

  340. Randall Bollig, Retired University Professor

  341. Brendan Moore  

  342. Bassem Farradj

  343. Sheila Katzman, Applied Theatre Practitioner and media woman

  344. Peter Matla  

  345. David St. Jean, Canada

  346. Michael Rogers, CSP, ARM, CIT

  347. Antonia Weidenbacher

  348. Alexandra Senfft

  349. Shlomo Orr

  350. Pierre Billaud

  351. Jere Armen, Educator (retired), Translator

  352. Lorraine Foster

  353. Jane Alper

  354. Garry Tate, McMaster University Alumnus

  355. Struan Robertson

  356. Michel Pierre, Chemist (retired)

  357. Luísa Rodrigues Rocha, LLM student, University of Antwerp

  358. David Fleiss

  359. Nadine Jeanjean

  360. Zenon Stavrinides

  361. Belkacem GAOUI

  362. Justin Haas

  363. Fanny Filosof, Bruxelles, France

  364. Alexéi Moraga, Switzerland

  365. Athéna Pioz, Marseille, France

  366. Barabara Bloomfield, Grassroots Activist

  367. Meira Bracha Sumka, Silver Spring, MD

  368. Frances Goldman

  369. Beverly Boyers, Licensed Massage Therapist, Iowa

  370. Sandra Green

  371. Sheila Carrillo

  372. Sarah Lanzman, Virginia

  373. Joyce Lieberman

  374. Judith S Lyons, Tallahassee, FL

  375. Sharon Bailey

  376. Leila Mustachi

  377. Janet Penn, Watertown, MA

  378. Gloria Burd

  379. Tanya Marquette, New Paltz, NY

  380. David Gilbert, Nanuet, NY

  381. Latifa Kropf

  382. Rosalind Folman

  383. Carrie Shepard

  384. Pamela Rogow, Philadelphia, PA

  385. Ann Rosenkranz, Vineyard Haven, MA

  386. Maya Elashi

  387. Cathie Forman, Southampton, PA

  388. Conrath Fanfani Monique

  389. Dr. Nicholas White

  390. Margaret J. Kimball

  391. Barbara Mandelkorn

  392. Robert Rosofsky

  393. Joyce S. Herman

  394. Lysa Leland

  395. Roy Foster

  396. Dianne Sampson

  397. Barry Ingber, Jewish Voice for Peace

  398. Michael Dietrich

  399. Adrien Mora, UPJB Member

  400. Brigitte Schildknecht 

  401. Eva Düblin Wyss 

  402. Salvatore Conte

  403. Rev. Darrel Meyers

  404. Naseem Humayun

  405. Sharon Peled

  406. Ra'anan Alexandrowicz

  407. Dianne Lior

  408. Pam Caidin

  409. Audrey Hoffer

  410. Roni Meretz

  411. Rich Van Dellen

  412. Jean Brody

  413. Beryl Goldberg

  414. Leor Shomroni, Student of Journalism

  415. Robyne O'Mara  

  416. Zachary Alexander Kolodny, New Mexico

  417. Rebecca Haberkorn, Seattle, WA

  418. Austin Chapman, Amateur Historian

  419. Ellen Dokton

  420. Rosemary Nash, graduate, University of Glasgow, Scotland 

  421. Louis Phan 

  422. Christopher Bolger

  423. Catherine Caron 

  424. Chloe Daidone 

  425. Mark Nelson

  426. Sheila Fox

  427. Samara Hersch, Independent artist, Melbourne, Australia. 

  428. Matthias Schack-Arnott.

  429. Miriam Delorme

  430. David E Heath

  431. Irene Franken

  432. Jennifer Fechner

  433. Patricia Snyder

  434. Anizh Kumar

  435. Lucyna Semenowicz, Poland

  436. Helen Sklar

  437. Mohammed Qazilbash

  438. Bubeck Helga 

  439. Margherita Pliska-Berkus