Academics for Peace in the News
Israeli academics face backlash after signing letter accusing Israel of 'plausible genocide' in Gaza
JTA, 10 April 2024Students lead the McCarthyist wave in Israel
Haaretz, 8 April 2024Leading thinkers struggle to influence US administration over Gaza war
The National, 7 March 2024Jewish Studies scholar heading Harvard's antisemitism task force
Haaretz, 28 January 2023How the fight against antisemitism is now used to promote an ‘anti-woke’ agenda
LA Times, 24 January 2023Democracy Now Headline News (VIDEO)
10 January 2023
Just say no. Biden must Create Peace out of the Gaza Crisis and Rein in the Israeli Right
Informed Comment, 22 December 2023Hundreds of lecturers and scholars call Biden to stop the assault on Gaza
ZoHaderech, 12 December 2023The Hamas attack and Israel's war on Gaza
Council for Global Cooperation, 24 November 2023What I believe as a historian of genocide
NY Times, 10 November 2023One massacre does not justify another’: 1000+ Jewish academics, artists and clergy demand immediate ceasefire
Forward Magazine, 23 October 2023End the violence, Free the hostages
Tachles - Jewish weekly magazine from Zurich, 17 October 2023Krieg in Nahost (War in the Middle East)
Berliner Zeitung, 13 October 2023Jewish scholars across North America are calling to include Palestinian rights in Israel’s democracy protests (VIDEO)
AJPlus on Instagram, August 24, 2023How Dems are on the wrong side of this debate, on the wrong side of history (VIDEO) The Mehdi Hasan Show (@mehdirhasan), August 14, 2023
Israel wendet exzessiv und unverhältnismäßig Gewalt an
Der Spiegel. 8 November 2023Der «Elefant» wächst weiter
Tachles, 18 September 2023In Israel and the U.S., 'apartheid' is the elephant in the room
The Washington Post, 11 August 20231,000+ academics, activists equate Israeli occupation with apartheid in letter
The Mehdi Hasan Show, 14 August 2023US Jews urged to condemn Israeli occupation amid Netanyahu censure
The Guardian, 15 August 2023Israel imposing apartheid on Palestinians, says former Mossad chief
The Guardian, 6 September 2023Hundreds of Israeli Academics and Public Figures: Judicial Coup and Occupation 'Directly Linked'
Haaretz, 7 August 2023Israel's "elephant in the room" - Palestinian rights
AJ+, 24 August 2023'Accusing Israel of apartheid is not anti-Semitic': Holocaust historian
Al Jazeera, 27 August 2023Reden über Israel: Der deutsche Diskurs
Frankfurter Rundschau, 21 August 2023Apartheid ist unsere Realität in Israel
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 23 August 2023Israel-Palästina Debatte in Deutschland: Der Elefant im Raum
Die Tagszeitung, 15 August, 2023Blind für die Besatzung
Tachles, 25 August 2023The Elephant in the room: l'appel exceptionnel contre l'Etat d'apartheid lancé par des universitaires juifs et d'origine israélienne
Oumma, 10 August 2023Poursuite des manifestations dans l'Etat israélien: La crise s'approfondit
L'Actualité Internationale, 17 August 2023Près de 1500 universitaires se mobilisent contre l'apartheid israélien dans les territoires palestiniens
Radio France Internationale, 14 August 2023You ignore 'apartheid'-- angry scholars' letter to US Jews is signed by 750 including Benny Morris
Mondoweiss, 8 August 2023Der «Elefant» wächst weiter
Tachles, 18 September 2023Liberal US Jews urge greater focus on Palestinians in Israeli anti-overhaul protests
The Times of Israel, 9 August 2023Liberal Jewish scholars, leaders, urge increased focus on Palestinians in protests of Israeli judicial overhaul
Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 9 August 2023415 prominent Jewish and Palestinian academics decry Israeli apartheid
Middle East Monitor, 8 August 2023Israeli Scholars and Artists Call Occupation of Palestine "Apartheid"
Hyperallergic, 13 August 2023בלב החדר של ההפיכה המשטרית עומד הפיל של הכיבוש
Mekomit, 16 August 2023The Elephant in the Room: Addressing the Ignored Reality in Israeli Protests
The Jerusalem Fund, 10 August 2023אקדמאים חותמים על עצומה על משטר האפרטהייד הישראלי
Al Quds, 11 August 2023Academics Sign Petition Regarding the Israeli Apartheid System
Palestine News Network, 11 August 2023ملف اليوم|مطالبات للإدارة الأمريكية بوضع قيود على المساعدات العسكرية لإسرائيل ووقف إفلاتها من العقاب
Palestine Tv, 16 August 2023
יותר מ-1,200 אקדמאים קוראים ליהודי צפון אמריקה לתמוך במאבק נגד ההפיכה המשטרית והכיבוש
Zo Haderekh, 12 August 2023The Elephant in the Room
We for Gaza, 9 August 2023Jewish personalities accuse Israel of apartheid
Ahram Online, 23 August 2023About the Elephant in the Room Petition
K-Jews, Europe, the XXIst Century, 14 September, 2023